New Goal

"You intended to forgive Nagumo from the beginning, right?"

"That's correct."

"Because you wanted to clear your path to become the President?"

Hmm, no. Why would I even need it?

"Do you think I would even need to do that? I am not some sort of devil who would resort to dirty methods.

Sigh. It would be a bother if you keep making wild assumptions. So I will just tell you the whole story.

If I wanted, I could have skipped grades and graduated from university a long time ago. But I will lose one advantage, that is, to get to know my future top employees more closely. Age gap is a huge barrier, right?

So I will spend my time living leisurely while finding who is worth keeping close. Ken-chan is the first recruitment, and I will find many more people. I have this advantage over other companies, right?

And I have found my second recruitment, but she has to come out of her shell and approach me first. All of this was to set up the stage for her. And Nagumo-kun just happened to be the perfect person to start this. He should not have overestimated his stalking skills to be caught up in this."

"And if he didn't stalk you, you would just have found another prey?"

"You hurt me President! I am not a heartless person! I just had a personal grudge against Nagumo-kun, and he deserved it. He is a sick pervert to call Fuku his property. She doesn't care, but I do. I was going to teach him a lesson sooner or later anyway."

"So the video-"

"Not gonna upload, or rather, I can't upload. I won't ruin my channel's image with that creep. And it is against my principle to do that sort of bullying to intentionally ruin one's whole life. Moreover, we aren't actually allowed to post anything related to the school in social media after all. We can post our pictures, even with friends on Instagram and other social media. So, it was very possible to post that on YouTube. If Nagumo wasn't in such deep trouble, he would have realized it. But you realized it, didn't you?"

"Yes. But I do think you could take legal action."

So he intentionally kept silence. It was a good decision. Since he didn't know me very well, he couldn't be so sure that I would take legal action or not. That's why Nagumo pales in comparison against him.

And even if Nagumo noticed that, the first option was enough for him to back off.

"Well, it's past my sleeping time. And I am kind of tired today."

"Very well. You are dismissed."

"Good night President!"

"Good night."

------'NEXT DAY'------

The class today is really noisy. The 30 boys who followed me that day came to apologize again, but I just shrugged it off. They were being too obvious like they wanted to be found out.

The incident was the talk among all the students. I have been waiting for the real person I did everything for to come to me, but she has not contacted me until now. I can wait.

Chabs sensei walked into the classroom and wrote down the syllabus of each subject for the coming exam.

"Good morning students of class D... class C-"

"Hell yeah!" Ike was too happy with the prospect of moving up to class C.

"This is the syllabus for your test at the end of this month. Don't celebrate too much. If anyone gets a failing marks in this test, they will be immediately expelled."

"Ah man!"

"And there is a good news for you. After this test, there will be summer vacation and you will get to ride a world class cruise-"

"Woo hoo!"

"I am gonna beat the shit out of this freakin' test!"

"So be prepared and try to pass this exam with everything you have got. And Suzuki, follow me after the homeroom."

"Yes sensei."

So, the homeroom started and ended, and I was on the roof where she was going to light her cigarette.

"If you smoke in front of me, I am going back. Disgusting!"

She awkwardly put the cigarette back in her pocket and began speaking.

"How did you manipulate the class points?"

"Right back at you sensei. How did you manipulate the class points to give us zero?"

She stared at me for a while, and continued speaking, "I heard you joined the Student Council as the 2nd Secretary."

"Won't you congratulate me? I am hurt!"

She didn't congratulate me and continued talking. Hmph!

"Do you intend to become the Student Council President?"

Well, no point in denying that.

"That's right."

"Then you should give up. Since the school has been established, no one from other than class A has managed to become the President."

"Wasn't it simply because no one as great as me appeared in the school?"

"And what if there was a rule that only a student from class A can become the President?"

So she still hasn't given up obsessing over class A?

"And what if, I acquired more than 80 percent of votes from the Student Body? Let's say there is some kind of rule like that, which I know can't be, even then it would be impossible to choose between a person who has acquired 80 percent vote and 20 percent vote on the basis of who is in class A or class D."

"You are that confident?"

"Let's just stop this pointless talk. From what I have observed you for the past month, you were a student at this school and are suffering from some sort of trauma due to not reaching class A, and now you want to at least teach class A. Am I correct in that assumption?"

"I don't have to confirm or deny that."

"Well, I will tell you something I have learnt while managing a company. Even if there are excellent workers but their superior is not up to the mark, the whole unit will not reach it's full potential. You are also a part of class D, or now class C. Couldn't you be the reason that your class hasn't been able to move past class D?"


"You know what, you are acting like a third rate boss who wants promotion by leeching off his subordinate's work."


She finally snapped. Good riddance. Now I can finally work.

"Tsk tsk, If you want it so badly, so be it. I will play along your tantrum. Many may doubt my capabilities if I can't move up to class A, right? I will rise this class to class A. But once this class rises there, I won't help the class with anything besides giving my best performance in studies and sports. They will have to defend themselves."

"If you were so capable, why would you be put into class D? I think you just wanted to show off, that's why your parents named such amount of money and assets after you."

"Hoooooh? You know you are playing with fire here, right?"

"Don't forget that I am your teacher. And your outside influence won't reach here."

Good, be agitated like that. This will make my work easier. I took out my phone to show that I will start recording now.

"Let's settle this. I am recording this conversation from here now so we can seal the deal."

"Do I look that untrustworthy to you?"

"You have shown every behaviour that is untrustworthy. You know that the class doesn't really trust you anymore, or rather hates you right?"

"Start the recording."

I started the recording.

"This recording is for the agreement between student Suzuki Yui and teacher Chabashira Sae. The student Suzuki Yui will actively work to rise her class to class A, but will be released from any responsibilities once the goal is achieved and won't defend her class position. In return, the teacher Chabashira is not to interfere and cross her way as long she doesn't break any school rules. Is the agreement acceptable?"


"Now the agreement is settled."

I stopped the recording and smiled innocently.

"You know, it could have been pretty dangerous for you, if it were any other student and they used a little different words. A teacher can't exactly manipulate the students to aim for class A right?"

She flinched. Really, making an agreement when the other party is not calm is very beneficial, if not dangerous if they can cause damage to you when cornered.

"You should better control that tempers of yours. Stopping destructive habits like smoking and drinking will help."

She had a conflicted expression instead of her usual poker face. She would have had at least a pay cut yesterday and I touched a rather delicate subject right now, taking away the usual calmness she had. Had I been not an angel incarnate, she would be in deep trouble.

"Well, please come to the classroom during the lunch break with several contract papers. You could work well as a teacher once in a while. Bye bye Sae-chan! And by the way, have I told you? You are quite cute."

This time, she shuddered. I just love Kaguya-sama!