
It didn't take long for the group to arrive in front of the two the first to arrive were the boy and girl who were sparring with one another. They quickly made the seal of reconciliation before making their way over. Itama noticed that they didn't look too pleased to have to stop. While he couldn't see the boy's face his demeanor and eyes gave his feelings away. The other five arrived a few seconds later.

When everyone arrived Azama finally let go of Itama's arm and spoke up to the group.

"Guy's this is Itama! He's Hashirama's and Tobirama's younger brother." she introduced Itama to the group, when she saw the look of recognition on their face she quickly spoke up "That's right! He's the person you're thinking of, but don't call him that! He doesn't like it! Only Itama, OK?" she waved her fist around as she asked, but it was clear it was more of a command.

When the others nodded she spoke up again.

"Good" she nodded

"Itama, this one is my younger brother Atama. I know he's a bit ugly but mom says he'll grow up pretty so just wait. He won't be hard to look at forever." the girl joked as she pointed at Atama who was standing on the furthest end on her right.

"Yo" Atama greeted with a small wave his face stayed neutral through the whole thing, clearly not bothered by his sister's statement.

"Nice to meet you" Itama slightly bowed

"He's also no fun," Azama whispered under her breath. But Itama could hear her and couldn't help but smile a little.

"Next is Onama. He doesn't talk much, but he's still fun, sometimes." She added while pointing at the boy who was previously fighting with his mouth covered.

"U-um, nice to meet you?" Itama greeted

Onama looked Itama up and down with judging eyes before ignoring him again.

"I don't think he likes me much " Itama whispered to Azama after seeing his reaction.

"Nope, not at all." Azama nodded in agreeance, causing Itama's shoulders to drop a little. He reminded himself to never go to Azama for any type of comfort. He had only known the girl for a few minutes but it was clear she didn't sugarcoat anything.

"After Onama we have his cousin Kazama. She is fast and good with a sword. She also is very good at-"

"I-i think that's enough Azama" Kazama interrupted with a red face. Her head was tucked into her chest and she was twisting her foot on the ground.

'Awe, she's embarrassed. That's cute. Time to abuse it.' Itama thought to himself as an evil idea formed in his head.

"Nice to meet you Kazama. Your lightning release is really cool!" Itama complemented, laughing like a maniac in his mind.

"I-it's nice to meet you too Itama" the girl barely got out as her face was scorching red and it seemed like she would pass out in a second.

"Hmpf" Onama hurmphed

"Your earth release is cool to Onama, you taijutsu I powerful also." Realizing his mistake Itama complimented the boy too.

Onama nodded his head in satisfaction before looking away from Itama. Itama didn't know how to react to the boy's temper and decided to just ignore it.

"I forgot to mention she gets flustered when she's complimented. So make sure to do it all the time ok!" Azama treacherously advised with a wicked smile.

Itama returned a smile just as evil to the girl. The two 'secretly' fist bumped and formed a pack that would forever haunt the Kazama.

Wiping the smile from her face she introduced the next person. She is a sickly-looking girl with long thin blonde hair and purple eyes. She is wearing a dark blue Kimono with a purple obi around her waist.

"This is Tatama, she doesn't come around much but she is still our friend! So treat her nicely ok? Or I'll beat you up!" she waved a fist in his face as she threatened.

Knowing that the girl definitely had the strength to beat him to the ground, Itama nodded his head as sweat formed on his back.

"Don't hurt him Azama. He hasn't been mean yet!" the girl told off Azama she then stepped up to Itama and looked him over for a few seconds. She got really close to Itama, creeping him out and making him uncomfortable. She sniffed him a few times and then backed away.

"Hm." the girl nodded when she backed away and held out her hand with a big smile " It's nice to meet you Itama. Like Azama said I'm Tatama. I hope we can be friends."

Itama was a bit confused at the whole situation, and slightly creeped out, but seeing as the girl didn't dislike him after the whole situation he put the whole thing to the back of his mind and shook her outstretched hand.

"Yes, let's be friends!" he nodded and smiled brightly in return.

Tatama nodded and stepped back. The bright smile was still on her face. At the side Azama had her arms crossed as she sagely nodded at the whole scenario as if it was a normal occurrence.

"Next are these two. They're the same person so I'll introduce them together. They are Aitomi and Otomi Uzumaki." Azama said pointing in the general direction of the two. It was clear she wasn't too sure which one was which.

""We're not the same person!"" the boys said at the same time. They looked at each other and pointed.

""Stop copying me!""

Realizing they said the same thing again the boys got ready to fight. But before they could continue the last person in the group stepped in between them and pushed them away from one another.

""Hey!"" the two boys said again. Causing them to lock eyes with one another. Itama swore that he could see a spark fly in between the two. Before the two could go at it a gain Azama walked over and punched the two boys over the head.

"Can you two Stop It!" she commanded

"Ow~" the boys complained as they rubbed their heads.

The rest of the group, including Itama, did their best to hide their laughter.

"And last and least we have-" Azama began ignoring everyone

"I'm Senji" the last boy interpreted Azama and introduced himself.

Itama got a good look at Senji. He is the tallest boy of the grew, it wasn't by much at most a half an inch, but he was taller non less. He has medium-length pink hair that he has tied into a ponytail. He is wearing a pink high-collared shirt with black pants and matching sandals. On his right leg, he has a shuriken holster. His forearms are wrapped in white bandages that wrap around the space between his pointer finger and thumb. The boy had a unique appearance overall but the most unique thing about him are his eyes. His eyes are black with a bright pink four-pointed star-shaped iris.

It was clear that the eyes were a dojutsu, but Itama had no idea what dojustu was. He had never seen anything like it in canon or any of the hundreds of fan fictions and wiki pages head had read. He couldn't help but stare at the boy's eyes with curiosity.

It stayed like that for a few seconds before Azama coughed to get his attention.

"O-oh I'm sorry. Your eyes are just so unique. I've never seen any like them." Itama apologized with a small bow.