Chapter 29: She's A Minor

Elliot's POV

I quickly finished up my community service time with Lynn's supervision because Neil had basketball practice while Patience had to go home immediately after classes ended.

"Thanks for doing this," I said as I washed my hands and then turned to face her. She hadn't said a word to me when we had gotten here. "Can I ask you something?"

Lynn brushed her hair behind her ear and nodded her head. I took that as a sign to proceed with my question.

I leaned against the wall as I faced her, taking her in. She really was a beautiful girl with her black hair as long as a curtain, complimenting her slightly darker complexion and her green eyes looked like emeralds. "Why is it that you like Neil so much despite knowing what he does to all those other girls?" I asked.

Lynn's face flushed as she looked away from me. "H-how do you know that?" she asked instead.