Asylum and Torak

The paper work went successful and with some convincing of Lieutenant and Dr. Richards, Sunny was finally allowed to be shifted to an Asylum instead of jail. He was given a time period of one year. If he recovers within the time, he will be let go. If he doesn't, then he will have to stay there for his lifetime. The judge issued these orders.

Day 1

Sunny was forced to wear a dress that had no openings for hand and legs, and his waist was enchained to hind wall where his bed was placed. He was laughing madly while these were happening with him.

Day 2

Few great psychiatrists, psychotherapists, doctors, arrived and they begun Sunny's therapies and medications.

Day 17

Sunny somehow torn his clothes and freed his hands and legs, and was about to beat the fellow patient in jail, hence he was shifted to an Isolation cell.

Day 23

Sunny caused trouble, accidentally touching an exposed wire and being shocked. After this, his hands were enchained to the hind wall as well.

Day 199

Sunny again torn his dress and started scratching walls. He somehow found a piece of stone which leaves mark on walls. He took that stone piece and started writing "HA!" on the walls. Experts started concluding he may not recover ever.

Day 255

Sunny started showing signs of recovery. He started behaving well than usual. Maybe its an improvement. If this continues, he may leave soon.

Day 365

Sunny was a completely normal man, as he used to be before losing his sanity. It was as if that Maniac Sunny never showed up. However, in outside world, much have changed.

This incident of Sunny, made him a Legend. He was called Mass Murderer Psycho, Fans and followers termed him as Joker. Many Criminal gangs started following this legend and there were many villain characters in kids' story books and comics. While Sunny was unaware, he became an icon, the world called him the 'Mythical Joker'.

Lieutenant Connor didn't want this Joker to come to life again, so he tried his best to keep this Joker guy, AKA Sunny, hidden from the world. So he made arrangements to send Sunny to a Rehabilitation Colony, named Torak, a colony where Mental Patients who are recovered and sent to observe, whether they are capable of leading a normal life or not. The ones who succeed are sent to 'outside World', while some even spend their entire lives here. This was created by the Government to prevent any more Serial killer attacks that can be caused by the past patients. Here everyone was a mental patient and spent their lives here in the Asylum. Some even started expanding and increased their families. It was as if Government were taking care of them, on their expenses, so that no past serial killer emerge. However, administration is done by the professional doctors, psychiatrists, police, military, and Government as well. When Sunny arrived here at Torak, Lieutenant himself came to receive him.

"Hey Sunny! Are you fine?" Lieutenant asked.

"Uh yes." Sunny replied.

"Connor. Lieutenant Jack Connor." Lieutenant said while forwarding his hand towards Sunny's direction.

"Sunny." Sunny said while forwarding his hand for handshake.

"Come I show you your house." Lieutenant said.

They went by streets and ultimately stopped near a house, where Sunny would be staying. Lieutenant opened his house door and entered, while gesturing Sunny to enter.

They explored the house. Sunny seemed a bit happy. Then he says, "House is nice, but how much would be its rent? I may not afford it. I am joble-"

"This is your house and all your necessities are already here. Its like Government gave you this house and all things as a gift. However, soon you may need to find a job and earn money to gift the Government twice the amount it paid for you." Lieutenant replied, cutting off Sunny in between.

"Thank you Government" Sunny said in a sarcastic tone.

Lieutenant chuckled.

"And Sunny I heard you were going to do your Masters degree while doing a job so you can pay your bills as well study. Right?" Lieutenant asked.

"That was the plan before this all happened." Sunny replied with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Well here, there is a company, which may not be as renowned as Sterling Incorporated. Here take a look at this." Lieutenant said while handing Sunny a booklet.

"Derring Enterprises?" Sunny asked.

"Yes. They say they need someone who is an expert in IT field. They are even willing to take care of you for work and they would allow you to study without any problems. They will provide with a House Keeper who will take care of you and this house. All you have to is work and study. If you have any problems in study, they will provide you with a tutor as well." Lieutenant said.

"How do you know so much?" Sunny asked.

"Well this is my friend's company. So I know about it." Lieutenant replied.

"Okay." Sunny paused for a moment. "By the way Sir." Sunny begun.

"Yes Sunny?" Lieutenant asked.

"Why are you helping me so much?" Sunny asked.

"Well I see my son in you. He was a depressed soul. His depression made him a criminal and at the end. I had to kill him myself in an encounter. When I saw you, you low key reminded me of him." Lieutenant replied.

"I see." Sunny replied.

"So be like a good son and start working and studying. I want to see you successful one day." Lieutenant said.

"I'll try my best sir." Sunny replied.

"Fine. I shall leave now. You make yourself home now. You have an interview tomorrow, be prepared for it. If you get selected, your life will be set." Lieutenant said and got up to leave.

"Yes sir." Sunny said while getting up to see off Lieutenant.

After seeing him off Sunny came back to his bed room. His past flashed before his eyes. Tears started forming in his eyes.

"No crying Sunny. From today, you're reborn. Lets do our best from tomorrow."