Sakura's Case- 1

"Yo! Yui, the thing is-"

"Can we talk tomorrow Ken-chan? I am kind of busy right now."

"O-Of course!"

With that, I hung up the phone. Since I am not allowed to be involved with this matter, it will be better that I don't talk with him privately, or it could be used against him in some way.

Sighing, I started my laptop to update everyone's stats in YuLearn. I have also given Admin rights to Hirata so that he can get some experience with handling it.

The first thing I noticed was my stats showing level 97.5. Hirata has raised my cooperation from 50 to 99. Awww~

Anyway, as I was updating everyone's stats, I changed Kushida's cooperation level from 90 to 0. Even though I will not pursue her, I will not give her fake marks. Whether people find out about this or not is of no concern to me. Honestly, she should think before throwing a tantrum of wanting to expell people out of her league like that willy nilly.

After some time, I received a mail on my personal email. Is that what I thought it was? Checking on it, I sighed in relief. It was from Sakura-chan. She finally opened up a little and told me that a stalker has been sending her letters everyday. These disgusting dilusional people are literally the worsts.

I called Sakura-cham.


"Don't worry. I will take care of him."


"Are you alright with sleeping alone?"


She sounded really depressed.

"...Should I come to sing you a lullaby?"

"No! I am fine!"

"Don't be shy! It will calm down your heart."

"I am fine..."


"If you say so. Well, good night!"

"Good night."

And the call disconnected. So I have to take care of the stalker tomorrow. As for Ken-chan, I don't think I have to worry too much. He will at least learn something from this incident. I will leave saving him to Mr Protagonist. And I am already prepared, just in case he fails.