Chapter 73: Lucky Me

Friday arrived way faster than any of us had anticipated and we had a game. I could feel the stress of the past week begin to weigh heavy on me because I had been spending extra hours locked away in the coach's office with Ethan planning and modifying our gameplays but at least one good thing had come from it all. Ethan and I had managed to convince coach into having Dwayne play in exchange for him being on laundry duty for the rest of the season. When we'd told him about it, I had seen a look of gratitude in his eyes but then he pretended as if he would rather remain benched than be on laundry duty.

"We need to make sure our defence is tight as that's where we luck more," Ethan said as he pointed to the centre of the field. "Our attack is good, better than theirs which is where we have an advantage but that only works if their attackers don't get past our defence."