Chabs's Blackmail

Chabs PoV

I have finally reached class A!

I severely underestimated Suzuki. She was easily able to rise without being much serious. I have to admit that she is far superior to not only me, but even the whole teachers combined.

But the question now is, will my class able to graduate from class A? As it is, no. Horikta has potential, but she is too isolated and narrow minded.

The next person who comes to mind is, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. I originally planned to make Horikita suspicious about him, but it was never needed. Even though the Chairman asked me to take special care of him, I will end up using him.

"Isn't this a waste of tax payers?"

"You came."

"Because you called sensei."

I deadpanned. Horikita is a bad influence on him. I can't understand if he is mocking me or just saying things for the sake of saying things.

I sighed and gestured him to take a seat. I was in a theater in the cruise, watching a play of Icarus's Wings.

"How do you feel on reaching class A?"

He shrugged, "I don't care either way. But it is good that we get more points, I guess."

"Suzuki wasn't supposed to be in class D at the start. If anything, I think she was placed in the lowest class because she would create a really big imbalance if she was placed in any higher class."

"Yui-sama is amazing afterall."


"Drop the act Ayanokoji. I know that you are not a normal person."

His expression didn't change a bit. But after a second, he started laughing.

"Well well well. I didn't think anybody would notice an eminence in shadow like me. I lurk in shadow, and hunt in shadow."

He covered his face with one hand like a chunni.

I gave him an unimpressed stare.

"You sound like a weirdo with this monotonous laugh and voice. And since when did you become a chunni?"

He kept that pose for about half a minute, then returned back to normal.

"Sorry. Suzuki said to do this when someone tells me something like I am not a normal person."

"And you believed that?"

He didn't respond and just stared at me. Well, this is awkward.

Am I having a conversation with a student without feeling tense? I don't know.

"A certain person called the school to have Ayanokoji Kiyotaka drop out. And that person is your father."

"I didn't think that someone could tell the school to do something this absurd."

"Your father is a powerful man. But even he can't interfere with this school and have you expelled as long as you don't make a mistake."

"Then I don't understand what is the problem. I don't plan to cause any trouble."

"But if I decide you are a problem, then you are."

Suddenly the air turned chilly. His apathetic gaze unnerved me. How can a child have such cold eyes?

"Are you threatening me sensei?"

"I am just proposing a deal. Now that Suzuki will not cooperate with the class, it will fall apart, and it wouldn't take long that it becomes class D again. All I want from you is to cooperate so that the class doesn't fall behind. And I will overlook troubles you will cause. It's a perfect dea-"


Suddenly, Ayanokoji's phone rang. I expected him to cut the call, but he picked it up even though we were having an intense discussion.


Yui-chan: "Yo Ayanokoji! Please watch the news tomorrow! Your dad's execution date is decided! It's this Sunday. And ah! White Room is destroyed and your decided path for future is no more. But sorry, you won't be inheriting a single penny because everything is going to be confiscated. Good night!"


Ayanokoji looked at his phone with a complicated expression, which was my first time seeing him making a face another than his apathetic one.

He kept calling to the person who called just now but it was not connecting.

After several minutes of constantly calling the number, he finally looked at me.

"Sorry sensei, but my father's days are already numbered. Use a better threat next time."

And he just ran away before I could say something.

What the hell happened!?