Multiverse's Best Odds (Not a Multiverse Fic)

Itama's scream reverberated throughout the training ground, causing for all the children within the vicinity to look in his direction.

"Who is that Azy is talking to?" One of the Uzumaki children among the group asked. They couldn't see their faces clearly but Azama's appearance is noticeable, even from a distance.

When the question was asked the whole group turned to one boy sitting at the edge of their group looking in the direction of Itama and Azama. The boy has spiky hair - like Azama's, though shorter and brown- grass green eyes and fair skin. Currently, he is sitting on the grass leaning back on his hands, with a neutral look, as he looked at the situation he knew Azama had caused. The boy's placid face morphs into one of confusion when he notices the gazes focused on him from the four children.

"Huh? Why are you guys staring at me?" he asked

"Because Atama, she is your sister. So you should know who she's talking to, right?" The other Uzumaki kid replied.

The two were clearly twins given how they looked exactly alike. The two boys have short, dark red hair, cobalt blue eyes (one has a large fringe that covers his left eye), and a pale skin complexion.

The first boy to speak was Aitomi Uzumaki. He wears a cerulean blue jacket with a light orange hood and matching swirl designs on the short sleeves, a meshed armor undershirt, black trousers, and fingerless gloves with the backhand partially exposed.

His brother Otomi Uzumaki wears the same outfit only the colors of his shirt are inverted. His jacket is light orange, while his hood, the swirl designs, and short sleeves are cerulean blue. He is also the brother with the fringe over his left eye.

"Huh, I guess that's true." Atama relented "But I don't know who that is. But we all know it's probably Azama's fault anyways. So let her figure it out." he shrugged and looked back to see his sister bowing to the boy.

The kids looked at Atama with blank expressions before realizing that it was a wasted endeavor to question him anyway. Not knowing what to do they all turned back to the two in the trees.

While the group on the ground was wondering who Itama was and what had caused him to scream like that. Itama was glaring daggers at Azama, who looked back in confusion.

A few seconds passed by before something clicked in Azama's head. A sheepish smile formed on her face as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Oops, I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just curious. I'm sorry." she gave a deep bow to Itama.

Itama looked at the girl for a few seconds, he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He really didn't know what had overtaken him at that moment. Something like that shouldn't have bothered him in the slightest, he knew he should've been able to brush it off as nothing and continue with his day. He knew that she didn't mean any harm by the questions. It was fairly obvious the girl was just curious, she just hadn't learned how to express her curiosity in the right way. She was a bit too blunt.

Sure, he didn't like being called 'Third Weak', no one would, but that wasn't enough to lash out. Being asked if he was adopted wasn't enough reason either. But something deep down inside of him just hated the fact that she was questioning the legitimacy of his birth.

Itama felt that the memories, and feelings, of the past Itama's insecurity regarding his place in the family, were starting to affect him. He had been placed in a pretty shity position, placed as the weakest child in a family full of geniuses. Sure, he now had a bunch of benefits that would allow him to be on an even (or even greater) playing field eventually. But that was eventually, right now he is still miles behind his brothers. Even his, now deceased, youngest brother Kawarama could still kick his ass if he was alive.

He doesn't know how to fight with his Kekkei Genkai and Tota yet. He might be able to win using them, but on an even playing field with just taijutsu and shurikenjutsu? He was sure Kawarama would still beat him nine out of ten times.

Itama knew that Kawarama was a once-in-a-generation type genius, even more so than Tobi and Hashirama. But it still did not lessen the blow to know that his younger brother could, would, and has(before he took over) beaten him into the ground.

'I should probably stop comparing myself to my youngest brother. This can't be healthy.' Itama sighed internally.

'If I want to get rid of these insecurities, I need to get stronger. And to get stronger I just need to train harder!' Itama declared in his mind. 'But first, let's deal with this.'

He pulled himself out of his thought and looked at the still bowing girl who was peaking up at his face. It was obvious that she was getting tired of bowing.

Itama sighed one last time 'I got to stop with all this sighing. I feel like an old man. I'm only Nine years old, dammit!'

"It's ok. I know you were just asking. I apologize for screaming at you. But please don't call me 'Weak Third' again. My name is Itama." he appealed.

Finally not having to bow anymore, Azama popped back up with a bright smile on her face.

"Ok, no more Weak Third, only Itama. I get it!" she nodded and gave a thumbs up.

A vain appeared on Itama's forehead when heard her but he decided to ignore it and move on.

"Ok. Hey, what are you guys doing here?" he asked

"We're training" Azama replied with a tilted head. She was confused why he would ask such an obvious question.

"I get that your training, but why are you guys training in the middle of the woods? Why not at one of the training grounds?"

"Ooooh that's what you meant!" she exclaimed "We train here because you need an adult to train at the twelve training grounds. Most of us don't have sensei to allow us to train there and the ones that do have sensei that are soooooo busy that they never have time to teach them. Only giving them jutsu to learn and that's it. We could ask our parents, but they are busy too. Plus some of us don't have any." she said with a frown. She shook the sad thoughts out of her head and smiled brightly again. "Soooo we made this place to let us train on our own." She smiled as she motioned toward the expansive area.

Itama looked at her with amazement and some pity. He felt bad for them, it seemed like their situations were much worse than his, but they still were working just as hard if not harder than he has been. And for a much longer time too. Just clearing this space had to take forever. He couldn't imagine how long it would've taken a bunch of kids to clear out this big of a space.

"You guys did all this by yourselves?" he asked as he looked around the area

"Huh? No" she vigorously shook her head "That would've taken forever! No, we had your brother do it!" she happily said.

"How did you get my brother to do it?"

"We played scissors, paper, rock. If he won we would buy him food for a week and if we won he would do us a favor. It was super risky" she said as she wipe the fake sweat from her forehead.

Itama's mouth dropped to the ground when he heard that. He knew that his brother couldn't come out on top in that bet.

'Risky my ass! It was a sure-fire win! The best gambling odds in the universe, nay multiverse. You have a better chance of becoming a billionaire than losing to Hashi!' Itama cursed to himself.

"You ok?" Azama asked noticing his quirking eyebrow

"Yes, yes I'm fine." Itama quickly recovered, he quickly said a prayer in his mind for his poor brother before focusing back on the topic.

"Hey!" She clapped "Do you want to meet the others? I'm sure they would be happy to have another join our group, even if you're the w- um never mind. Let's go." Azama caught herself before getting flustered, grabbing Itama's forearm and jumping off the tree.

Itama quickly tried to pull his arm back before she brought him down with her, he wasn't mentally prepared to introduce himself yet and wanted a few seconds to himself to prepare, but he immediately realized the girl had a vice grip and was inevitably pulled down with her.

The two land with a thump on the ground sending a cloud of dust into the air.

"Hey, everyone! Come, here I want you to meet someone!" Azama shouted as she waved for the group to come towards them. She still held Itama's arm in her left hand. So by force, Itama's right arm was also waving about.

Itama wanted nothing more than to dig himself into the ground before the kids could get to him. Unfortunately, he was stuck in the grip of the unnaturally strong girl.