Organising the Class-1

Soon the break arrived and it was time for me to get to work. It's not like I genuinely wanted this class to A. If I wanted, I could have just transferred there. Afterall, I already have 20M points.

But I heard a person whispering that I was just showing off, by having my parents name some projects and assets after me. That's why Chabs-sensei provided the excuse for me to work.

Regarding why I was placed in class D, I think I know it. But that would be unreasonable. I was just in my chunni phase and had a dark past in middle school. And I did something that people would not believe. But it was an elite school and what goes there stays there. That means they shared the info to this school. I have to talk to chairman to know how many people know about it. But he is holed up in USA and won't be back until summer vacation.

The first thing I am doing after graduation is buying my middle school and beat the shit out of whoever put my dark past in my report!

Well, that will have to wait. Right now, I had to work.

I made my way to the teacher's podium and grabbed everyone's attention.

"Excuse me everyone! Please stay in the class for a while. I have to talk about something important!"

"But I am hungry! I skipped breakfast today." One girl complained.

"No problem. I have taken care of everything. Lunch boxes will be arriving shortly. But please, listen to me till then."

"Thank you!"

37 students, including me, were in the class. I have sent Ken-chan, Hirata and Karuizawa to my room to get the lunch boxes, that I have prepared for the class with my own heavenly hands. Though I made something easy, it was a pain to cook for such large number of people.

Lo, they came along with Chabs Sensei, who was carrying a number of documents, most likely contract papers provided by the school.

"We are going to have an important discussion right now, so I made lunchboxes for everyone with my own hands-"

"Woo hoo! I am going to eat Yui-chan's handmade food!"

"I can finally die happily!"

Boys, they overreact over everything.

"It is something most of you probably have never eaten. It is called 'Cheela', particularly famous in Chhattisgarh state of India. Sensei, you can also eat."

The three distributed it to everyone. Horikita was acting childish, taking a long time to decide whether eat her own bento or try something she never had before. In the end, she put her bento back in her bag and started eating from my lunchbox.

"Woah! It's good! It is made of rice."

"I want to have miso soup from her hands."

After some praises, everyone finally settled down.

"Now that our food crisis has been solved, let's focus on our topic of discussion today. Those who want to move up to class A badly, raise their hands."

Many students except Rokusuke, Ike, Shinohara, Hirata, and some others, raised their hands. 32 of them.

"If everyone wants to, I will also help!"

Now Hirata also raised his hand. Following his suite, everyone except Rokusuke had raised their hands. Figured as much.

"Oi Koenji! Why aren't you raising your hand!?"

"It is a funny thought Red hair-kun. I simply don't want to waste my time over such ordinary tasks."

"You are piss-"

"Ken-chan~ Leave him alone."

"Yes mam!"

"Good boy."

Ken-chan is still hothead as ever.

"Since most students want to, I have a deal to propose to everyone. I will not say anything cheezy to raise your morals or anything. I am personally fine with being in any class, but I want to show the whole school about what I am capable of, to become the Student Council President with overwhelming confidence of the Student Body.

So, I want to take command of this class till we reach class A. Though after we reach up there, you are on your own to defend that position. How many of you are alright with that? Please raise your hands."

This time, everyone raised their hands, including Rokusuke. Even if one or two people may not trust me, they can't deny that it was because of me that they had 65,000 private points this month instead of 0.

"Thanks for putting so much trust in me everyone!"

"Of course we will trust you Yui-chan!"

"But isn't the point gap between us is large? It is 290 points."

"Don't worry Yukimura-kun, I am getting there. Ken-chan, can you please guard the door so that no one is eavesdropping?"

"Of course!"

"Now I am going to tell you something confidential. I hope that nobody leaks this info to other class. And if they do, they should be prepared for the consequences."

"Nobody will do that, isn't that right?"


I glanced at everyone in the class, especially Kushida. She had gone plenty quiet these days. I wonder what has happened?

"I will discuss about how much I have figured out about our points system.

First, how much extra private points you earn, it doesn't have any effect on our class points. I have earned about 8M points with my concert. But we didn't get any points from that or we would have already surpassed class A."

Now everyone was muttering among themselves. I wonder why were they shocked even if they saw the crowd?

"Second, how much you spend from the amount you are provided every month, does effect the class points. I don't have any proof but it is my speculation. Let's set some assumptions here for convenience's sake. Please assume that if a student empty's his or her pocket, 20 extra class points will be cut. And for spending every 1000 private points, 1 class point will be cut. So spend wisely.

Though if you earn points to compensate it, no class points will be cut. I have spent about 1M points, but I still had more amount than what was provided by the school. Therefore, we didn't have low class points."

"But how do we earn points?"

"Be patient Horikita. I am explaining everything I have got."

"Now third, joining clubs and excelling there will add to our class points as well as private points. And this is just common sense. Ken-chan in the basketball club, Hirata-kun in soccer club, Miyake-kun in archery club, myself in the Light Music Club, Satomura-kum in Gaming and Manga Club, Onodera-chan in Swimming Club and some are in the clubs right now. If you think you are good at any, please do join them."

"Fourth, the less disciplined you are, the more points you loose. So please keep your attitude in check."

"Fifth, the most easy and straightforward way to earn class points is by performing good in exams. If anyone have any doubt in what I have said till now, please ask right now."

No one asked any questions, good. I took out my phone and sent a code to everyone individually.

"Please check the app store of the school. There will be an app named YuLearn. Install that app and enter the individual code I have just sent to you. Horikita-chan, please come here and take the code from me, as I don't have your phone number yet."

