
"Your name is now Arby understood."

*Creak* *Creak*

"Ok here eat the watch first."

After getting Clay's permission, Arby started eating the smartwatch with its pincers.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"Now use mimicry and transform into the watch."

Arby's body deconstructs into little silver nanobots that then formed into a watch. The new watch doesn't look the same as the old one as this one is all silver and has groves in it making it look not as modern as the older one.

"So he can't perfectly copy the things he eats. It's inconvenient but not that big of a deal. If the sword looks different then I will just tell Sans I modded it or just the truth about the technological environment."

"Ok eat the sword now."

"Hello" Clay's voice came out of the watch

"Oh, I forgot you wanted the watch so you could speak. Ah, how are you?"

"My lord it's my great honor to serve as your squire. If you order it I will kill myself to prove my loyalty."

"No need to do that, as you are made from a piece of my soul and skill. I trust you."

"My lord thank you for having faith in me. I will do my best to please you."

"This would have felt way cooler if you weren't a watch."


"It's weird talking to my voice can you get a new one?"

"Of course my lord I will just you this watch to find the perfect voice for a loyal squire…. Is this better my lord?" Said a young enthusiastic voice.

"...This voice, isn't it mine before I hit puberty?"

"It this better my lord."

After settling on a voice they both liked Clay started asking questions to Arby as he was curious about it and how its thought process worked. After talking for hours Clay felts sleepy so he asked Arby to eat the sword.

Abby transformed back into a centipede and then jumped at the sword and started devouring it. After finishing it he automatically turned into the sword.

"Aren't you a smart boy, good job Arby!" Teased Clay.

Arby now was a silver Miao Dao with 3 horizontal groves segregating the blade into 4 pieces

"This sword looks much better than the original but doesn't the groves also make it less durable?"

Clay picked up the sword and applied pressure to it. He then swung it around.

"Feels the same. Arby I am going to sleep do you want to go back to the soul space or hang outside?"

"I will protect you my lord during your sleep." Said Arby after Turing back into a watch.

"Goodnight then."



The watch ringing woke Clay up from his sleep. "Sans what happened. Why are you calling so early."

"A huge portal opened nearby Cintara city and other nearby cities. All nearby hunters are being called to help in defending Cintara city."

"What a portal?"

"The message said a space elemental commander is probably responsible for leading this attack. I am going to the hunter association to get assigned a position you stay in your room."

"No way I am staying in my room."

"Clay as a hunter I took an oath so it's my responsibility to hunt the beasts. You are a civilian don't take an unnecessary risk just for the sake of it, think of your parents. They need you"


'Wow, how did my shy little friend turn into a warrior knight.' Clay was amused and proud of San's behavior but that didn't mean he would miss out on the fun.'

"Arby. Eat my sniper," commanded Clay. Arby turned into his centipede form and then started devouring Clay's sniper.

'Mom and dad should be safe as Rank-6 hunter Infinite starlight lives in Hiten city.'

"I am ready for war my liege." Arby then turned back into the sword.


In front of a massive building, an old gentle looking man was standing on top of a tall thick vine. Looking down at thousands of people waiting for instructions, he shouted:

"HUNTERS! The beasts are back and after we beat them they will come back again and again! And we will be here waiting for them. We will keep defending our cities, our families!"

"The whole city and its nearby areas are covered by teleportation blocking arrays so the only way the beasts can get in is above, below, or by breaking the walls of the city. Machines on top of the walls will take care of most monsters. Most of your jobs are to kill any monster that manages to survive past the walls. Don't worry as all teams will at least have a Rank-4 leading them and I and the other Rank-5s will manage any commander breast that tries to attack. These monsters' primary objective today is to kill as many humans as they can. So don't die out there. we already messaged you your position based on your rank and abilities. Get moving now!"

After hearing his speech all the hunters quickly dispersed most going to the section of the city wall where they were ordered to be.


Using {Scales of illusion} Clay followed Sans to his placement. After knowing San's location, Clay broke into a nearby 11-floor building and went to the rooftop. Using his soul connection with Arby he commanded, 'turn into the sniper.'

From his position, Clay could properly see the top of the walls. On the walls, there were huge cannons, missiles, and machine guns. All of these weapons were automatic and could even kill some weak elite beasts.

'Arby said the bullets for my sniper will be created from my energy. I hope I can at least shoot 100 shots.'



After 7 minutes of waiting on the cool roof with his sniper ready. Clay heard a loud magical roar, then he saw movement from the weapons on top of the wall.



Noises of beasts running, and getting blown apart could be heard all around the city walls.

'They finally attacked.'