Piano and Calligraphy Episode

*Author's Note*

<> contains certain monologues and side stories during the duration of volume 2. But please don't confuse the fanfic's volume with the light novel's. They are different.

*Author's Note End*

At the night after taking command of the Class

Yesterday, the class points of the first month were announced. I have successfully avoided the class getting 0 points. I also got into the Student Council as Secretary and taught Nagumo a lesson. Sigh. I sounded like a Young Master from a cultivation novel just now.

Though to become the Student Council President with overwhelming confidence, I have to prove myself to the whole school. Though even without proving anything I will become the President, I won't half-ass things. And what better method is there other than moving up to class A to prove myself?

So I took command over the class today and I am putting my whole effort in improving it. At the end of the coming exam, we will be able to overtake or at least close the gap very much between Class C and B, since we should get around 50-100 points because of me becoming a member of Student Council and Ken-chan a regular in Basketball club. He has his trial next week and I know that he will succeed.

For a break, I decided to buy ice cream and have a walk in the cool night. It was the starting of May, so the nights were not much hot due to winds blowing very often.

After coming back from the convenience store with ice cream, I noticed Ayanokoji following someone. What was he doing in the middle of night?

So I started following him. I didn't know he would notice me or not due to protagonist buff but I didn't care. He didn't stop so I was also following him.

I caught a glimpse of the person he was following. Horikita. Was this famous Piano and Calligraphy scene?

He involuntarily hid himself after turning around the corner. He also saw me but we didn't say anything. So I just stood besides him to witness what was happening.

"Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me all the way here."

It was President's voice.

"Nii-san, I'm different from the useless me that you know. I've come here to catch up to you."

"Catch up to me, huh?

I heard that you are in class D, though you moved up to C due to Suzuki. it doesn't seem like anything's changed in the last 3 years. Because you've always been looking at my back, you've never been able to see your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was another one of your mistakes."

"That's—that's wrong. I'm going to rise up to class A. And then—"

"That's impossible. You'll never reach class A on your own. Once Suzuki steps down from your class's leadership, your class will crumble and fall to class D once again. This school isn't as easy as you think it is."

"I will absolutely, absolutely reach class A…"

"I already said it's impossible. You're a really unreasonable younger sister."

Horikita's older brother took a step forward. From my hiding spot, I could see his form more clearly.

There was no emotion in his expression, as if he was looking at an existence that didn't interest him at all.

He grabbed his younger sister's wrist and pushed her against the wall.

"No matter how much I avoided you, you are still my younger sister. If people start to learn about you, it is me who will be disgraced. Leave this school immediately."

"N-no… tsu. I will, I will absolutely rise up to class A…!"

"Foolish, really. Do you want to relive the painful experiences of the past?"

"Nii-san—I will—"

"You have neither the power nor the qualifications to aim for class A. Understand that."

President's body drew forward, as if he was about to take action. The situation looked dangerous, but I didn't do anything. President had likely noticed Ayanokoji and was putting a show. But if he really intended to hit Horikita...

Ayanokoji stepped out from the corner, approached the older brother and grabbed his right arm.

"—What? Who are you?"

Looking at his own arm, he looked at Ayanokoji with a sharp glint in his eyes.

"A-ayanokoji-kun!?" Horikita was shocked by the sudden appearance.

"You, you were trying to throw her to the ground, right? It's concrete here, you know. Just because you're siblings doesn't mean you can do anything you want." Ayanokoji said while staring straight into President's eyes.

"It's not admirable to eavesdrop."

"Just let go of her hand."

"That's what I should be saying."

It was silent while they glared at each other.

"Stop, Ayanokoji-kun…"

She said with a strained voice. I've never seen her like that before.

Reluctantly, he let go of his arm. At that moment, President aimed for his face with a quick backhand.

Ayanokoji leaned backwards. A nasty attack with a thin body. Furthermore, he aimed for his vitals with a sharp kick.


That hit had power to make anyone normal lose consciousness in one hit. With a confused look, he let out a breath and extended his right arm towards him.

If Ayanokoji grabbed his hand, he would probably throw him onto the ground. So, he slapped his arm away with left hand.

"Good reflexes. I didn't think you would avoid every single one. You also understood what I was trying to do. Were you taught in some way?"

Finally stopping his attacks, he asked a question.

"Yea, I did piano and calligraphy. In elementary school, I even got the championship in a music competition."

Oh my god! He said it! And music competition!?

"Are you also in class C? What a unique boy. Suzune."

Letting go of her arm, he slowly faced him.

"Suzune, you have a friend? I'm honestly surprised."

"He's… he's not my friend. He's only a classmate."

Denying his words, she looked up to her brother.

"As always, you're mistaking solitude with isolation. And you, Ayanokoji. With you, it looks like things are going to become interesting."

Seeing that the show was reaching it's end, I came out of the shadows.

