This is my story in all its nakedness. It is the truth as much as I remember it. I tell you this because it's been many years since it occurred and sometimes even I don't believe that it happened. Yet, it did. All of the mystical, magical details are true. I either experienced them directly or witnessed them with my own eyes. They include things I never imagined were possible and are based upon the one true thing I know in my heart is always possible.
I am a shoot from the blessed tree. The three previous generations of ndayisenda men, including my father, were born with signs that portended greatness. Times like 6 a.m. on the 6th day of the 6th month. Devas and other creatures of the heavenly realm flitted and flirted about to celebrate their entrance into this world. Yet, unlike my forefathers, I, John ndayisenga, had an inauspicious birth.