I just finished getting ready for the Mate’s Ball when a guard let me know my uncle would like to speak with me. On my way to find him, I stopped at the open bar that was already set up in the ballroom for the party and picked up a glass of scotch. I have no intention of finding my mate this season. I’m 26 and for a she-wolf that is old to be finding a mate, but for an alpha male, that was par for the course. Most of us found our mates between the ages of 22-28. I enjoyed my single life. I had plenty of ladies' beds to warm and was never in short supply when I wanted it. My father urged me to find my mate, but I’m just not interested. I know one day that will change, but not today.
As I approach my uncle, I realize he is going to ask me to do something I don’t want to do.
“Good afternoon King Harmon, how can I help you?” I state sauntering over with my glass of scotch.
“Ahh, Fen! So good to see you! I have the noblest of duties for you tonight!” My uncle bellowed jovially.
“Oh, is that so? And what might that be uncle?” I take a sip of my drink while I stuff my other hand in my pant pocket as I lean against the wall where we stood.
“As you know, this will be Arianna’s first Mates Ball, and I don’t want anything going awry. I need my most trusted wolves keeping a close eye on her and that means I need you to escort her around the ball. I would have Beta Harold do it, but seeing as he is already mated, he is not allowed in the ballroom.” He states, giving me a stern but confident glare.
I cough slightly trying not to choke on the scotch I was about to sip, “Uhhh...but Uncle, surely there is someone more....skilled at things like watching over Ari than I? That is...such an honor…” I try to kiss ass as best I can. I don’t want to watch over that bratty, spoiled rotten nuisance. If I could take over as Alpha King now, my first order of business would be to get Arianna a chosen mate and ship her off to her mate’s territory out of my way.
“There is no other I trust with her as I do you Fen. You are my nephew! Your mother would be so proud of the wolf you have become.” Uncle Harmon states. Damn, he knows how to stroke my ego and get to me.
“Of course Uncle, it would be an honor. How long do you want her to mingle before I return her to her quarters?” I ask hoping I don’t have to tolerate her the entire night.
“Just until she meets her mate. Then you can leave her and go find your mate!” He chuckles knowing where I was heading with that question.
That wasn’t exactly where I was headed, but close enough. A mate most definitely was what I was after, just not MY mate...yet.
“Alright Uncle Harmon...since you twisted my arm, I would be happy to be Ari’s escort.” At least I could use this to my advantage. Since Ari has until she turns 21 to find her mate or lose her position as Alpha Queen, and in that event, I become Alpha King, I figured I could fuck with her a bit tonight to mildly sabotage her. I’m not going to completely get in the way but I’m not going to make it easy for her either.
“WONDERFUL!” Alpha King Harmon bellows, “It’s settled then!” He wraps his hairy burly arms around me in a bear hug.
“Sure, King Harmon.” I sigh in his embrace. I’m not a hugger like he is, but no one dares NOT accept a hug from the Alpha King when he embraces you.
“Oh, enough of that formal shit nephew! You know to call me Uncle Harmon! Now….OOO...here she comes down the stairs. Quick! Hide around the corner right there...I haven’t quite told her about her escort yet.” Uncle Harmon says hurriedly and excitedly. I crinkle my brows but slink back around the corner still leaned up against the wall sipping on my scotch.
“Oh Arianna! My darling! You look absolutely stunning!” Uncle Harmon cooed to Arianna from around the corner. “Ladies, you look lovely as ever.” He complimented Ani and Alexia as well.
“Thank you Alpha King Harmon!” They both responded in unison.
“Now, I know the night is young and not many have arrived yet, but I don’t want to risk anything going wrong so I have arranged for your cousin to be your escort tonight!” My uncle explains.
“OH DAD REALLY?!” I hear Ari complain, stomping her feet like the little spoiled brat that she is.
“Yes. Really. We don’t need a repeat of any of the years past, especially with what is at risk.” He stated in a stern tone.
“Ugh...fine. When can I ditch him?” Arianna questions her father.
“When you find your mate.” He responds.
“Ughhhhh...So, where is he?”
“Fen...you can come out now.” Uncle Harmon states, giving me the cue to step out from around the corner.
“Hey Ari!” I smile and saunter over to her wrapping my arm behind her back as I take another sip of my scotch.
She rolled her eyes at me, “Hey Fen…” She crossed her arms and glared at her dad. That pissed me off. Women don’t roll their eyes at me! I’m an alpha! I was so mad I could smack her upside the head hard enough to knock those blue eyeballs right outta that pretty little head of hers.
“You are to stay by her side until she finds her mate. She has never been to a ball before, so I trust you will provide her with the proper introductions.” Uncle Harmon raises an eyebrow towards me as I finish my glass of scotch.
“Yes uncle, of course, I will! She will know everyone by the time I’m done introducing her around.” I give her a side wink and shake my glass. Looks like I’m going to need more of these. She’s extra bitchy tonight.
“Good. Have a great night my child! Your future awaits you!” Uncle Harmon kissed Ari on the forehead and headed to the foyer greeting area to receive guests.
“C’mon Ari...I’ve got an empty glass that needs filling,” I comment pulling her along with me towards the ballroom bar.
“I take it you weren’t expecting to be my escort tonight either huh?” She raises an eyebrow crossing her arms walking. God, she was such a bitch. Did she really think I enjoyed being around her?
“To be honest, no. I thought your dad wouldn’t want me anywhere near you tonight.” I comment.
I could tell she was in no mood to be around me too, but what do they say? Make lemonade when you have lemons? Welp, I’m puckering up right now...or trying.
“You sure do look gorgeous though!” I smile as I get a refill of my drink.
“Thanks. Can I just say the first guy that talks to me is my mate so you can go away and leave me alone?” She pleads with me.
“What kind of gentleman escort would I be if I just let any wolf swoop in when you know you need to find your mate? How dishonest of me. What would your dad say?” I start to tease her but also let her know I’m not just sitting back and letting my chance at becoming Alpha King pass me by.
“That you should enjoy the party and look for your mate?” She squawks. I can tell she was hoping I would laugh at her witty comment.
I rolled my eyes and began sipping my fresh glass of scotch. “C’mon. Let’s go find Lane. He is supposed to be finding us a table in a more private area where no one will bug us if we don’t want them to.” I grab her and pull her behind me.
“Ari! C’mon girl! Let’s go dance!!!!” Alexia and Ani come jumping towards her. Damn that music just started blasting! Or maybe that’s the booze...
Ari glares at me so I let go of her. I wasn’t about to go out there and look like an ass. “I’ll be watching from here. Don’t go where I can’t see you.” I demand.
“Yes dad!” She snaps back at me before running to the dance floor giggling with her friends.