Sudo's Case- 4

"Secretary Tachibana will handle this case. Suzuki, don't interfere."

I let out a sigh.


But I gave President an innocent smile.

"But I can explain the situation to my classmates at least, right?"


Good. I will be able to give them the direction now. As for Ryuen, my innocent smile grew larger.

"Ryuen-chan! I didn't know you would do this to me!"

His neutral face fell and he spit out the water he was drinking.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb! You must have already obtained most of the boys' information from Kushida-chan. I honestly hoped better from you, being threatened into doing it by a mouse like her. What did she use? Hmmm. Did she put your hand on her breast? Or did she made it so like you beat her up? I wonder I wonder~"

He flinched and then smiled. I was just guessing what she will do after being frustrated for 2 months in failing to be the most popular girl. Well, she isn't good material for being the most popular to begin with. Ichinose has her beat by a large margin. Honestly, she is toddler by being frustrated over something like this. I will spare her for now and see if she could control her bitch instincts. I am an angel afterall. I don't go after toddlers.

I suddenly thought of saying something interesting to Ryuen, and gave him my most innocent smile.

"But, did you really think that I wouldn't have an informant from your class? Who is it who is it~ Is it Albert-chan?"


"Or is it Ishizaki-chan or Kanade-chan~?"

Ryuen's expression was turning really sour.

"Or is it that, I simply bought the whole class~? I wonder I wonder~"

Now Ryuen looked like he hadn't to gone to washroom for days. But even then, he didn't feel an ounce of fear. Hoooooh?


President's cold voice broke me from my musings. Oops! Maybe I am becoming too much like mom.

"Ara ara Ryuen-chan~ No need to be so constipated. I was just joking. There's no way I would need to resort to such methods. Well, challenge me all you want till I reach class A. I wouldn't mind playing with you till then. But after that, look for other people. Because I won't show mercy.

And ah! I forgot to mention something. Be prepared to loose 300 class points to me. I must thank you for providing me the opportunity to climb class A so easily. Bye bye~"

I took my bag, and exited the Student Council without looking back. What should I have for dinner? Chicken? Fuku certainly likes that. Chicken it is. But let's have some ice cream first.

*Author's Note*

Guys, I deleted the Assassin stalker part who was threatening Kushida, as most of the people were not liking it. Tell me your thoughts about it.

*Author's Note End*