Being on the top is lonely

My Yuri Harem

Well, it was a matter for another time. I had to talk to Grandma first.

"Yo Grandma!"

"Don't 'Yo' me young lady. How did you call me?"

"From the phone of the Chairman of my school."

"Did you scare the poor kid? That is wrong my dear."

I looked at Arisu's dad, he seemed to have gained his composure.

"He is perfectly fine. Anyway, my middle school's principal shared private information about me. The photo with my harem. So can you, like, tell that to my adorable kouhais there? They will take care of him. And ah! please don't shut down the school. I plan to take over it later."

"Hehe, anything from my grandkid. How are you by the way? Did you find a match? That Koenji kid is really good you know? His mom also lov-"

"Uggh! Can you not talk about him? It's not that I hate him, but I don't like his attitude."

"So, did you find anyone better than him? Those girls you were playing with can't give me great grandkids you know? You didn't let me spoil you much, Yuzume is not making any kids, so I want your kids to spoil-"

"I am hanging up! Tell everyone that I am having fun here! Give everyone my love!"

"Bye sweetheart! But find a man as soon as possible. I will handle my son-in-law before he kills your man. Have fun there!"

With that, I hung up the phone. I was really glad that Arisu's dad couldn't hear Grandma.

"Ahem! thank you for letting me use your phone to make the call."

"It's alright."

"So, shall we get down to the original business?"

"Please do."

"I will tell you the situation in detail. I found certain trackers in my desktop provided by the school, which were rather new and difficult to find. Even an executive level computer expert from a major company will have not be able locating it. I doubt that only 5-6 people in Japan can do it, including me

After tracing them back, they point to two directions. First is the Technical department of Japan, and the second is, Professor Ayanokoji's lackey Yamaha.

And it wasn't just me. I have confirmed and located it on Koenji Rokusuke's desktop as well. But it wasn't there on an ordinary student like Ken Sudo's.

I demand an explanation."

I made my displeasure and anger known. But I doubt Arisu's dad knew about it. He doesn't know much about technology, and is ridiculously ideological to do that.

"This is a serious matter. I didn't know anything about it."

Figured as much.

He was really disturbed by the fact. Rokusuke is the heir of Koenji Conglomerate, and I am the Chairwoman of YuI, which majorly includes YuChat and YuLearn, next Chairwoman of Suzuki Corporation, and the heir of Kitagawa Clan from my mother's side, which has, although remained neutral in politics since Japan becoming democracy, has a huge amount of political importance and is the most important bodyguarding company, and it manages the investigation part of Japan as well, since we are ninja assassins and all. I really am the most important person after the President of Japan.

And that rat just decided to mess with me.

"So what should I do Chairman Sakayanagi?

First option would be to expose this matter to the whole world by going to the Supreme Court. But the world's trust in Japan would be shaken. This kind of thing, people expect it from China, no offense, I like China. But the rumours, spread intentionally by other nations or not, harm the business there. And it will harm me the most, since my company store data of many people across the world. Almost every companies in the world who do business in Japan will be very angry.

Second option is to let the intelligence agencies handle the situation while keeping quite from the world. We can only request the court to not make anything public.

But the second option has a very high chance to turn into the first option anyway.

But some things are clear. Professor Ayanokoji, he is going to be executed, along with his supporter, the current Prime Minister who has been in office for 10 years. I am going to make sure of it. Running the White Room, murders of 1029 children directly or indirectly in his program, driving 5012 people to suicide, planting spies in major companies, bribing ministers, basically planting a puppet as the Education Minister, 104 attempts to breach YuI's servers, trafficking of children from US, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Australia, England, Netherlands, Kyrgyzstan, and 21 other countries. Should I tell you more before you give me your full co-operation Chairman Sakayanagi? You were his assistant in the past, weren't you?"

I couldn't read Arisu Sakayanagi's expression at all. He kept a perfect poker face which I couldn't read.

"Is everything you are saying true? How did you find out about it?"

"Since you are quite high-level person in Japan, you know it, don't you? That my clan from mother's side are ninjas? Information gathering is our specialty."

After a long silence of about 5 minutes, he spoke up.

"I will fully co-operate with you."

"Tell me everything you know. Don't leave out any details. Start with the location of every single facility of White Room you know. Ayanopapa managed to cover up the tracks about the locations quite amazingly.

And don't forget that it is a mistake on your part that he managed to sneak trackers on me in this school. I am going to take over this school, future Vice Chairman."

And he started telling me everything he knew. Ayanopapa made the biggest mistake in his life. Underestimating, and going against me. I wonder how Ayanokoji will feel when when I shatter everything he grew up with.

Will he feel any emotion when one day he checks news, and the man from whom he escaped, the person who ingrained his mind with that destructive thinking, gets destroyed by an angel like me just months older than him?

Will he realise my true threat, and knowingly go up against me?

Willingly, for someone who dislikes trouble?

Will he able to let me taste defeat? What it feels like?

Then maybe, finally, my heart will move for someone? Just like Mom's did for Dad?

Will he, who has nothing, be able to move me, who has everything?

Will I ever be feel anything romantic for a person?

Will he be able to love me? Not like a tool, ally, friend or just a romantic partner. But his everything?

Protagonist-kun, I hope you will defeat me, come after me, without any pressure from outside, but willingly.

Because standing at the top, is lonely.