Companion and Caretaker

Sunny came out of the office happy and excited. "Sunny. We'll let you know by tonight whether you're hired or not." was what the interviewers said to Sunny. The result was unclear, yet Sunny was confident he's selected since he was asked easy questions and Sunny answered them without any hint of nervousness.

He came back home and started doing his daily chores. After completing them, the moment he sat down to eat his meal, he got a mail that he has passed the interview and he can join from day after tomorrow. The house keeper may reach him by next day so he could be prepared for work. Sunny was overjoyed. His dreams are finally going to be fulfilled. He ate his dinner and went to sleep.

Next day, Sunny woke up when someone rung his doorbell. Sunny got up, yawned, and went ahead to answer the door. When he opened the gate, he saw a girl, a bit shorter than him, in a maid outfit. Sunny was surprised.

"Good Morning Mr. Sunny, I'm Violet Gill, Company appointed Housekeeper as well as your Care Taker." the girl said.

"I didn't think company would send a girl for that. I'm a young boy. Won't it be a bit awkward for you?" Sunny asked.

"It's my job sir." Violet replied with a straight face.

"Oh yes, right. But it would be awkward for me. Don't worry. You can go back, I'll take care of things myself." Sunny said.

"No thank you sir, if I go back, I won't be paid my salary, or may be fired." Violet replied.

"What? Why?" Sunny asked in surprise.

"I'll tell you but first, may I come in?" Violet said.

"Oh yes, sorry. Please come in." Sunny said.

The moment Violet picked up her bag, Sunny noticed Violet had a trolley bag with her, it was as if she was moving in, in his house. Sunny immediately asked her, "Wait. What is this bag for? Are you going to live here?"

She gave an 'obviously' look and replied, "According to the protocols of our Company, we are told to stay at the master's house, to look after every needs."

Sunny gulped his saliva. Then he directed her to move in. "This is the Living Room. For now, keep your bag here. You came so early, I couldn't set up things here, plus I came here day before yesterday, so I don't know the place much."

"Its ok sir, I'm here since more than half year. I know about this place." Violet replied.

"Alright. Come. Watch every corner of the house." Sunny said while pointing his hand ahead to direct her to come with him.

Violet got up and both of them explored each corner of the house. The last room was Sunny's room. When they went in, Violet saw it was the most messier room. She said, "Wow, its so messier. I guess you need some work here." Sunny face palmed himself. "I'll clean it" Violet said while preparing herself. "No no, I can do it." Sunny said, "You begin with other rooms."

"No. This is where I shall begin from." Violet replied.

"Damn. You are too stubborn. Fine. Do it." Sunny said and left his room.

The moment he rested on his couch, he got a message from Lieutenant.

"Meet me outside the Walmart at 14:00." the message said.

Sunny sighed and went to Violet to tell her to make anything she want for lunch since he may not be in his house. Violet asked the reason, so he showed her the message. Violet made an irritated face which Sunny couldn't understand. Sunny got ready and reached the meeting point in time.

"Nice to see you Lieutenant." Sunny said while shaking hand with Lieutenant.

"Nice to see you too Sunny. So how is everything going on? All well?" Lieutenant asked.

"Yeah everything is fine." Sunny replied.

"Come. Lets sit here and talk." Lieutenant said while pointing at a seat in a diner.

"Sure." Sunny replied.

"Ok Sunny, let me come to the point." Lieutenant begun, "You know Violet Gill, right?"

"Yes, she's my housekeeper." Sunny replied.

"Okay. But I guess you don't know much about her. You know you should not trust someone so easily. Plus this city consists of past Mental patients. You must know about their details. How careless you are?" Lieutenant said.

"Sorry sir." Sunny replied.

"Ok. Listen close." Lieutenant begun, "The girl Violet Gill, she was in the same division you were in. When you were creating nuisance, Violet on the other hand, in her cell, was trying to kill her. Experts advised to keep her in isolation, but not in Isolation ward. So doctors had to tie her hands, and keep her away from anything that could harm her or anyone."

"Damn. Why did she want to kill herself?" Sunny asked.

"Violet is a girl who when falls in love, falls madly. People like her won't like the fact that the one they love is loving someone else besides them. Girls like her feel empty without the one they love. They hate being cheated, and may go to any extent. Even murders." Lieutenant continued. Sunny choked in his saliva. "Violet is someone what Japanese say, a Yandere."

"Oh okay." Sunny replied.

"She was here because she killed a boy in her college, whom she loved. The boy didn't love her back. And when she got to know the boy loves someone else and is going out with her, she immediately went to the boy and stabbed him in his heart."

Sunny was shocked.

"She was then trying to stab herself in neck, but security arrived and detained her. Then Police arrived and she ended up here. Since then, she was feeling empty again. She wanted to die to end this feeling."

"What!?" Sunny exclaimed.

"But that's not it. One day, when she was all depressed in her cell as usual. Something happened."


Violet was sitting silently in her cell. She had a sad expression on her face, with tears dried on her cheeks. She was staring the ground. That's when she heard someone calling her. She somehow got up and peeked through the window on her cell door.

"Oh its you. I thought it was those uniform guy in. My bad." the voice which came from the opposite gate said.

She was about to move and go back to sit when the voice called again. She turned again.

"Since you are the one who listened to me, how about a joke?" the voice said.

Violet didn't respond but she didn't leave as well.

"A man received a phone call from his doctor. He received and the doctor went like, "I have a bad news and a really bad news." The man asked what's the bad news is. Doctor went like, "You have 24 hours to live" "And what's the even bad news?" "I'm trying your phone since yesterday!" Ha! Ha! Ha!" the voice started laughing madly after that.

Hearing the laughter, Violet chuckled. Then slowly she started laughing madly as well.

The guards and doctors were shocked when they witnessed this. It was a shock for them. On the other side, Violet and that voice started laughing at the jokes of the voice's every day.

However, few days later, the person whose voice it was, was shifted to a different cell for creating nuisance. Violet was mad when she got to know this. She started banging doors, punching walls, sometimes hurting her to free her to meet that guy whose voice it was. Then Lieutenant came there.

"I want to meet that guy. I want to be with that guy. Let me go to that guy. I want to be with that guy. That guy! That guy! That guy! That guy! That guy!" she chanted this.

"Ok. I will let you meet him." Lieutenant said.

Violet stopped immediately and advanced towards Lieutenant at full speed, but feel due to the force of her chains.

"But only on one condition" Lieutenant continued.

"What condition? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" she asked.

"You'll have to cure and be good, like a normal person. No more killing, hurting or anything that is bad. Understood?" Lieutenant said.

"Yes yes yes yes yes I will I will" Violet said with a happy face.

After that, Violet improved so well, she was let free in about two weeks. She was told that guy was freed so she went to search for him.

Present time

"She's still searching for him." Lieutenant said.

"I guess I heard that joke somewhere I don't remember. Well never mind. I feel sorry for that guy with whom she fell in love with though." Sunny replied laughing nervously.

"By the way, who was that guy in the opposite cell? And ya, why are you giving me so detailed information about my Housekeeper?" Sunny asked.

"Well the person in the opposite cell was then seen to tear of his clothes and start hurting fellow cell mates. So the doctors moved him into an Isolation Ward." Lieutenant replied.

"Why does it feel familiar?" Sunny asked Lieutenant.

"Because it was your doing." Sunny went silent. "You were the one who told her the jokes, you were the one she created chaos for, you are the one who made her complete. You are the one she loves." Lieutenant replied.