
I finally arrived in the classroom, wondering about my reason for being placed in class D, but I didn't care either way. Seeing around, I noticed everyone being frozen in their place. Sigh. This is getting really annoying. After a moment or two, they came out of their stupor and I got surrounded by a horde of students.

"Hey! Are you really Suzuki Yui!?"

"I can't believe it that I get to be in the same class as a celebrity!"

"Please give me an autograph!"

Wearing a charming smile, I greeted them.

"Nice to meet you everyone. I hope you treat me well during these 3 years. We can continue our chat later, but would you mind me getting to my seat?"

"O-of course!"

Going through the crowd, I looked for my seat, and found it just beside Horikita, middle column last row. I decided to greet my neighbour, only to receive a glare. Sigh. then I decided to greet my other neighbour. "I am Suzuki Yui. I hope we get along."

"S-sakura Airi. I a-also hope so."

Just then, sensei arrived with a large box containing something. It looked like it contained our IDs and other handouts.

"Everyone at your seats."

Thankfully, the students who were surrounding me went to their seats.

"Ahem! Good morning new students. My name Chabashira Sae, and I am in charge of class D this year. I will be teaching you Japanese history. This school doesn't rearrange the classes every year, so over the next three years, I hope I get to know all of you. Although the entrance ceremony will be in one hour from now in the gym, I will distribute the list of special rules of this school and the matriculation guide now."

From the front, the handouts were passed around.

At this school, there are special rules that make it different from every other high school. All students are required to live on campus, and are forbidden from contacting anyone outside the school. Even contacting immediate family is impossible without the permission of the school. Leaving school grounds is also forbidden.

However, there are also many other facilities so that we won't suffer from being restricted. There are karaokes, theater rooms, cafes, and even boutiques—you can say it made up a small town. And in the middle of the big city, the huge campus took up more than 600,000 square meters.

Informing us about the general rules, she came to the main topic. The introduction of the S system.

"I will now hand out student ID cards. With this card, you can buy anything from any of the shops and facilities around campus. It works like a credit card. However, be careful of how many points you use. There's nothing you can't buy at school. If there's something on school grounds, it's purchasable.

Student cards can be used by swiping them on the machines. Using the machines are really easy, so you won't have any trouble with them. The points will be automatically credited on the first day of the month. Everyone should already have 100,000 points on their card. Also, 1 point is worth 1 yen. Any more explanation is unnecessary."

It caused a huge uproar in the class. Any normal high school kid would not even dream about getting such large amount of allowance. Though, some people seemed unfazed by it, like the blonde haired narcissist Rokusuke, and me.

I actually got 150K yen as pocket money since middle school, besides Mom and Dad taking care of whatever I wanted. Dad deemed me mature enough to handle this amount of money, as opposed to mom. Well, I can't say it wasn't unneeded. I had to attend many functions with Dad and often visited his office to improve my skills. Meaning I had to frequently buy new clothes, and they should be expensive enough for a company president's daughter. Though Mom insisted that giving money should wait till high school. It certainly didn't help that Dad spoiled me rotten and didn't ever say 'No' to me. Mom is such a worrywart. Sorry, I got distracted from the topic.

But most students were joyfully cheering. Sensei didn't say how much allowance we will get at all. It could be interpreted as something like an initial pay, for convenience sake at least. I thought them as stupid in the back of my mind. 1 student 100K yen, so a class of 40 will mean 4M, therefore the monthly allowance of all the students in the school will be 48M yen(4 sections, 3 grades). Then the maintainance of high class facilities over such a wide area. Least of the least, it will cost about 50M yen, monthly. So yeah, as if budget will allow 100M yen per month for a single school, which is entirely government funded and not run through any student fees.

"Were you guys surprised by the amount of points given? This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here, who passed the entrance exam, has shown some level of merit and worth. The amount of money is a reflection of your skills. Use without holding back. After graduation, however, all the points will be taken back. Since it's impossible to change these points into cash, there's no point in saving up the points. How the points are used are up to you. Use it on things you like or need. If you feel that no use for some of your points, you can always transfer them to someone else. However, bullying other people for points is prohibited. The school is very strict on matters concerning bullying."

