
"Are you sure Lieutenant its me? There may be some misunderstanding." Sunny asked panicking with what he heard.

"No what I told was true and is told to you after cross checks." Lieutenant replied.

"Why? Me?" Sunny asked out of frustration.

"Well, not you, but the other you. "The Mythical Joker" is the one she loves." Lieutenant said.

"I guess that's comforting." Sunny replied.

"However, make sure she doesn't know the other you or you may be in trouble." Lieutenant said.

"Of course Lieutenant. Thanks for your help." Sunny said.

"Okay Sunny. I must go. You stay alert. If you are in any trouble, press the power button twice of your phone. Help will arrive asap." Lieutenant said.

"Sure sir." Sunny replied.

"Okay. See you later Sunny." Lieutenant said and got up.

"Sure sir." Sunny said while standing up to see him off.

After this, Sunny caught a bus and started heading to his home. He was still lost in the thoughts. The information Lieutenant gave was way too much for him. He was thinking how will he face Violet then.

When he reached home, he saw his house cleaner than usual, all items in there place, food prepared, and Violet kneel down on the floor in her maid outfit, saying, "Welcome home master."

Sunny was surprised, but the moment his eyes rested upon Violet, he was scared for a moment.

"You don't need to do this Violet." Sunny said.

"But my previous master said it is mandatory to do this to your master." Violet replied.

"I'm not your previous master, and you don't need to do this." Sunny said.

Violet was silent for a moment, then she got up and started readying the food on the table. "Master, till the time freshen up and come." Violet said.

Sunny nodded his head, "I'll take a bath first." Sunny said.

"But I didn't prepare the bath." Violet said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Don't worry. I'll take a shower and come." Sunny said.

"As you wish master." Violet replied.

"And yes. Stop calling me master. Call me by my name. Call me Sunny. Come on." Sunny ordered.

"But- Master." Violet stuttered in her words.

"No buts. Call me Sunny. Now." Sunny ordered with a more bossy tone.

Violet looked down and slowly said, "Su-Su-Sun-Sunny"

"Is my name that hard? That you're embarrassed to pronounce it? Come on be loud and clear." Sunny said in a polite way.

Violet looked happy. She smile and said, "Sunny".

She didn't stop smiling after calling him by his name. Sunny couldn't understand the reason but chose to leave.

When he came after bath, he sat to eat. Violet served him food and sat.

"Have you eaten?" Sunny asked.

"No." Violet replied.

"Then you should eat too." Sunny said.

"But maids shouldn't eat with masters. After you eat, I'll eat." Violet replied.

"That doesn't work here. Eat with me or else I won't touch food." Sunny said.

Violet went silent. Sunny looked at her direction for a moment.

"Is something inappropriate mas- Sunny?" Violet asked.

"You're always in your uniform. Don't you have anything casual with you?" Sunny asked.

"But this is my uniform. I can't wear anything besides this when master is here." Violet answered.

"And what about the time when I was out?" Sunny asked.

"Well to be honest, when you left yesterday, it was getting warmer. So I worked in my crop top and shorts" Violet replied while looking down with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Its ok. You can where casuals in my home. Just don't go over the limit. Remember I'm still a man." Sunny said and continued eating his food.

"And now please start eating your food." Sunny ordered.

"Yes sir." Violet replied.

"Sir?" Sunny asked with a stare.

"I mean Sunny." Violet said with a hidden smile.

Violet brought her food and started eating her meal.

"By the way Violet" Sunny said which startled Violet. She started coughing badly.

"Here have this." Sunny passed a glass of water to her.

"You should take care of me and here I am taking your care." Sunny said.

"Sorry" Violet said after getting normal.

Few moments later, Violet asked, "Yes, what were you saying?"

"Oh yes. We know about Torak. Past mental patients reside here." Sunny said.

"Yes indeed." Violet replied.

"So you know that I am a past mental patient?" Sunny said.

"Yes." Violet replied.

