I stayed out on the dance floor most of the night with Ani and Alexia because I realized that as long as I was dancing, Fen stayed away. He wasn’t a good dancer and was currently a little too drunk to do that much movement. The night was going well, but I still hadn’t found my mate. Plenty of guys asked to dance with me, and I was happy to oblige, but at the end of each dance, we both knew we weren’t a match so they politely excused themselves and went on to mingle with others.
“I need a drink. I’m sweating!” I tell Ani and Alexia as I leave the dance floor.
“Okay girl! Hurry back soon!” Alexia says as she continues dancing to the beat of the song ‘Timber’ by Pitbull.
“FINALLY...I was wondering how long it would take you to tire of dancing.” Fen blurts out as he sees me retreat from the dance floor. “C’mon! Let’s go sit by Lane. He’s been saving us seats.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a second. I just need to grab a bottle of water first.” I tell him as I head up to the bar.
He gives me a knowing smile and stands waiting for me to get a bottle of water from the bar before heading to our table.
The night has been fun and entertaining for sure. I have had a blast dancing with my friends and talking to many different men as I danced, but I was beginning to wonder if I was going to meet my mate. It was entirely possible that he wasn’t here. I tried not to think about it too hard so I didn’t get discouraged, but it was hard.
“Can I get a bottle of water please?” I asked the bartender.
“Anything else?” The bartender asks.
“Just the water is all, thank you.”
“You got it!” He grabs a cold bottle and dries it off before handing it to me.
“Thank you!” I walk back to Fen and we head to our table.
“Hey Lane! Any hotties I need to make myself comfortable with?” Fen blurts out not caring who hears as he grabs his chair at the table Lane, his beta, reserved for us.
“Not at the moment Alpha. Am I free to mingle now or do you still need me to do anything for you?” Lane asks.
“I’m good Lane. Go get you some man!” Fen bellows jovially patting Lane on the back. Lane just glares at Fen knowing all too well that Fen is brimming on too much alcohol for the night.
“How much has he had?” Lane asks me.
“Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been on the dance floor most of the night.” I laugh.
“He gets handsy when he is TOO drunk, so as long as he isn’t pawing at some innocent bystander, we’re okay,” Lane comments getting up to go mingle and look for his mate.
“Roger that.” I smile giving him a salute as I gulp down my water.
Lane was a nice guy and from what I could tell, a good beta to Fen. He was the flirty playboy type, but most betas were if I was honest with myself. Fen recently became Alpha of his pack, the Slick Paw Pack, after killing his own father in a challenge for alpha. I never thought Fen would actually kill his own dad, but his father refused to submit to him even when he knew Fen had beat him. That was about 6 months ago. When I heard about it, my jaw hit the floor because I knew my uncle was a fierce fighter and has always beat Fen in fights. I couldn’t believe Fen actually got one over on him and killed him.
“So tell me Fenry, what special move got you the advantage against your dad in the challenge, I’m curious?” I asked him knowing he probably won’t tell me, but since he was sounding and looking a little tipsy, I gave it a shot.
“Like I would tell you.” He states dryly, giving me a stone-cold glare.
There’s the Fen I am so accustomed to. The Fen that no one else sees but me, and select women he chooses to sleep with. Fen has no respect for women, and the only time he appears to is when he is in front of others. He is the “dream” alpha that everyone wants to become the next Alpha King. He looks like the golden boy and everyone buys his crap except for me.
I roll my eyes, turning to look away from him.
“But if you must know…” He says leaning into me like he’s about to tell me a juicy secret he hasn’t told anyone else, “I didn’t use any special moves. Dad let me beat him.”
My brows crinkled, surprised at his response. I can’t believe he actually admitted to that.
“Not that anyone will believe you if you say anything.” He chuckles sitting back in his seat.
“Ugh, you’re such a pig! I’m going to the bathroom.” I get up frustrated with his crap. I can’t believe I have to tolerate him all night!
“You never stay put very long. Can’t you just hold it?” He whines.
“I’m not a lap dog or show pony Fen. I need to pee. You can’t follow me into the bathroom either. I’m pretty sure your supervisory duties don’t extend there.” I scowl at him.
“No, but I will be waiting outside the bathrooms for you.” He says tossing back the last of his recent scotch.
He walks me to the bathrooms and I smile and nod, shaking the occasional hand as I pass by people on my way. Fen helps make room through the crowds of people as I have a one-track mind - I need to PEE. At least he was good for something.
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