Uploading my app on this school's app store was easy. We can buy anything with points afterall. Generally, this app is used mainly in my coaching institutes, which mainly operates in India and some schools in Japan, but I am it's owner afterall. Making 40 accounts for free is no big deal for me.

"This app was created by me some years ago. After you have applied the code, a 3 year free subscription will start for you. I have created everyone's account under class Yui-ANHS. If you click on your profile, you will see something interesting."

"Woah! It is showing my stats like some game!"

"Aren't my physical stats too low? I was the ace in Inter-High baseball team in middle school!"

"Yeah! I am a genius! So why do my intelligence stat so low?"

"Calm down everyone! Let me finish!"


"Ahem! The stats contain 8 criterias. Book smarts, Intelligence, Physical Ability, Popularity, Communication Skills, Extracurricular Skills, Cooperation and Adaptability.

First is Book Smarts. It is strictly based on the written test results and nothing else. The scoring is based on the quiz that happened previous month. The highest are me, Horikita-chan, Yukimura-kun, Mei-chan, Hirata-kun and Rokusuke-kun with 100. While the lowest are Ike-kun with 21, Yamauchi-kun with 22 and Ken-chan and Sakura-chan sharing the 26 score.

Second is Intelligence. It is based on many things, like understanding the hidden meanings of things, cunningness, etc. The highest are me and Rokusuke-kun at 99, followed by Hirata at 90. The lowest are Yamauchi-kun and Ken-chan with 20.

Third is Physical Ability. And I think it is self-explanatory. But girls and boys are measured separately due to obvious reason. The highest in boys is Rokusuke-kun at 99, followed by Ken-chan's at 97. The lowest are Yukimura-kun at 19 and Yamauchi-kun at 20. In the girls, highest is mine at 99, followed by Horikita-chan and Onodera-chan at 95.

Fourth is Popularity, self-explanatory again. Highest is mine with 99, followed by Hirata-kun at 95 and Rokusuke-kun at 85. Lowest are Horikita-chan at 10, Yamauchi-kun at 12 and Ike-kun at 13.

Fifth is Communication skills. It includes being able to lead the conversation, be a good listener and being able to read the room so that people will like you more. Highest is Hirata-kun with 99, followed by me at 90 and Kushida-chan at 80. The lowest are Horikita-chan at 2, Yamauchi-kun at 18 and Ayanokoji-kun at 20.

Sixth is Extracurricular Skills. It includes club activities, being able to cook, sing, dance, etc. Highest are me, Ken-chan, Hirata-kun, Miyake-kun and Sotomura-kun, Onodera-chan at 99 due to club activities. The rest are provided 50 as average.

Seventh is Cooperation. Self-explanatory again. Highest is Hirata-kun at 99, followed by Kushida-chan at 95. Lowest is Horikita-chan at 1, and me at 50, as I won't cooperate much after we reach class A. Majority of people are scored 50 as average.

Eight is Adaptability. This is where you find yourself in a tough situation and act accordingly without a plan. Highest is mine at 95, Ayanokoji-kun at 90, and Hirata-kun at 85. Majority are placed at 50 average.

Then there is your overall. It is just an average of all the parameters. Hirata at 95.25, followed by me at 90.75 while the lowest are Yamauchi-kun at 30.25 and Sakura-chan at 35.25.

Finally, there is the S group. It consists of people with very strong potential and most likely central figures of class. Hirata-kun and me in the leadership. Yukimura-kun, Mei-chan, Horikita-chan, Rokusuke-kun, me and Hirata-kun in studies. Rokusuke-kun, Ken-chan, me, Horikita-chan and Onodera-chan in sports. Hirata-kun and Ayanokoji-kun in management. Rokusuke-kun, Satomura-kun, Sakura-chan and Horikita-chan in hidden potential list.

The whole thing is based on my observation and will change monthly. I will be making Hirata-kun the admin as well, and majority of people are scored 50 at this moment in terms of things like cooperation, adaptability, etc.

It is advisable that you don't share your stats with anyone as there is always risk of leaking the information to other classes. I will try to raise everyone's overall to atleast 50 by the end of summer vacation.

If you have any questions, please ask before I go to the next step."

Satomura raised his hand.

"Why am I in hidden potential list?"

"Because I will never underestimate an Otaku. This is the iron clad rule that has been instilled in me since childhood."

This time, it was Sakura.

"W-why me?"

"Because you have a cute voice."

It was Rokusuke this time.

"Why me?"

"Do you really need explaination?"


"Then don't ask."

This time, it was Horikita.

"You have made error in your judgement. There is no way my overall will be this low."

"No Horikita-chan. I have been doing this kind of work for years. Since you sit just besides me, your evaluation is the most appropriate one in the class. Just work on your shortcomings, okay? I have high hopes for you."


"Please don't complain right now. This evaluation was only prepared by me this time, but it will include some other people from next month. So the results may vary.

And, it is just a matter of perspective right? My perspective is set as a company boss, some other person's perspective will be different. And I just become especially strict on those whom I have high hopes for.

Since the break is not much long, let's move onto the next step! I will take more questions some other time! Okay?"


She sat down with a mix of dissatisfaction as well as small happiness hidden beneath her poker face from the praise. Well, who wouldn't like being praised by me?

"Now let's discuss the training arc!"

""""Training arc!!?""""

"What? Isn't it common sense that a training arc is required for power up?"

Due to some unknown reason, a chill ran through everyone's spine.