Chapter # 104

"Oh, Come on, Tell me." I whined for I don't know what time but Christian kept smirking, irking me more. I pouted and closed my arms at my chest in annoyance because of his lack of response.

I just woke up this morning, from the sweet sleep at night. Note the sarcasm. And when I was about to receive a lull, he came up with Mine, Christopher and Aletha bags saying we are going somewhere special and when I asked what about him, he just said that he has some errands and we are going somewhere. I never took care of one child and now I have two of them, so it's very difficult, but I am grateful that I have Christian and helpers of the house with me. But, at night, all of them are oblivious of the fact that we have kids at home. When one sleeps the other cries, leaving me with no time to have for myself and bestowed with a shred of sleep. I am not complaining at all, I only desire a deep slumber for once.