
"Come this way Yui-sama!"

"Welcome to the basketball club!"

"Thank you!"

I have been exploring the clubs for the past 2 hours. Badminton, Baseball, Manga and Gaming, Book reading, light music, Soccer, Archery, and various other clubs. Now I have arrived at the Basketball club. Various people have been following me around and buttering me up to join their club. Well, it was natural. Whichever club I would join will be joined by many more members just to see me everyday, greatly increasing the club's funds.

"Please take a seat."

The Club president offered me a seat besides him, which I gladly took.

"Thank you."

"Umm, would you like juice? Or should I bring something else?"

"Thank you for the hospitality, but I am just a normal student. So don't mind me."


"What are you staring at boys! Show off to the newbies!"

The match between first year newbies vs the club members started. The difference between skills was obvious, besides one person. Red hair-kun from my class. Though he was slightly rough around the edges, he could match second years perfectly.

Those eyes, I want them! This guy would be a basketball star one day for sure! The match had me so much excited that I couldn't take my eyes off of everything that guy had to offer.

"Break time!"

As soon as the break was announced, I dashed towards him, ignoring every surprised gazes over me.

"Hey Red hair-kun! I want you!"




Everyone around me gasped, did spit-takes and coughed.

"Basketball Club President! Please arrange a meeting with the Club Advisor! I intend to sponsor him! Red hair-kun! Will you let Suzuki Corporation sponsor your Basketball career, for at least 5 years after graduating from high school? If you work hard, you will get a Letter of Recommendation to Tokyo University! You don't have to care about expenses at all, just leave everything to me!"


"You were so cool back then! I am sure you can get into Japan's team! Maybe even NBA!"


"And you give a bad boy vibe! Girls all over the world will love you!"


"You don't have to care about studying anymore! I will personally teach you!"


"Please please please! I don't want anyone snatch you before me!"


Realising that I had become too excited that I grabbed his arm a little too firmly, I let it go.

"I am so sorry! I got a little excited! Are you alright?"

"I a-am fine."

But he didn't look much fine. He was clenching his arm in pain. Sigh. He will have to rest his arm for today. Thankfully, I didn't apply much pressure.

"A-are you alright?"

"I am fine! This much pain is nothing for a man!"

"Don't lie to me. And you are still a kid. Club President-san, please check his arm. And can you postpone the meeting with the advisor to tomorrow? And please let Red hair-kun rest for today."

"I-It's okay."

"I am sorry Red hair-kun for the trouble. Please think about the offer till tomorrow before making a decision. My excitement got better of me and I didn't consider your place. I will treat you ice cream as an apology. Sorry for causing trouble everyone. I think I should leave for today."

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, I started walking away.


Upon hearing Red hair-kun's voice, I turned around.

"Sudo Ken. My name is Sudo Ken. And I gratefully accept!"

"Really? Yay! I will be in your care from now on, Ken-chan!"


"And one more thing. If anyone bullies Ken-chan, I will hate him. Is that understood?"

Mom's Special Technique: Ice Glare!

Everyone flinched by meeting my gaze. See that! I have honed mom's technique for years! Even Dad cowers from her glare. And these guys are puppies in front of him.

"Is that understood?"

"""""YES MAM!!!!"""""

"Thank you for your understanding! Please call me tomorrow Club President-san to meet the Club Advisor! Have a good night everyone!"

And I left the club with a great mood. I accomplished many things today.

First of all, I scouted a very talented sportsperson, who can become my brand embassador, especially in USA if he managed to get into NBA.

Second, by showing off my strength over such a strong boy, people will think twice before bullying Red hair-kun. Though some will still do it, he will learn from that.

Third, he will have easier time becoming a regular.

Fourth, word will spread that if they can impress the individual Suzuki Yui, they can get recruited even before graduating. Now I will be pretty ahead from other companies.

Fifth, I got a lackey.

Sixth, I figured out a really good way to earn some points by visiting one of the clubs. Afterall, how could I live in poverty?

By the way, I didn't encounter Fuku today. Well, today was only my second day here. Checking the time, it was 8pm. It would be hectic after 10pm after the release of my interview, so it would be better that I go to my room. Ah! I want a nice bath!

*Author's Note*

Umm, if you could provide me a some power stones, I am sure Yui-chan will become happy!^_^

*Author's Note End*