Chapter 28: Apologies

Elliot's POV

"I saw Luke yesterday again," Neil said as we walked to the first class which was ironically Physics. "Patience also showed up as well as Daniel, you should have been there. I thought I had been a mess but when Patience saw him, she couldn't stop crying the entire time that the doctors had to have her escorted out because it's not good for Luke."

I thought about how I spent my Sunday and didn't regret not going to see him because as long as there were other people, I couldn't really be myself around him and besides, I needed some time to myself and that was exactly what I had done. "That's nice," I replied. "But I had something I needed to do yesterday."

Neil stopped walking and turned to face me, his face serious. "I'm glad you also seem okay," said earnestly. "Luke's condition has everyone in an urge these days and I just want to thank you properly for Friday. I really needed someone to talk to."