Sudo's Case-2 (What really happened Phase 1)

[On the day when the results were announced]

[Third person PoV]

Class A(Sakanagi and Katsuragi): 1040(+100)

Class B(Ichinose): 803(+93)

Class C(Suzuki): 811(+161)

Class D(Ryuen): 583(+43)

Ryuen was surprised by the result, but it wasn't out of his expectations.

"Kuku... Yui, I am going to hunt you now."

He received a notification.

'Our class is going to celebrate at Pallet Cafe, from 5 to 8pm. You have to complete your promise or...

Sender: K'

He was amused by the situation. That dumb bitch honestly thought that she could threaten him into expelling the person he wants to face the most. Heck, he will even save her if that situation arrives just to prey upon her himself.

Well, he will just use her as long as he wants and have his fun. He was getting information of Yui's tight-lipped class on silver plate through her afterall.

'It's time to make my move.'

"Kaneda, you know what to do?"

"Yes Ryuen-san."

"Don't try going against me, or you will end up as Ishizaki."

The colour of Ryuen's classmate's, Kaneda's face paled and he subconsciously looked at Albert.

"I-I will be careful!"

"Kuku... Now now, no need to be scared. Just do your work tomorrow!"


'I should get ready to introduce myself.'

What? Ryuen is also a boy! Of course he will ready himself to meet a high class girl. Even though he was going to threaten her in front of her whole class.

(☞゚∀゚)☞ 5:30 pm ☜(゚∀゚☜)

Ryuen arrived in front of the cafe while dressed like a bad boy, wearing his manly perfume. He entered the cafe with an amused smile plastered on his face.

"Kuku..., having a celebration are we?"

Yui-chan just looked at him for even less than a second, sighed, turned to the counter, and spoke loudly.

"I told you, didn't I? To not let anyone outside of our class in?"

"Sorry miss!"

The café's men came from the counter to drag him out, while the manager was apologising to Yui.

But the smile on Ryuen's face never faltered.

"Oi Yui. Am I not allowed here? It's not like you own this place."

"Yes I do, so get out."

With that words, he was kicked out of the café, leaving him shocked. He had planned his grand entrance. He would fearlessly go into the center of her class alone, take a seat beside her and have a nice chat while playing with her hair.

But he didn't even get to take his second step into the place. And what did she mean that she owned the cafe? Of course she was bluffing. Getting that much points to buy a cafe was impossible.

Ryuen once again regained an amused smile.

"Kuku... Interesting!"

(☞゚∀゚)☞ The Next Day ☜(゚∀゚☜)

In the Basketball Club changing room, while one member of class D was distracting Sudo, Kaneda hastily opened Sudo's phone with the password he has seen him entering several times, messaged Ryuen through his phone, deleted it from his side and put the phone back in it's place.

And just as the club ended, he called out to Sudo nervously.

"Sudo! You gotta stop Ryuen! He is going to do something to Yui-sama! He has called her on the 3rd floor of special building half an hour ago. I am betraying him, so you gotta save her!"


And Sudo ran in a fit of rage without even thinking to at least call her. Watching him run in the direction of that building, Kaneda called Ryuen.

"Ryuen-san, I have done my job."

"Kuku, well done!"

Phase 1 of Ryuen's plan was complete.