Sudo's Case-3 (What really happened Phase 2)

(3rd person PoV)

Sudo panicked and ran towards the special building hastily. He was overflowing with rage and nervousness. He would do everything in his power to protect Yui.

Soon, he arrived at the place Kaneda told him about and started looking everywhere, but there was no sign of anyone. He became more tense as he was searching around the area.

Suddenly, Ryuen appeared and attacked him from behind making Sudo to fall on the floor.


"Kuku, if it isn't school's basketball star? Why are you here?"

Sudo quickly got up and grabbed Ryuen by collar.

"What did you do to Yui!?"

"Hey gorilla, I don't know what you are talking about. Why would Yui be here? You can call her if you want."

Sudo ignored that he was attacked and called a gorilla, and took out his phone to call her, but Ryuen kicked away his phone. But it wasn't without consequences. Sudo gave him a powerful punch in the face and grabbed him by collar.

"What the hell do are ya doing!? Tell me what did you do? I will kill you!"

Ryuen just smiled sweetly and said, "Woah Monkey! Calm down!"

Apparently, now Sudo was a monkey.

But Sudo didn't calm down a bit. As time was passing, his anger was rising. Ryuen received another punch straight to his face. Now, Ryuen had to be beaten up in order to appear as a victim, but that didn't mean he will just take a beating on his manly face.

Ryuen threw in a few punches and kicks while getting some in return as well. Soon it turned into a full serious fight. Even though Ryuen was a lot weaker than Sudo, he had much more experience in fighting. After about a minute, he cornered Sudo and was choking him.

"Kuku, you turned out to be far weaker than Yui. Atleast she lasted twice as long as you."

Sudo became a mad dog after hearing that. Ryuen, who had been dominating the fight due to his experience, started getting beaten up to a pulp. Ryuen slowly stopped resisting and smile internally, even though he was in severe pain.

"Where is Yui!? What the hell did you do!? Say it or I will kill you!"

'It's time to retreat.' Thought Ryuen.

Suddenly he started crying. Ryuen gave himself a pat with his acting skills. Even though he has never cried in fear, he practiced crying a lot to get out of trouble when facing a stronger foe in his middle school. Though he used that moment of surprise to beat them. But his goal was different here.

"S-sorry! I j-just wanted to fight with you! But you never fight at all. So I thought about lying-"

"So about Yui-"

"O-of course I didn't do anything! I was going to ask her out here, but she didn't even respond to my message! Please spare me!"

Apparently, Ryuen should not have made that excuse. Because Sudo beated him even more after hearing that he had the audacity to ask Yui.

After Sudo was satisfied with beating Ryuen, he took his phone that was flown away due to Ryuen's kick, dialed Yui-chan's contact and left without saying anything to Ryuen.

"Yui, where are you?... Oh Student Council... Sorry, I will call later."

Ryuen, who was laying on the floor after being beaten let out a chuckle.


After a few minutes, Sakagami sensei arrived with Kaneda and Albert only to find Ryuen laying on the floor after being beaten very hard.

"What happened here!?"

"Kuku, I was called here by Sudo and he beat me up saying nonsense about me insulting Yui or something. Even though I fought back, that gorilla beat me up pretty badly. Sensei, I wanna file a complaint against him."

"Sure, but let's get you to the infirmary first."

'Kuku, now what will you do Yui?'

*Author's Note*

Sorry for the delay guys! I was busy due to selecting my college, so I didn't get to release any chapters for some days. Enjoy!

And don't forget to give me some power stones, or this Onee-sama will get mad at you. Hmph!

*Author's Note End*