Chapter 26: Nice To Meet You

Elliot's POV

I was standing aimlessly in the hallway when I saw him turn the corner and start in our direction. Crap, we had to get out of here as fast as possible. I quickly rushed into the room and found Neil still talking to Luke with tears streaming down his face.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but we have to go right now," I said in a rush as I kept looking at the door. "Mr. Walker is on his way and from what you have been saying, I'd like to delay meeting him and actually having a conversation with the man."

Neil looked up at me and wiped his eyes. "I don't care, I'm not leaving him alone," he croaked.

Crap, bringing him here had truly been a terrible mistake. "Neil, come on man, stop playing around. You know we can't be here without permission and if he finds us here we are both royally screwed and I can't have another screw-up again. Neither can because it's only so much that you can get away with," I said, trying to reason with him. "Please."