"So it means you were a past mental patient as well. Right?" Sunny asked, noticing his legs going in vibration mode.

"Yes I was as well." Violet replied with a straight face.

Sunny seemed calm but internally he was scared. Violet stopped eating and started staring Sunny. Sunny gulped.

"I murdered the person I loved, who made me feel complete. Then when I was about to commit suicide, I was detained. Then I was brought in the Asylum to recover." Violet said expressionlessly.

"You murdered the person you loved? Why?" Sunny asked.

"He loved someone else." Violet said.

"Woah. By any chance. Are you a Yandere?" Sunny asked.

"Ya that's what they called me." she replied.

"Then how you recovered. A Yandere doesn't have any will to live if the person she loves is dead. She feels incomplete. Right?" Sunny asked.

"I too felt incomplete. Unless I met another person who completed me." Violet said with sudden rise of flames in her eyes.

"Who's that lucky man?" Sunny tried to ask in a joking tone, but internally he was terrified of the answer.

"I don't know much about him. But after enquiring some guards. I got to know his famous name." Violet replied.

"Famous name?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah. The name with which the person is renowned." Violet replied.

"And what's his name?" Sunny asked gulping some water.

"The world calls him 'Joker'." Violet said.

Sunny choked on water and started coughing badly. Violet got up and started patting and rubbing his back to make him feel better.

After getting normal, Sunny went silent for a moment.

"May I ask you something?" Violet said breaking the ice.

"We are friends. You can ask me anything." Sunny replied with a smile.

Violet paused for a moment with a hidden smile. Then she begun, "Why were you in the asylum?"

Sunny went silent.

"Tell." Violet said. "Wait, by any chance, you know the Joker? or... Are you him?" Violet asked.

"Joker was in for murdering many. I was in for murder charge of one. My school bully, who mentally harassed me." Sunny replied immediately trying to cover the fact that he is indeed the Joker.

"Okay." Violet replied.

"I guess its time for us to sleep. Lets call it a night. There's the guest room. You can stay there since I have no guests, who will stay." Sunny said.

"You're alone? Like me?" Violet asked with a hint of emotional tone.

"Yes. I don't have luxury of friends, family or relatives." Sunny replied looking down remembering his past.

"Don't worry. We are with each other now." Violet said pulling Sunny into a hug and started patting his head.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" Sunny asked out of shock.

"You called me a friend right? So I am doing what a friend must do." Violet answered.

"But aren't you in love with someone else? Aren't you loyal to him? What Yandere are you?" Sunny asked.

"G." Violet answered with a smile.

"G?" Sunny asked.

"Call me G from now on, else I won't respond. I'll call you Darlin." Violet said.

"What? Darling? Excuse me?" Sunny asked in panic, trying to free himself from Violet's grasp.

"Not Darling, Dar-Lin." Violet replied still smiling, tightening her hold on Sunny.

"Where is G?" Sunny asked out of frustration.

"I am here. Moreover, you're not my Darling, you're not Joker. So I won't give you that privilege. And yes. If you don't respond me when I call you Darlin, I'll stab you." Violet said with a sweet smile.

"What? Why? Sunny was getting impatient.

"Because I said. Remember. I was about to get fired for a reason. You were my last option, my last chance, my saviour Darlin, so don't make me kill you. From today, I'm like your wife, except for that part which you may know. That's for my Joker. However, you too can't cheat on me, or talk to any other homewrecker. Understood?" Violet said in a polite way making her threats like a joke. Still Sunny was afraid.

"But why me? I'm not Joker, why should I share his fate!?" Sunny cried.

"I don't know" Violet said with a grin in her face. "And about sleeping, I'm sleeping with my Darlin." Violet said with a wide grin scaring the shit out of Sunny.

"But Vio-" "G" "I mean G. Why!?"

"Because I told. Now come come Darlin. Lets sleep together. Don't be touchy to me or I'll stab you." Violet said in a polite way leaving Sunny, and pulling him to room.