I'm Not Adopted!

The two people that are sparring are Senju, Itama can tell by the clan symbol on the back of their tops.

The boy has short light brown hair with black eyes. He wears a grey suit with metal plates that cover the back of his palms, shins, and forearms. The color of his grey suit reaches just above his top lip forming a half mask. His ankles are wrapped in bandages and he wears grey sandals. Right now he is fighting the girl purely with taijutsu. He mostly uses his fist to deliver fast and powerful attacks. It reminded Itama a lot of the boxing in his past life.

Although his attacks are strong and fast, the girl is matching his pace fairly easily.

Speaking of the girl she is thin with dark brown hair and black eyes. She has on a blue mesh armor blouse and shorts. Her top is covered by a Black Sleeveless Kimono leaving only the mesh long sleeves and shorts visible. Her legs are wrapped in black bandages and she wears black sandals. The girl is matching the boy's Taijutsu with Kenjutsu. She is using dulled silver ninjato to fend off his attacks. She also adds taijutsu into her attacks with kicks and trips.

Overall Itama felt that the two were fairly evenly matched. He thought about coming out and saying 'hi', but seeing how focused the two are he decided to wait until they finished to introduce himself.

The two kids kept fighting for another minute before they jumped away from each other. They looked at each other and nodded.

With both of them realizing they would have to go all out to win they decide to do just that. The first one to go was the boy.

"Earth Release: Great Earthen Arms," The boy said after forming the hand seals required. The boy then stuck his hands into the ground and like the earth was water his hands easily sunk in. He then quickly pulled them out with his hands and forearms now covered in hard rock.

They were now about twice the size as they were before, but this didn't seem to throw the bow off. He punched the air a few times to get used to the feeling. Once he was comfortable he looked at the girl with challenging eyes.

She smirked and began to form hand seals of her own. Bird, Dragon, Ox, Hare, and Horse, are the five seals she formed.

"Lightning Release: Spring Storm Steps" once she finished the Jutsu sparks of lightning formed under her feet and he legs were noticeably tensed. Not wasting any time the girl quickly moved forward. Her speed increased sharply in the blink of an eye she was standing in front of the boy and striking with her ninjato.

As if expecting the attack the boy punched at her vulnerable left side while holding his left arm up to block the attack. Not wanting to trade unfavorable blows the girl pulled her attack and dodged the blow aimed at her side. She ducked down letting the blow go over her head, she then used the momentum she had from ducking to go for a shin kick to the boy who hadn't recovered yet from his missed attack.

"Ah" he shouted in pain. He quickly backed away before looking at the girl with menacing eyes.

She stood up and the two locked eyes in a stalemate for a moment. The boy, with eyes of anger, and the girl, with a playful smirk on her face. She knew she had won their initial exchange and so did he. The pause only lasted for a few seconds before the boy attacked again.

He charged straight at her and with a special movement technique he appeared in front of the girl. She blinked in surprise at the situation before quickly blocking the punch aimed for her head with the forearm. She winced when the attack landed but ignored the pain to fend off the rest of the furious boy's onslaught.

Not wanting to let the girl get any distance from him the boy made sure to stick close to her and attack with his earthen arms. Each attack he threw her way was his full power, he knew he had to keep her close if he wanted any chance of winning.

After a few seconds, the girls started to get used to the attacks, though she knew she would have some nasty bruises tomorrow. But she didn't care. She continued to fend off the attacks until she saw an opening and with increased speed, she used her ninjato to slash at the boy's chest causing him to pause to protect himself. She followed through with the strike knowing it didn't hit but she used her downwards momentum to hit the boy with a spin kick with her right leg and push him back.

She knew her attack would cause him some pain, she had an elemental advantage in this situation, all she needed was a bit of distance and this fight would end in her favor. Once she had recovered from her spin she started to circle the boy, almost fast enough to create afterimages. She waited for the perfect moment to attack.

In the trees, Itama watched the fight in a trance. It was amazing to see actual ninjutsu being used. It was different from the anime. The skills, while amazing, weren't as flashy and bright but he could feel the deadliness of them even more. It was a spectacular experience. He felt that even if he didn't get the chance to talk to these people he was glad he found this place.

Just as the two were about to engage again a voice bright voice spoke next to Itama.

"Enjoying the show, peeping tom?"

Itama jumped from his crouched position, almost falling. He quickly turned around to see a young girl with spiky silver hair and green eyes. She wears a light green qipao dress with short sleeves. The dress has slits along the sides accompanied by a zipper and white flower designs. She has white bike tights underneath the dress with a shuriken holster on her left thigh. Her legs are wrapped with a white bandage that goes down to her white sandals.

The girl is currently holding in a laugh trying not to disturb the fighting happening below. A blush forms on Itama's face as he sees the girl laughing at him. It quickly turns into a frown and glare as he looks at the girl.

"Who are you?" he asked

The girl takes a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down. She tilts her head at his question

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that question- phf" she barely gets out before her laugh threatens to erupt again. She quickly covers her mouth as her shoulders shake. She leans back onto the tree to stop herself from falling off.

"What's so funny? And I asked first." Itama was getting frustrated, the girl was disturbing his viewing experience.

It took a few seconds before the girl calmed down again, but when she did she stood up back up and looked at him.

"You are." she answered with a playful smile that caused his frown to get deeper, but before he could speak again he interrupted.

"Anyways who are you?" She asked with the same smile.

"You first." Itama replied, he crossed his arms as he stood on the tree. He was honestly surprised that she didn't know who he was, but it didn't bother him.

"Ok," the girl easily relented. Surprising Itama, he thought he would have to go back and forth with her until one of them finally relented due to stubbornness. He had mentally prepared to go all night.

Not noticing his surprise the girl held out her left arm and introduced herself "I'm Azama Senju, nice to meet you! Now, what's your name two-tone?"

"Don't call me that." he deadpanned "And my name is Itama Senju." he reached for her outstretched hand.

"You're Weak Third!" the girl exclaimed in surprise.

Itama had to use his hands to catch his balance due to him tripping after hearing that statement. Once he had sufficiently caught his balance and Azama had finished laughing he asked.

"What did you call me?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Huh? Oh, the Weak Third thing?" She questioned and when she saw Itama nod she explained.

"Well, your other brothers are so talented, everyone in the clan has heard about them. Even your youngest brother was super talented. But then theirs you, the third and weakest brother. That's where Weak Third comes from" she innocently explains "People say the only thing spectacular about you is your hair. It is cool" She adds.

Before Itama could process the rumors surrounding him the girl struck another blow.

"Hey, is true that you're adopted? Everyone says that's why you're not as talented as the other three. Grandpa says the Madam found you in a cave and-" before the tactless girl could finish speak she was interrupted.

"I'm not adopted!" Itama furiously screamed.