
"You both are friends with Horikita-san right?"


"She seemed lonely."


"I wanted to get her contact number but she denied me everytime."


"Can you help me become her friend?"


"Enough bitch!" is what I would like to yell, but I can't loose patience over some kiddo.

"Ahem! Kushida-chan, you are wasting our time over trivial matter-"

"But it is important to me!"

"*Sigh* Is Horikita-chan your long lost sister?"


"Then your childhood friend?"


"So, do you have a crush on her?"


"Then why the hell are you wasting my time over useless banter! I will just say one thing, you can't become friends with everyone. And if exchanging numbers can make someone friends, then I would have thousands of them already. And even though you have my contact number, I don't think I will ever become friends with a person as pushy and suspicious as you. Don't try to come close to me again or I will demand full history search of you from the school under my safety issue. Now scram!"

"Hey Suzuki-san, isn't it a bit harsh?" Ayanokoji finally decided to intervene seeing the argument getting heated. My temper got better of me. This bitch knew how to get under someone's skin.

"S-sorry!" Kushida ran away crying. She would have made even a top film director cry from her performance.

Ayanokoji tried going after her but got stopped by my firm grip, though he could easily shake me off.

"Forget her. I want to talk to you about something, now that she has finally gone."

He then looked at the ice cream he was holding.

"I will treat you another ice cream."

"When you said you will treat me previously, I thought it would be a whole lunch."

"*cough* *cough* I am saving money, so Ice cream is the most you will get from me. Anyway, I want to ask something really important."

"Ask anyway."

I took deep breaths. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. This is the most important question of my life afterall.

"H-how do I get a boyfriend?"

I looked up to see his blank expression. Hey! It's important to me!

"I am sorry, I think I heard wrong."

"No! You heard it right. I asked you advice to get a boyfriend."

"Umm, you are pretty popular with the boys, I think several will throw themselves at your feet if you asked."

"That's the point. I have trouble having a relationship because I have been popular as far I have known."

"What is your ideal type?"

"Hmm, my ideal type? He should be good looking, not some buffed guy but should have a good body. Have common sense, smart, sweet, cute, strong, caring and on the same level as me, since deference in level would lead to problems."

"You will find a few people at same level as you Ojou-sama. I don't think I know anyone who became a millionaire by themselves at the age of 13."

"I want your advice on this matter." I asked him seriously. Since he is the superhuman protagonist, he should have the ability to do that at least.

"Umm, I can't think of anything. You are already popular among most of the boys, and I don't think anyone will reject you. How about date someone on a trial period?"

"Hmm. I have 3 free years. I can certainly go on many blind dates here. Um, hm, ah! I got it! You have my thanks."

A certain idea crossed my mind, which perfectly aligns with my another goal as well.

"Glad to be of help."

----'----'----'--Some time later, in the classroom during lunch break--'----'----'----

(In the class chat group)

Me: "Umm, I was thinking of dating someone for a week as a trial, as I don't have any experience in it. Is there anyone willing?"

Yamauchi: "I wouldn't mind."

Ike: "I'd love to Yui-chan!"

Random_Guy: "Random message saying yes."

Kushida: "I will also help u! If u want to have ask any advice, feel free to come to me🤗!"

Kei: "So u came here to make a boyfriend?"

Me: "@Kei: Yup.

@Kushida: I would rather keep the problems between me and my date between ourselves. Though, thank you for the support🙂.

@Ike @Yamauchi @Random_Guy @Some_more_Random_Guy: Let's decide it by a game. Whoever saves the most points this month and is the most disciplined, I will go out with him for trial week~"

Ike: "I will definitely be the one Yui-chan!"

Yamauchi: "I am in!"

Maya Sato: "@Yui_Suzuki: Someone has priorities straight😏"

Yukimura: "If the grp is made for this kind of talk, I am leaving."

Me: "Sorry for disturbing you @Yukimura

INVITE LINK: https:\\\grp.ANHS-1D: Main

Please follow the link to join the new group which will only be used to post important things. This grp will be used for casual chatting. Please join the group through the link everyone! Students not interested in our banter can leave this group, but please do join the group from the link, where important things will be posted."

I then turned off my phone. With this, many will save their money, and if they are disciplined enough in this month, maybe we wouldn't get 0 CP?