
The entrance ceremony was the same here as it is at any other school. Always bragging about themselves. After a speech of thanks from Chairman Sakayanagi, the ceremony ended.

And then it was noon. After we got an explanation of all the buildings and facilities on campus, the group split up. Most of the students started heading for the dorms. The rest of the students formed small groups and walked towards the cafes and the karaoke rooms. I rejected every invitation, knowing I will be busy today. The whole crowd soon disappeared.

On my way to the dorms, I decided to go to the convenience store, which was on the way. I saw Ayanokoji was going the same way.

"Hello Ayanokoji-kun!"

He turned around and greeted me like a normal boy.

"Hello Suzuki-san."

"You are also here to getting supplies?"


As we entered the store, Horikita was already buying her supplies. She looked over at us and just ignored me. While she glared at Ayanokoji.

"What an unpleasant coincidence."

Wow, she was too rude from the start.

"Hi! I am Yui Suzuki. Pleased to meet you."

She just looked at me and said, "I won't introduce myself."

Ugh! She is so annoying.

"Well, I don't have a problem with that. But I am giving you a free advice as a fellow classmate. If you keep that attitude, many will take advantage of it and you will be constantly in danger of rumours. And I don't think loosening up a bit will-"

"I don't need your advice. And I don't care what other's think of me."

Now she isn't even letting me finish. I just sighed and gave up.

"Fine. I won't bother you."

I started looking at the products that were in front of me. Body lotion, toothpaste, etc. etc. I chose the lowest priced ones. There was also a basket containing free items. But they were too low quality. But I took them nonetheless. Horikita was doing the same.

Ayanokoji tried having a conversation.

"Wouldn't this-"

"I don't need it."

Well, Horikita cut him off.

"But girls u-"

"I DON'T need it."

I continued my shopping in silence while they were bickering. Bread, instant noodles, some potato chips, chocolates,

"Quite healthy food you are choosing."

Smirking, I boasted.

"Horikita-chan~, I don't get fat no matter what I eat."

"Because it looks to me all the nutrition goes to your chest. And how do you know my name?"


"Ara ara~ you jealous?"

Well, how should I say it? She has quite a kawaii chest. (A.N.- Kaguya-sama reference)

"Answer my question."

"Well, you told Ayanokoji-kun just now."

She realized it and dropped the matter. Meanwhile, Ayanokoji looked awkward. He wanted to make friends but at the same time didn't want to be in conversation between two girls. So to help him, I put one of my basket in his hand.

"Thank you! I will treat you something later for helping me with shopping!"

"I-It's alright."

I smiled sweetly at him and continued my shopping. In the anime he looked like a robot while manga displayed him as a pure utter garbage generic MC. But here he looked just like an awkward guy having difficulty in making friends. Making it easier for people to drop their guards around him.

After I was done with basic shopping, the bill came out to be 4000 points. I haven't seen my dorm room so I didn't take any groceries. Dunno if that they provide kitchen in the room.

"You didn't buy anything expensive?"

"Ayanokoji-kun, did Sensei say how much we will get next month?"

"Isn't it 100,000 points?"

"It is obvious that the school is testing us. Like our mom gives us huge pocket money for the first time, we spend it in a week, then no pocket money for a long time. I am speaking from experience."

This time it was Horikita who continued this positive conversation.

"So do you think we will not get any allowance next month?"

"Dunno! Sensei did say we will get points every month. Who knows she was lying or we will actually get them.

Ayanokoji-kun, I can carry my shopping bags now. Thank you for helping."

I took my bags from him and we started heading towards the dorms. Then we heard a commotion outside the store. Red hair-kun was arguing with three seniors. And it is only our the first day here.

"-did you hear? He's in the D class! It was really obvious!"

"Oh? What do you mean by that, huh?"

As Red hair-kun was getting heated, the boys took a step back.

"Because you are so pitiful I'll let you stay there for today. Let's go!"

