Chapter # 24

I heard another sniffle and turned on the lights only to find out Christian there.

He was trembling in fear, he gasped when he looked at me,

"Turn off the lights!" He shouted.

“What the-” I cannot find words to explain what's in my mind. No words can describe what crossed my mind.

A sudden knot was felt by my heart by seeing him like this.

Though he is the first person I want to see like this, to suffer and burn endlessly.


He was sitting on the floor hugging his knees, quivering like crazy. Swallowing hard, I walked closer and looked at him. His face was hidden in his knees.

"Turn off the lights... I deserve it.." He sobbed.

“Leave me in darkness…” The sound of his cry made my heart heavy.

‘He made me cry so much then why did his cries make me sad too?’

I should be happy and let him suffer, but I am not cruel like him. I bend and called his name softly,