A Cold & Lonely Night

'Freya, you must tell me, who has my mother gone to see?' Missy walked into the house.

'I do not know and if I were you, I would not bother. Your mother is not a child.' Freya smiled and closed the door behind Missy.

'I shall go in to see Gina.' She began walking away.

'You shall find the young miss in the dining room.' Freya said and stood at the entrance. She wanted to make sure Missy did not have the opportunity to sneak out.

Missy went back to the dining room and saw Gina alone. She was stirring her soup. Missy could tell that she was lost in thoughts.

'Gina, whatever is it? Why has everyone decided to be blue this evening?' Missy sat beside her cousin.

Gina did not respond to her. She was too consumed by her thought of Rudd Emberton, the noble's son that had called on her many dawns ago.

'Gina, do you not hear me?' Missy tapped the table.