Chapter 16: Make You King

Diana's POV

"Why are we leaving?" I look up and try to make eye contact but he's avoiding it "Coming here was a mistake, I'm taking you back so they wouldn't do anything to you" 'goddess he's serious' I say in my head and then feel Ava trying to communicate with me, I didn't even know how or when I blocked her out

'What is it Ava?' I ask what Xander said still replaying in my mind

'Diana, we have a problem. We can't go back not until we get things done' I hear fear and anxiety in her words

'What are you talking about?' I ask focusing all my attention on her

'I overheard Xander's brothers talking about how they were going to kill their father after he pronounces one of them at the ball. When they do they will destroy our pack and we won't be able to do anything about it' I felt sweat dripping down my skin at the thought of our pack members, Micheal dying but wait

'How did you hear them? I didn't hear anything' I ask her feeling confused because I haven't seen Xander's brothers since the accident much less cross paths with them

'That doesn't matter right now, we just have to convince Xander to stay and make him king' I feel Ava pacing to and fro in her space

'How are we going to do that, can't you see his dead serious?' I ask remembering how he glared at the the bed and refused to make eye contact

'I don't know but we have to make sure we don't leave, the throne is ours'

'Got it' I tell her and come out of my daze but an image flashes in my head and I try to concentrate closing my eyes. I scream when I see it properly, Ezekiel was in front of our pack house holding Xander's head with a devilish grin on his face.

I open my eyes, my whole body shaky from what I just saw "No, no, no" I can't let that happen to Xander, never. I feel someone shake me and I focus to come out of my shock and see Xander looking down at me with a worried expression "Are you okay? What happened?" I tear up and tears start trickling down my face, forcing my body to move I hug him and he ready takes my shaky form in his arms.

The tingling sensation calms me down but it makes me cry even more, I can't lose him. I tighten my hold on him as the image keeps resurfacing in my mind "It's okay darling, everything is fine" I let out choked sobs "Nothing's going to happen to you, I'll never let anything happen to you"

He keeps whispering sweet nothings into my ears until my eyes become heavy and I fall asleep

Xander's POV

Words cannot describe how scared I was when I heard my mate scream, a million thought running through my head  like a bullet train. I called out to her but she wasn't listening after shaking her gently did she open her eyes, she was looking almost as pale as papper like her worst nightmare had come through. She jumps from her sitting position and hugs me, I hug her back, wrapping my arms around her shaken body because it seems like she needs it. She tightens her hold on me as if afraid that I was going to disappear

'Did she see something?' Ash asks me and I sigh because she wasn't saying anything

"It's okay darling, everything is fine" I feel something wet on my chest and realize that she was crying before hearing her whimpers "Nothing's going to happen to you, I'll never let anything happen to you" I move my hand in a circular motion on her back and keep telling her that she was safe, everything was going to be alright and I was here for her. I look out the window and see that the sun is already fully out, while listening to my mate's breathing and heartbeat which is now even

'She's fallen asleep' Ash confirms and I remove her hands gently from around my neck. I hear a knock on the door and my chest vibrates as I try not to growl, laying Diana on the bed, I tuck her in and plant a small kiss on her forehead. The door nob turns and Xavier enters "Good day brother, are you planning to spend all day in bed with your mate?" He grins at me but it falls when he sees Diana's condition "What happened to her? Is she okay?" I stand up straight removing my hand from her hair, his tone almost convinced me that he was concerned "What do you want?" I spat a him with as much venom as possible "No need to be so harsh brother, you are my enemy not her" he looks from me to Diana, his eyes softens a bit but his cold facade comes back when he looks back at me "Father wants all of us in the throne room right now, I was sent to call you" he turns around and walks out the door closing it with a soft click.

I let out a sigh of relief when I hear his fading footsteps and walk into the bathroom to wash my face. Looking at my reflection in the black rimmed mirror I tilt my head to the side but my reflection doesn't, it looks like me but with a devilish smirk, black streaks from the button of his eyes down to the corners of his mouth. "My Lord, we have been looking for you" the reflection says still smiling, I raise a brow "Who are you?" I ask "Master, I am a dwarf from the Draven kingdom" he's head bowed in submission "Dwarf, how am I your master? What are you doing here? How are you doing this? I didn't know dwarfs had magic" I say all the things that came to my mind at that instant "My name is Devin, master. You are my master because we dwarfs of the Draven kingdom live to serve lycans, we lost all hope until the oracle told us that there is a newborn lycan. As you know we dwarfs have made mines our place house so we have many magic stones in our possession, one of which I am using to communicate with you. Apologies for taking your form master, I could only speak through the reflection of another" he gives me an apologetic smile and I just nod in understanding.

"We will have to continue this later I have a meeting to attend. If you can I want you at the borders of the royal capital territory by night fall" I say with an air of authority

"Yes master" he starts fading and then my reflection is me again copying my every move. First my mate loses consciousness, gains it and loses it again then my brother acts like he actually cares about Diana and now there a creepy reflection telling me he's a dwarf that lives to serve me. Letting out a frustrated grunt I leave the bathroom, it's time to get to that meeting.

Walking into the throne room, I see Xavier, Ezekiel and Torak already there which surprises me because they are always late to everything. 'Just what is father going to talk about?' I say to myself before moving to stand at the side "You called father" I say trying as much as possible to sound ignorant even when I could feel the tension that was almost suffocating.

"I have decided to agree to a truce with the dragons"