7th Date- Part 1

14th May, Sunday

I was having my last date with Ayanokoji. We were having dinner in a restaurant, of which I booked all of the seats so we can talk alone. Though even after all this time, I didn't feel a thing about him. It just felt like a business dinner to me. Sigh.

"How do you like the food, Ayanokoji-kun?"

"It's good. But booking the whole restaurant is a bit..."

"It's all right. Don't worry about it."

"If you say so. But at least let me share the bill."

"I said that earlier, didn't I? You don't have to worry about anything. I created the situation for fulfilling my own desire, so I will manage everything."

"What will be our relationship from tomorrow?"

"We are and will be friends, right?"


"Oh my gosh! Did only I thought like that?"

I over exaggerated as the atmosphere was getting slightly awkward.

"Yeah friends..."

He was deep in thought, but appeared happy. Someone give this lonely boy a hug! I reached out my hand and ruffled his hair.

"Aww~ Just now you looked so cute being happy over small things like this!"

Even though he had that expressionless face all the time, I could tell he was slightly embarrassed. Just what kind of life did this kid live until now?

"Making friends is a big deal for me."

I couldn't help but feel pity for him. Just why does every protagonist have a sad past.

"It's alright. You will make good friends in this school."

After a period of long silence, he spoke up.

"Can I ask you a weird question?"


"Is Japanese society really equal today?"

"That's a surprise. I thought it will be some serious question."

"Please seriously think about it and answer. I came to this school to find this question's answer."

Isn't that kinda, lame? Whatever.

"Let me ask you a question instead. Why would Japanese, or rather any country's society equal? Why would it be centuries ago, today or sometime in the future? Or rather, what do you consider equality? This is a rather broad term."

He stayed silent for me to continue.

"You know, the people who think too deeply about stuff like that loose their way. Good, bad, equality, inequality, they are just a matter of perspective. What I consider good, will be bad for another person.

The middle class people complain about the rich people about equality. Now let's think from rich people's perspective. Why do we have to pay more taxes than the middle class? First we work a lot more than them, then pay larger percentage of our income as tax, and then face criticism as well. But we can't demand equality on paying taxes, or everyone will paint us as the bad guys.

The people who preach about equality are nothing but hypocrites who want to feel good themselves. Equality is not the basis of the world. It never was. If I were to choose between one person I love or even millions of random people, I will choose my loved one in a heartbeat.

Don't think about stuff like that too deeply, because there is no answer to it. You just have to go with flow and live your life. Was that helpful?"

"Thanks. It helped."

But he didn't seem to be satisfied. Well, that's that.

"Now it's my turn to ask a question! Say, do you have any relationship with Professor Ayanokoji?"