"Ara ara President~ Were you really going to hit your sister?"

President and Horikita flinched. But President quickly regained his composure and asked me, "What are you doing here Suzuki?"

"Well, I was just getting my ice cream when I noticed Ayanokoji following someone, who was following someone else. It seemed interesting so I followed him and look what I found? Our President was one-sidedly threatening his sister to leave the school! Did you really intended to hit her or were you just putting on a show?"

I asked him with Mom's Ice Glare lvl3

He stayed still in complete silence. Sigh! I will have to threaten him a bit.

Mom's Ice Glare lvl5!

"Horikita Manabu, I am asking you a question. Did you really intended to hit your sister?"

"N-No Mam!"

He reflexively answered due to my lvl5 glare. Him withstanding that much shows that he has impressive guts for a kid.

"Well, then it's all good. You siblings are really similar, eh? Restorting to violence. Tachibana-chan will have to work on you a lot to make you a half decent man. Now, scram!"

President obliged the order while having a single drop of sweat on his forehead, his figure disappearing into the night. Even though he is a capable person, he is a jerk. I can see the striking similarity between him and Horikita.

"Are you alright Horikita-chan?"


Horikita-chan was shocked for apparently no reason.

"What 'how' Horikita-chan?"

"D-did you just scare him?"

There was shock, fear, amazement and admiration in her eyes.

"I don't have to brag, but scaring away jerks like him is child's play for me. You better don't try to follow in his footsteps. He was being a trashy jerk-"

"Please don't badmouth him."

"Hah? Okay okay I won't badmouth him in front of you. But I am really going to complain to Tachibana-chan about his bad behaviour. Seriously, he is trying too hard to get into cold CEO character."

"What the hell are you talking about my Nii-san!? And who is this Tachibana?"

She was ready to attack me. Woah! They really are similar!

"Calm down Horikita-chan. I was just talking about your sister-in-law."

She froze in her place.

"H-he got m-married without telling me?"




"Just how insecure are you!? And though 18 is the legal age to marry, just how did you reach to that conclusion!? Are you telling me that your relationship is so strained that he will marry someone without telling you? And who the hell marries in the school?"


Horikita was just not acting like herself. Blushing, stammering and becoming embarrassed like a little girl. Or she was really like that and puts up a cold front? She looked kind of cute.

"I have decided. I am going to threaten your brother and let you have an honest talk with each other in the summer vacation. I will also introduce you to your future sister-in-law. You both brother and sister are needlessly dragging things just because you are not communicating with each other honestly."

"Y-you don't need to!"

"Yeah, I don't need to. But I am going to do it anyway."


"Because I will get really bored without much work in summer. And it looks like it will be fun!"

If I were to say something cheesy like I am doing it just because she is cute, she would get really angry.


"Who was that? Oh Ayanokoji-kun! You are still here? You just fade away in the background. And seriously, what was that? 'Piano and calligraphy'. Hahaha! Atleast come up with a better excuse."


"Come to the Light Music Club. We can get someone who is good at piano."

"Umm, how about no?"

"Is that so? Well, if you change your mind, at least drop by the club. I am sure you will like it."

Phew! I managed to loosen up the tension.

"Let's go to our rooms together. Want some ice cream? I bought some extra."

I had two small ice cream cups with me. I planned to eat them in my room, but...

I will share.

Ayanokoji brought his hand close to take it but...

"No thanks."

Hah! She is back to the cold persona again. Because of her refusal, Ayanokoji put back his hand awkwardly.

"Don't say later that I didn't ask."

I grumbled and started eating by myself.

"By the way Horikita-chan, how did the study group go?"

"It went well."

"Horikita angered them for about 20 times in two hours. I was somehow able to calm them down and not leave on the spot."

Horikita glared at him which promised pain.

"What? I have to report to my superior honestly."

"Pfft! Hahaha!"

"Don't laugh. And I have a question. Why did you score his adaptability 90?"

"Hmm? I can't answer that. Only he himself can ask that and I will only tell the person himself."

"I don't like that I was given lower level than Sudo." She grumbled.

"Hmm, that isn't strange. If anything, he has the potential to be the richest person from our class after me and Rokusuke-kun. He is just a little rough around the edges. He works really hard, has a pure heart and will become really popular with girls in 1-2 years."


"No buts Horikita-chan. If you think like that, you will never be able to grow. You feel hurt because you find yourself lower than other people, right? So think about how others feel when you treat them lower than you just because you are good in sports and academics."

"I don't care-"

"Well, it's getting late. Good night Ayanokoji-kun! Horikita-chan! Meet you tomorrow!"

"... Good night."

"Good night."

I managed to witness the famous Piano and Calligraphy scene due to sheer coincidence. And I got to see Horikita's cute side as well. Good thing I decided to eat ice cream right now.