Chapter 6 - What's that Scent?

Once in the bathroom, I do my business and come out of the stall. I see Alexia standing in front of the mirror touching up her makeup with a glow in her aura that has me curious.

“Hey’s the party going for you?” I ask her.

“OH ARIANNA! GUESS WHAT?” She is beaming as she blurts out, “I MET MY MATE!” She squeals, jumping up and down.

“Really?! Oh my gosh! I’m so happy for you!”

“I know! He’s SOOOO HOT too!”

“Well...are you going to keep me in suspense or are you going to tell me who it is?” I implore.

“Oh!’re not going to like it…” She gives me a toothy half-smile.

“I will love him no matter who he is because he is your mate, Alexia!”

“It’s Lane. Fen’s beta.” She states like she is ripping off a band-aid.

I stare at her blankly. This means she will have to move to Slick Paw Pack. I won’t get to see her much. It also means she will probably get treated like shit once she gets there because Fen doesn’t respect women, so I can assume, Lane doesn’t either since those two are thick as thieves with each other. But, I could be wrong. Lane could be a great guy and nothing like Fen.

“I’m still happy for you!” I eventually smile while hugging her.

“Thanks! I’m so excited for the claiming now!” She giggles with a huge grin on her face.

“I bet you are!” I laugh. “Are you done? We should go back out there.”

“Oh! Yeah! Let’s go Ari! You’ve got a mate to find!” Alexia chirps closing her clutch.

As we walk out of the bathrooms, I smell something sweet. It’s not sweet like a dessert, but more of a sweet masculine scent. I can’t place the smell, but oh goddddd it smells so good! I keep sniffing the air trying to figure out what direction the scent is coming from and what exactly it is. I look around and inhale a deep breath before slowly exhaling. Vanilla, sandalwood, lavender, and a hint of fresh leather. Oh, the smell was heaven! My wolf was purring at the smell for some reason. My eyes lit up as I kept trying to pin down the direction of the scent when Fen came up to me wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Good GOD you took forever! C’mon, I need another drink.” He states exasperatedly as he pulls me back to the bar.

“Not now Fen...I think I smell something.” I say distractedly to him trying to push away from him.

“I do too...the smell of my buzz going away and the smell of more scotch at the bar with my name on it!” He chuckles as he continues pulling me along.

“Ugh! No Fen! I’m being serious!”

“I am too. C`mon, whatever it is, I’m sure it’s fine and you can deal with it later.” He dismisses me. Of course he would. His needs are far more important than anyone else’s.

“LAST CALL AT THE BAR LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!” The DJ announces over the sound system.

“Shit! C`mon Arianna, we have to hurry or I won’t get another drink before we have to go!” Fen shouts, grabbing my wrist and beginning to knock people out of the way more aggressively until we reach the bar.

I stand there with my arms crossed. I know that smell has to mean something, I just don’t know what. I trust Fen as far as I can throw him and in his current state, I’m sure I can sneak off if I can just find the right distraction. I look around scanning the room for a girl pretty enough and drunk enough to not realize Fen’s reputation but strikeout. Most of the girls that would be willing to “play” with Fen, already know his reputation and steer clear of him and me. Where are my friends when I need them for a good distraction?

“Alright pup, it’s your bedtime and time for me to finally come out and play.” Fen finishes his swig of scotch and hands the empty glass back to the bartender.

“What?! It’s only 1 AM!” I shout.

“Yeah...1 AM is late. I’m tired of playing babysitter. I’m ready to go have some fun!” He growls as he grabs my arm and begins dragging me upstairs.

“UGH! are so infuriating!” I shout at him.

“ can sure be a pain in my ass pup and I’m in no mood for it now. I told your dad I would be your escort and watch over you until you met your mate. You didn’t meet him, and the party will be over in an hour. If your mate was here, you would have found him by now. Goodnight!” Fen spits out clearly at his wit’s end.

“ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!” I shout as he shuts my bedroom door on me.

I was so pissed at Fen that I was seeing red, but I knew if I stormed right back out of my room he would just toss me back in and find my dad’s key and lock me in, so I calmed myself down and waited a little while before opening my bedroom door. I looked around and didn’t see anyone so I figured the coast was clear. Then I realized how damn noisy my dress was so I went back into my room and changed out of my dress and into some shorts and a shirt that I could sneak around in and not be heard or noticed. As I made my way back out of my room, the minute I hit the stairs I realized Fen had posted two guards on my floor. I was free to move around the Alpha King’s floor, but I wasn’t free to roam anywhere else in the packhouse tonight apparently, which pissed me off.

“Oh...hey guys, I didn’t see you there…” I say nonchalantly to the two guards.

“We have orders to make sure you stay on the Alpha King’s floor for the remainder of the night princess.” One of the guards states very dutifully.

“I just wanted to tell my dad goodnight before I head to bed.” I smile innocently to them hoping they buy my lie.

I see one of them zone out and their eyes glaze over. He’s mind linking my dad. Damn it.

“He will be up in a minute to say goodnight to you.” The guard states.

“Oooookay…” I state sarcastically and turn around to head back to my room, frustrated. I hate feeling like a plaything that can be “put up” when people are done with me. It’s so chauvinistic.

Eventually, my dad makes his way to my room, but by the time he opens the door, I have lost my nerve and have already curled up ready to pass out.

“Goodnight my princess,” my dad kisses my forehead and gets back up to head back downstairs.

“Dad…” I groggily call him before he shuts the door.

“Yes, princess?”

“I love you.” I smile, closing my eyes.

“I love you too princess.” He smiles, shutting my door as I begin to drift into the abyss.

As I begin to sleep, I realize I am slipping into a dream…

“You are so beautiful,” A husky voice says. I can tell it is a man’s voice, and he pushes a piece of my hair out of my face and behind my ear as he kisses my forehead. I feel electricity surging through my body. Warmth begins rushing over me. I try to look up to see his face, but it’s blurry, and I am too shy to look very hard.

“I want you…” He whispers in my ear as he gently licks and nips at my ear lobe and begins kissing down my neck while caressing one of my breasts. He’s making me wet and all I want is for him to never stop.

“Take me…” I moan, completely surrendering my body to this man and his touch.

He runs his hands down my side while kissing my neck on my sensitive spot, where mates mark us. One of his hands moves to my waist, and beneath my panties to my core, while the other fondles my nipples gently. He slides a finger between my folds and begins rubbing a spot so sensitive it makes me wetter the more he moves his finger in circular motions over it.

The air is thick and heavy, almost like I am in a fog or haze. Then, he is on top of me, we are completely naked and he is ready to penetrate me. I moan at the sensations I am feeling, my body is on fire and I can only think of one thing, ‘I want him inside me NOW!’

’You are everything I have ever needed,” He whispers into my ear, taking my hands in his and intertwining his fingers with him as he moves them above my head and thrusts his thick and throbbing member inside me. I feel a massive JOLT.

I wake up sweating and panting as if it really did happen. It feels like it did, but I know it was only a dream; however, my panties are now soaked with my juices. I smile and growl to myself in frustration because it was just a dream...a really GOOD dream. I lay back down and try to go back to that euphoric dream.


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