Chapter # 105

After dinner I came to my room and saw two angels sleeping peacefully on the bed as there's no crib here. I cautiously set pillows on the corner so that they won't fall and shifted in a corner.

I plopped on my elbows as I stared at their angelic form. I decided to call Christian but he didn't reply. Seems like he has slept or else it’s impossible for him to not pick up my call. I also fell asleep.


It's been a few days and Christian didn't contact me. I puffed and was angry at him. No, it's an understatement; I was burning with wrath. I sat on the sofa angrily as my mother asked, "Hey, Why are you so angry?"

"Where the hell is your nephew!? Can't he call me for once?! What kind of errand is that?" I yelled frustratedly.