Jacob took Jane and reached his house , he layed Jane down to the bed , their friends Edward and Anna came and were shocked to see Jacob covered in blood they asked him what happened , but Jacob didn't said a word and was only looking at Jane . Edward and Anna bandaged Jacob and went out of the room

Soon Jane woke up and looked at Jacob , she got up and asked him in a worried tone " what happened to you? why are so injured? , did I do something to you ? I don't remember anything , what have I done ? " Jacob comforted and and said " calm down you did nothing , it was all done by the evil possessing you , its okay now everything is okay , don't worry " .

Time passed and every problem ended , they could finally live a new life and have a new beginning , the castle of London was closed for visitors after the horrifying event , and no one could enter the castle . Edward and Anna got married , Jacob and Jane were finally happy .

(3 weeks later)

The broken stone in the castle started moving and came back into one piece , and a portal opened up again .....