Nagumo's Decision (Coming up with chapter names is such a pain!)

It was already 12am. Even though the midnight was not hot, Nagumo was sweating like he was wearing a sweater in June's summer on the top of wearing woolen clothes and ran a marathon in the sun.

President and Secretary-chan were keeping their silence and were not intervening the conversation as they understood that they couldn't convince me, only Nagumo could.

So what will Nagumo do now? How will he convince me? I was standing above him and he had no leverage to get out of this situation, except one thing.

Will he bribe me with points? But I already have a good amount. Or will he...

The answer is before you Nagumo.

Use the only weapon you can use here.

Sure enough. He quickly arrived at the answer.

He kneeled in full apology pose and started begging.

"P-please Suzuki-san! Please forgive me! I was wary and attracted to you. So I wanted to gather as much information as I could! Please forgive me! It is the matter of my whole life! Please-"

"Did the thought cross your mind to make me your property? Sick pervert?"

"I-it did. I am really sorry! Please!"

Now he was reduced to tears and started crying.

"Suzuki, please go with the 3rd option. Even though he did something inexcusable for the Vice President, it is cruel to ruin his whole life. Of course, he will receive punishment. He will be kicked out of the council and suspended depending on how long the school decides. But please keep the matter in the school."

Nagumo's eyes, they were showing honesty, helplessness and guilt for the first time.

Congratulations Nagumo, you are saved. Even though I had every advantage against him, he had one way out of this. My heart.

If it were any other person, they wouldn't be persuaded with tears. But I am an angel descended from heavens itself. I have a bleeding heart and am quick to forgive.

"Don't cry Nagumo. I am looking like the bad guy here who is bullying you.

Fine, I will forgive you. But you have to apologize in the Student Council's homepage and take whatever punishment the school authorities would give you. And don't repeat this mistake again.

And President Horikita, I want to post a message representing the Student Council. I want to take measures against stalking on behalf of the Student Council."

"Do as you wish."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"


Student Council Homepage

President Horikita Manabu: "Regarding the issue between Vice President Nagumo Miyabi and Secretary Suzuki Yui, Nagumo is found guilty and the school will take necessary action against it."

Vice President Nagumo Miyabi: "I deeply apologize for my poor conduct and beg forgiveness from Secretary Suzuki Yui again. I will correct my ways and hopefully, the student body will have the heart to forgive me."

Secretary Suzuki Yui: "Hi guys and girls. You know, stalking is a pretty serious issue in Japan. I have the power to deal with it, but many people don't. For example, Idol industry is dangerous if your agency doesn't have enough resources to hire bodyguards or you are an independent one.

Nagumo-kun has deeply regretted his actions and I forgive him. Please don't bully him in the future regarding this incident, because he wasn't the only one. But I didn't like it because he is the Vice President. I request everyone to drop this matter and don't spread any rumours.

The student council will take action against such behaviour from now on. If you are suffering from any problem like stalking, please ask for help from us.

If you are uncomfortable in informing the whole council, you can email at and inform me personally. I will try to help as much as I can.

Yours truly,

Suzuki Yui

Secretary, Student Council"

Nagumo finally sighed in relief. Surely, his reputation in school was turned to dust and he was very much likely to be kicked out of the council, but it was exponentially better than the first two options I had given him.

"Thank you for forgiving me Suzuki-san. I swear I will never repeat this mistake again."

Nagumo was now talking to me formally.


"Nagumo, Tachibana, go home and sleep. I have to talk to Suzuki personally."

""Good night President. Good night Suzuki-san.""

""Good night."'

Secretary-chan and Nagumo left the room leaving us alone.

"What did you want to talk about President?"

"You intended to forgive Nagumo from the very beginning, didn't you?"

I gave him an innocent smile. He really is the President for a reason.

"That's correct."