Chapter # 25

I spend the night in a random room, not wanting to witness that state of his. A lot of things were left in my mind but the most mystifying thing was,

‘What does he mean by I am his?’

Was he referring to our contract? Or there's something else?

I was lost in thoughts and before I knew it, The dawn fell upon the sky. I closed my eyes and remained like that for a while. A lot of unwanted things came to my mind and stirred it drastically.

“Forget it, Sophie, it's useless to think.”

Taking a deep breath, I walked out and went to my room and took a relaxing bath to relax both my burning mind and body.

I walked out and wore a casual red shirt and black jeans and went to have breakfast.

I saw Christian in his usual dominant form there.

It's better if we don't remember about last night. Without acknowledging his presence, I took my usual seat. He looked at me for a second and asked,

"Why didn't you come to the room?"