I raised my hand for asking a question.

"Yes Suzuki-san?"

"Are 100K yen like a bonus we get, for enrollment given in the first month? You haven't specified how much we will get as monthly allowance."

The mood of the class died down. Some looked like they were thinking something and suddenly got enlightenment, followed by depressing murmurs. Sensei didn't give away anything, but her silence for a few seconds and then her smile showed that she didn't expect being asked that. Any person with half braincell will know that this is a trap, if he/she has binged a good amount of manga and anime. It was a clichéd plot.

"Don't worry. It is not a one-time thing. You will get the points every month."

But she didn't say anything about the amount, AGAIN. Well, let's leave it at that. At least, seed of suspicion is planted, so they will use points more cautiously. I want to get good amount of money every month after all.

"It seems like no one has any more questions. Well then, please lead a good student life."

And she went out of the class.

A popular looking guy stood at his seat and started saying.

"Excuse me guys, I think we should at least introduce ourselves."

A girl spoke up, "Yeah. I don't really know anyone here."

Popular guy again started speaking, "I should go first. I am Hirata Yosuke. You can call me Yosuke. I like sports, especially soccer. I want to get into soccer club here as well. I hope to get along with every. Nice to meet you!"

Then a cute girl, Kushida stood up to introduce herself.

"My name is Kushida Kikyo, and since none of my friends from middle school came to this school, I want to get to know everyone and become friends!

First of all, I want to become friends with everyone here. After all of you are done with your introductions, please exchange contact information with me!

Then, during vacations or after school, I want to make memories with many people, so please invite me to many events. I've been talking for a while, so I'll end my self-introduction here."

"I am Yamauchi Haruki. I played table tennis in elementary school and was the ace of baseball team in middle school. But I got hurt in Inter-high school championship and currently on rehab now. Nice to meet you!"

I think he is an expert at javelin throw instead, seeing how long he is throwing, Seriously, think before speaking atleast. Inter-high school championship in middle school?

"I'm Ike Kanji! I like girls and hate pretty boys! I am in the market for a new girlfriend. Even better if you are a cutie or beauty!"

"Eww!" Was the reaction of the girls.

Next was our protagonist's turn.

"Umm, well. My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. I, um, don't have any special skills or anything. I, ah, want to get along with everyone. Umm, nice to meet you."

Ah, umm, good.

"I think I should introduce myself then. I am Yui Suzuki, the heir of Suzuki Corporation. I am pretty proficient in computers. I like spicy food and sweets the best, and absolutely love Indian cuisine. I was the Student Council president in the middle school, and I am planning to become one here as well.

Since I won't have any connection to the outside world and my Dad isn't to scare boys away, I want to have a cute, caring, diligent, and a cool headed boyfriend while I am in High School! But I don't like pushy people, like, at all. I hope to get along with everyone!"

My bodyguards were specifically ordered to not let any boy approach me. But I don't want to remain single again.

"We have the same goal Yui-chan! This is destiny!" Ike cheered.

"I am also free!" Another boy yelled.

"Fu~ Hello Yui-chan. Fancy seeing we are in same class. Ladies, I am Koenji Rokusuke. Being the only heir of the Koenji conglomerate, I am a man who will be responsible for Japanese society in the near future. Pleased to meet you."

"It's also nice to see you here Rokusuke-kun."

Seeing that we knew each other, Ike and several boys started glaring daggers at him, while some girls at me. I really wonder what do they like about him?

Now Hirata gestured a red haired guy to introduce himself, only to get rejected.

"Are you kids or what? I didn't come to make friends here. I am out of here!"

The red haired guy yelled and went out of the class. He shouldn't give wrong impression on the first day.

Some started leaving the class, with Horikita following after Red hair-kun left, and the remaining introduced themselves. Now I know almost everyone's name. Well, it's time for entrance ceremony now.