Confrontation with Ayanokoji

I was happily having some ice cream by booking the whole restaurant. Finally I am free from this childish play like class battle. Now I can move around as I want to work on my goal.

"Take a seat Ayanokoji-kun. Eat as much ice cream as you want. My treat."

I sensed Ayanokoji behind me and just standing there as if not sure how to approach me.

Awkwardly, he took a seat in front of me while barely holding back to eat the ice cream I have ordered for him just a minute ago.

"Eat it before it melts."

As ordered, he started eating it with such enthusiasm that his face didn't change a bit. Lol.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course. I won't joke around with something like that."

We just ate ice cream in silence for a long time. Out of blue, he started telling me about himself, which was new.

"I had already accepted that I will not be able to escape that man for long. When I heard of this school from my butler, I wanted to enjoy the outside world which he disregarded so much. I had accepted that I will have to return after 3 years.

Along the way, I started to doubt his ideologies. I wanted to find out if his ways are wrong. It will take a long time to digest the news, but somehow, I feel relieved. Thank you Suzuki-san."

His expression changed for the first time. A relieved expression. How should I put it... How Cute?

"That scum is not that much of a threat like you think of him. Have you already read Naruto manga like I told you?"

"Yes. I am binging everything you are recommending."

"He is just a Danzo rip-off. And I am a Hagomoro Otsutsuki level cheat. I could have 'taken care' of him a few years back. But the time wasn't the most beneficial."

"What do you mean by 'beneficial'?"

I gave him a smirk.

"Who knows?"

He suddenly turned serious.

"You intentionally gave me looks of pity, to make me curious. You intentionally said to go on dates with whoever saves up the most points, knowing that I will take the bait. You intentionally asked me to give the details of White Room, even though you had a more informative and reliable source. Why go through the trouble to do that?"

I smiled at that.

"You figured my intentions really good, even though only about 50-60%. So why did I have such intentions?"

"I am not really curious. I don't want to know."

"I will still give you a hint. I have explicitly said about it before."

"It's beca-"

I quickly cut him off.

"Now now. Let's stop this useless game, shall we? I am sure that you have figured out everything about why I played around with you even though it was unnecessary. It is not exactly difficult, is it?"

"You overestimate me. How can an ordinary person like me figure out such a great person like Yui-sama?"

If you lie, atleast make it believable.

"You know, I recommend you to binge Eminence in Shadow to learn how to be a perfect mob. If you are gonna lie, atleast make it believable."

"I did as you told, but sensei said that I was a weirdo."

"That is the point! Once the other person thinks you are a weirdo who is not alright in his head, they will stop bothering you!"

He looked shocked by the revelation. Hmm, he is learning to make very slight expressions now. His adaptability is really high.

"I will take your word for that. But Yui-sama, I want to ask you a question. What is the strongest power in the world?"

"Power of love."

He spit out his ice cream. Not expecting it coming from my mouth.

"Can you please not joke around?"

"I am dead serious. Nothing is more powerful than Power of Love. Power of Friendship comes next to it."

"Really Yui-sama?"

"Really. And why are you calling me Yui-sama now?"

"Because I am just an ordinary person."

This guy!

"Fine. I don't have a problem with that. Do you want to ask anything else?"

"Yes. Even though I have asked before, I want to ask you again. Is our society equal?"


He was stunned by my answer. I thought it was a lame question, I still think so. But if he came to find the answer, I will have to answer him seriously.

"How so?"

"Do you believe in supernatural stuff?"


"Fine. Listen to my theory. The oldest history we know of originates from mainly India and China. I mean the time when the Hindu gods like Brahma existed. At that time, our planet had abundant energy like the cultivation manhua. Through cultivation, the so-called gods came into existence. But they were by no means the ultimate existence.

Whatever the ultimate existence is, is the source of energy in the universe. And with the energy comes his intent, which flows in everyone till date.

But the gods exhausted the energy of our planet by taking it for themselves that the supernatural energy is no longer in our grasp. Existences like dragons, the World Tree which gave knowledge to Buddha, prediction abilities of the Sadhus with abundance of spiritual energy, every supernatural stuff came to an end.

But the energy still exists, thats why our planet is still alive. People still have souls, spiritual energy and stuff. Doesn't it happen to you that sometimes you saw something in your sleep and it happened exactly? That is our spiritual energy interacting with other people's and the earths. I myself has experienced seeing some incidents happening exactly the same in the future. But only 2 or 3 times in my life. While my grandma has had dreams that vagely hint of something happening to a close person. And it has been correct every time.-"

"I don't understand what you are trying to say."

Oops. Looks like I started rambling too much.

"Anyway, the point is that you can't compare people with just measurable things like academics, physical ability, even the money and power. Our spiritual strength and many other things we don't know about come into play. Then there is the extent to which we can be kind of cruel and other stuff like that. But after taking into consideration of every single peculiarities we have and the more closer we are to the ultimate existence, we all are equal.

You have studied far more than me, but you don't know how to make money like me and never will. That is just an example. So I can say with confidence that everyone is equal."

"That is an interesting perspective."

He seemmed satisfied with my answer.

I stood up to leave the restaurant, while he remained on his seat thinking about how his life has flipped upside down. But before leaving, I turned my head to him while giving an innocent smile.

"But I am an exception. And a pretty overpowered at that."

I said it while swaying my hair in a really cool manner. If he doesn't fall for me after witnessing such a breathtaking moment, I will be slightly disappointed.