Kiryuin Fuka

After going through the clubs, I returned to my room, took a bath and cooked myself food.

It was already 10 pm. I had 2 more hours before going to bed, so I decided to check out the computer provided by the school.

As I was checking it out, I couldn't help but mutter, "Interesting." Though my voice flashed some surprise and anger at the same time

As the clock hit 12, my doorbell rang. Opening the door with anticipation, I suddenly got hugged by a platinum blonde girl.

"F-Fuku! You are crushing me!"

"Just let me stay like this!"

Wow, it was quite unusual of Fuku. She always remained composed with a smile on her face. And just now she was acting like a child.

Soon she released the hug and dragged me inside the room while shutting the door.

"It's a long ti- hey! Why are you taking off my clothes!"

"Just shut up!"

This was getting weirder and weirder. Is this going towards Yuri rou-

"Stop thinking nonsense and let me take off your clothes."

She quickly unbuttoned my shirt and was going for my bra, despite my desparate struggle! (*cough* *cough", I may have just pretended to struggle.) Sighing I resigned myself to fate. Fuka is a lot cooler than boys, so maybe I wouldn't mind?

"Not happening."

"Don't just go ahead reading my mind!"

Soon I was naked from waist up, trying to cover my breasts in embarrassment.

"Let me take a look."

"I-isn't it going a bit too fast!"

She looked annoyed and grabbed my hands away and started staring at my heavenly mounds like a starving predator, as if they were her biggest treas-

"You read too much cliché novels. Now tell me what this is."

A shiver went through my spine as she firmly groped my breast and a pleasurable moan escaped my pure angelic mouth-

"Get your mind out of gutter and tell me what the hell is this!??"

Coming back to the real world from my fantasies, I looked over by left breast and the deep scar it had.

"Hana-chan. She got so close to wound my heart~"

"Don't joke around! I knew that bitch was fishy! But you ignored my warning! If s-something happened to-"

"Shush! I am alright. You are ruining my cool narcissistic friend's image. I am okay now."

After a while, Fuku finally calmed down. She must have been dying with worry till now since my interview released and the world got to know about that incident. And it's been a year since I last saw her, huh.

"What's the status of Hana?"

"Mental Asylum Prison. She was quite cracked mentally due to her childhood. She said that she loved me and didn't like me wanting a boyfriend. If I couldn't become hers, nobody could. So she decided to kill me and herself. I-if I had notice-"

Then maybe, she could be fixed, and we could continue to be frie-

"Don't bother thinking anything like that. So, how are you rehabilitating?"

She is right. There is no point to think about it anymore.

"It was six months ago. Thankfully she missed my heart, but the stab got awfully close to my lung. Though the scar will be hidden because of bra. Spent months in bed and I am still not allowed to do heavy stuff for another six months. Though I am good enough to do regular training."

"I see. I will buy you exclusive gym membership as a present for entering the school. Train with me."

"That goes without saying. Thanks for the gift. Anyway, found anyone interesting?"

"Nah. First I thought that Horikita was somewhat interesting, but that guy is just plain boring. Then Nagumo, but he turned out to be just a cocky kid."

"Like you are one to talk."

"Haah! I am simply so good that nobody can match me. I am just too perfect. Everyone at this school is trash."

"Yeah yeah. You are the perfect being created by the god itself. Anyway, I have a favour to ask from you. I-"

"Consider it done."

"B-but I didn't even tell you what I want!?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Of course I know! She is just the best! I jumped into her arms in delight!

"You are the best Fuku!"

"Of course I am! And till when will you remain half naked?"

"Ara ara~ If Fuku wants, I will let you play with my body till night~"

"Just stop. I am gonna bring my nightwear. I am sleeping with you today."

"Hoooooh? You are quite forward~ Already planning to sleep with me~!"

She hit my head and went to her room for preparing for sleepover. Teasing Fuku is so fun! Just how much I missed her over the year.