"You guys running away!?"

"The dog's barking! Anyway, you guys will face hell soon enough anyway. Hahaha!"


Red hair-kun kicked the dustbin and went away. Horikita was just about to leave before I remembered something.

"Horikita-chan! Can I get your contact number? I was thinking of making a class group."


"Okay. But when you will like to be added, just tell me."

She turned around and left. I turned to Ayanokoji asking for his number which he complied.


"Ah, it's nothing."

So, we headed to the dorms together. Surprisingly, boys and girls don't have separate dorms. We checked in and got our keys. His room was on fourth floor while mine on fifth.

"See you tomorrow Ayanokoji-kun!"

He waved back and we went our separate ways. I arrived in front of my room, 519 and unlocked the door. It was a good room. The bathroom was ok size, not like the small size one bedroom apartment. Bed, study table, wardrobe, some bedsheets, a small kitchen which had a stove, fridge and basic utensils, thankfully. The room also had a great view outside the window.

I unpacked my luggage and placed the things I brought with me in the right places. We didn't have permission to bring any digital device though, therefore I have to work with the desktop provided. It was okay-ish. Thankfully, it didn't have any custom OS to prevent getting unrestricted access to browsing and stuff, like the phone has. It didn't have any sign of tracking, but I couldn't be so sure. I would format it and install my own OS later.

I was quite hungry and decided to have lunch in cafeteria for that day.

But that, was a bad move.

"Hey! It's Yui-chan!"

"Please come and sit here with us!"

Sigh. It will take some time to them to act normal around me.

I spotted a group of girls from my class and headed towards them.

"May I sit here?"


If I remembered them correctly, they were Mori Nene, Matsushita Chiaki, and Mei-Yu Wang.

I sat with my lunch and started eating in silence. The atmosphere was getting slightly tense. Well, I couldn't blame them. Even though everyone spoke about equality, many people would have trouble to speak to certain people till they get used to it. Even though it is bad manner to speak during eating, this isn't a business party. I will have to lead the conversation.

"Say Mei-chan, you are from China right?"

"Yeah! I came here when I was in elementary school, so I can speak Japanese as good as Chinese by now."

"Hmm. I can also speak Chinese fairly well, though not as good as Japanese. Honestly, these languages are too complex. English is my forte"

Mori: "I hate English!"

"Yeah, it can be confusing sometimes, but you just have to have good number of people you communicate in a particular language before you become used to them."

Matsushita: "Though I still can't believe I am in the same class as you. Looks like this school is truly extraordinary."

"You are right about the extraordinary part. Rokusuke from Koenji's, Takeshi from SONY, Yukimura- not our of course- from Toshiba, my Mom and Dad, there are a number of exceptional alumni's from this school as well."

Mori: "It's like a dream that I got into this school even with average scores!"

We continued chatting over random things for a while in an easy atmosphere.

Slowly, our time came to an end and we headed to the dorms. All three girls were on sixth floor.

As I was unlocking my door, I heard a loud gasp. I looked over to my neighbour who looked shocked. From what I remember, she was the leader of Class B.

"Woah! You are THE Yui-chan!? The most famous villain Cat girl!? Can I shake your hands!? Nya~"

She gestured a cat like paw. This was the reason I didn't go further in the entertainment industry.

I gave her my signature cat pat and she squeled in delight. Everyone sure loves cats huh?

"Yes yes I am Suzuki Yui. It seems that we are neighbours. I will be in your care from now on."

"Sorry! I was so excited that I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ichinose Honami from class 1-B. Please, just say "Nya~" one time! Please!"

Blushing furiously, I let out a cute "Nya~" while gesturing like a cat.

"So cute!"

Sigh. Looks like my neighbour is a cat enthusiast. Hopefully, she won't request me to repeat that embarrassing pose.

"One more time! Please!"


I hope that she won't request me again.

"Please please please! Once more!"



