
As the classes were coming to an end today, there was an announcement made.

"Today, at 5pm in gymnasium number 1, there will be a club fair. For those of you with an interest in clubs, please come to gymnasium number 1. I repeat, today──"

A girl with a cute voice made an announcement over the PA.

Clubs, huh. Which club should I enter? I was in Badminton club in the middle school. Should I try some other thing this time?

"Hey, Horikita───"

"I have no interest in clubs."

They were at it again. It's annoying that I have to sit beside Horikita. And Sakura, who sits on my other side, doesn't talk much either.

"… I didn't even ask anything yet."

"Ok, then what?"

"Are you going to participate in any clubs?"

"Ayanokouji-kun. Do you have dementia? Or are you just an idiot? Didn't I say from the beginning that I have no interest in clubs?"

"Just because you don't have any interest doesn't mean you won't participate."

"That's a frivolous argument. Don't make that kind of pointless talk."


Horikita had no interest in clubs or making friends. Whenever I tried to talk to her, she looked annoyed and cut me off. It was getting irritating to hear their banter, so I went home.

---'At Gymnasium 1, 5pm'---

I arrived at the Gymnasium. It was filled with 1st years. I looked around to find any of my classmates. I quickly found Hasebe Haruka standing away from the hoard of our class, with Hirata being center of it.

"Hi Hasebe-chan!"


Looking her more closely, she was an absolute beauty. Her blue hair and beautiful face gave her a Queen like vibe, especially with those bonkers.

"Have you ever thought of modeling?"

"No. I don't like being center of attention."

I could understand that. Everyone must be paying 'special' attention to her.

Continuing our conversation, she asked me, "Which club are you thinking of joining?"

"I am not so sure. I was in Badminton club in middle school, but it was more of a hobby. I will try something new, so I will just check out every club."

"Hmm, I don't think I will join any."

We chatted for a while about this and that. She was quite a friendly girl, even though she didn't join any group.

Soon, the clubs started introducing themselves one by one. But one person's aura took hold of everyone's attention.

"My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president."

Oh! I remember now. He was Horikita's brother who was impressed by Ayanokoji's Calligraphy and Piano skills.

"The student council is also looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. Generally, we do not accept any candidate involved in other clubs."

His tone was soft, but the mood was still tense. He alone silenced the whole gym.

Of course, it wasn't his position as the student council president that gave him that power. Horikita Manabu also carried a powerful aura. His presence dominated the whole gym. He will make a good boss.

"Also, we, the student council, are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, they will inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects much more. Those of you that understand can become potential candidates."

I take back my words. He will make a bad boss. He is too stiff without having an ounce of friendliness. Though his subordinates will work efficiently under his seriousness, but people generally want someone friendlier.

After that unwavering speech, he walked off the stage and exited the building.

"Everyone, thank you for coming. With this, the club fair is over. We will now open the reception area for anyone interested in joining. The reception area will only be open until the end of April, so anyone interested after then can bring applications directly to the club."

Should I join the Student Council? I was the President throughout my middle school. While it is a drag, I think it has a great meaning in this school. It also helps that since I will have to manage the board of committee of my company later on, I might as well get some experience through it.

But the club, hmmm. It's not like I want to be a professional at sports. And it's not like only the sports club members get to play. Other clubs are plain boring. Therefore, Student Council it is.

"Hasebe-chan, looks like I will aim for the President."

"Well, I do think he is impressive and all, but going for a senior right off the bat? You sure are fast!"

It took me a moment to realise what she was talking about.

"No no no! Not like that! I mean that I will aim to become the Student Council President. And he isn't my type. Not cute at all. And too stiff for my taste."

"How bold Yuinon~"


"Yes. Isn't it cute?"

Well, I have been called like that before, so I don't mind.

"It's cute Haruka-chan. Just like you~"

"Sorry, I don't swing that way. Hahaha!"

"Not cute at all."

"You know, you said that you liked spicy things? I am the same. How about we see who has more tolerance towards spicy things? I am confident that no one can enjoy spicy things more than me!"

"How about this Sunday? I don't think I should have an eating competition before dinner. And I will be sort of busy with joining the council and everything."

"Okay! It's a date~"

"Not cute at all."


Looks like I made my first friend here who is easy to talk to and doesn't mind my status at all. Hasebe Haruka.

"Sorry Yui-chan, but I think I should go now."

"It's alright."

So, I was now alone. Let's go exploring adventure!

But no! I got surrounded from all sides.

"Yui-sama! Autograph please!"

"Please take a selfie with me!"

"You should totally become manager of our Soccer Club!"

"No! You have such a beautiful voice! Please join the Light Music Club!"

Sighing in defeat, I addressed everyone.

"Please don't worry! I will come to every club to take a look!"