The reason for being in class D

I was currently in Chairman Sakayanagi's Office eating some ice cream. The weather was really hot, seeing that Arisu's dad was sweating a lot.

"Have you met with Arisu? She misses you since you changed schools after elementary school."

"Really? But she didn't really contact me in these two months."

And I didn't approach that smug loli because she will challenge me endlessly, even though she never won against me in anything besides chess. And I don't like her challenges.

"I was stuck in the US for quite some time, but knowing the severity of emergency, I rushed here and arrived here early by one month."

"You must have really important work there, that you didn't come here immediately even though it was possible that I will become the chairwoman of this school instead of you."

His frown deepened by me explicitly stating that. I was just enjoying my ice cream while smiling innocently. By the way, it was strawberry flavoured, and was quite delicious.


"Can we discuss about that later? There was a question I was curious about."

I cut him off before he could go to that topic. It was complicated, and I needed to call Rokusuke and maybe Ayanokoji for it. So I will ask something I was really curious about right now.

"Ahem! I will answer if I can."

"The placing in class system is not as the school states, like being in class A means superior and class D being defect. Rather, it places the people who can grow the most in class D while who have already reached at a point where there mentality can't grow much, in class A. Am I correct in that speculation?"

He blinked several times before showing a smile.

"I can't answer that."

So I was correct.

"Now I will get straight to the point. Did my middle school provide you any report, besides club activities, report card, character certificate, etc.? Like some special information?"

"I can't answer that."

"So why was I placed in class D in the beginning? Was it a scheme of the government to shame such an important person like myself? I think you are obliged to answer that. Even more so if I could defeat everyone in the school even if they team up. Besides Rokusuke and Ayanokoji of course.

If you don't answer, I am going to assume that you are also involved with 'that' person whose mistake will allow me to take over the school. Since you are Arisu's dad, I want to trust you at least a little."

He was really tense. He was in a really tight situation. But it is his fault to be so naive even though he is on such a high position.

After thinking a bit, he sighed.

"A principal of your middle school sent me a picture. I know I shouldn't judge, but it was a bit disturbing-"

"Send me that photo right this instant."

My voice turned really cold, even more beyond mom's capabilities. So that school really did it huh? Even though I rarely feel angry, my anger was at my peak.

I ate some ice cream to cool down my head.

I received a message from Arisu's dad, which was the photo he was talking about. In anger, I crushed the phone accidentally. I will have to spend some points to buy a new one.

Now he was shivering, scared of me. I didn't notice that time that I was glaring at him with Mom's Ice Glare lvl 10.

"Who else has this photo?"

"N-no one. T-the principal personally came to report me."

Realising that I was scaring him, I took some moments to calm myself down. As I calmed down, I smiled at him innocently.

"Can I make a call to my Grandma? It is within the rules if the reason is good enough, right?"


I sighed at my finished ice cream. I need some more to cool myself for the coming matters. But I couldn't help but form a smile when I remembered my middle school days and the picture that was the reason for my placement into class D.

My Yuri Harem