7th Date- Part 2

The atmosphere became tense, and even though he didn't show it, it looked like I hit the right nerve.

"I don't know who are you talking about. I don't know anyone in my family who is a professor."

"Sorry, looks like I made a mistake. You know, there are just not many people I know with that surname. So I kind of assumed that. Well, I wouldn't like to destroy a friend's family afterall. Now I won't have any hesitation in dealing with him."

Take the bait Ayanokoji. I am 99% sure that you are the son of that scum whom you are running away from. I just want to confirm that 1%.

"What did he do?"

Tch, if he remained uninterested I could confirm my suspicions. Well, I will have to work with what I have.

"That fanatic bug thinks that he can do whatever he wants. You know, Japan is known to be one of the nicest nations in the world that's why everyone trusts us too deeply. But what would happen if it was revealed that it is running a facility which imprison's kids from their birth and every human rights are ignored? Even us companies will suffer damage because of those retards.

Those fanatic politicians do whatever they want but we have to face the consequences because of them. I got an email that a kid from that facility ran away and is in this school. I can't really ignore such a situation where children are abused all because of some petty criminal fanatics."

I am an Angel afterall.

"Sorry, but I don't know anything about that."

"Hey... Why won't you just take the bait and tell me where this facility is and how it works. You just have to tell me and I can save those mentally unstable kids."

"I don't know why I would know about that."

"Fine. If you just told me everything, then I wouldn't have to work so much. Well, when he comes to this school or sends his people, at least tell me then. I will take care of everything."

Now, even I couldn't get a read on what he was thinking, and I was proud at my ability to read poker faced people. Stupid protagonist buff.

"Well, this is a parting gift for our last date, but I will give you an advice on how to enjoy your high school life. Just do whatever you want, but be prepared that he will send people to expell you shortly. Don't try to fade into the background too much as it will backfire. And try to figure out what you want after finishing high school. Which university you want to go, what kind of job you want to do in the future, or if you want to start business on your own. Because you won't have to return to that facility anymore.

And who know about you, I will say me, the chairman and most likely his daughter. I am sure Rokusuke-kun has figured out about you by now, but he likely doesn't care as long as no one disturbs him. And go to a psychiatrist once the school is done. You have shown the signs of mental problems."

I gave him a light head pat and ruffled his hair.

"Take care. You look pitiful sometimes. And ask for help without hesitation. We are friends afterall."

Sighing, I left him alone in the restaurant and headed to the dorms. Grandma has given me a troublesome task. But I will not leave children suffering like that. Sigh! What a troublesome bleeding heart I have. Just why did I have to be such an angel!?