Chapter 19: Who Are You?

Xander's POV

"What do you think you are doing, Xander?" Lucas steps away from me and I turn my head to face mother noticing her for the first time "What did I do, mother?" I furrow my brows acting confused, she scoff before glaring at Lucas and I "You know exactly what you did, Xander. Why did you say he attacked you and waste all our time when both of you were messing around?" She asked through gritted teeth "But I was only saying the truth, he did attack me. Why are you so angry?" I look back at father and his veins are bulging out of his forehead "Such insolence from a prince, you must be punished" he stands up then ask the guards to escort me to the torture room close to the dungeon.

Chains on my hands and legs like I am some kind of prisoner, who the hell treats their children like this? Oh right my 'father'. I hear footsteps I try to smell who it is but the stench of blood, decayed flesh and rust fills the air making it suffocating  before I see him walking into the cell like a demon, a smile on his face. I have been here before, I have seen that face before but the difference is that I am not scared anymore because I had gotten used to it a long time ago. A guard brings an injection and sticks it into my arm making me grunt as I feel my body trying to fight the silver, he comes to stand in front of me "I did not want to do this Xander but when my children make mistakes, it is my job to correct them so I doesn't happen again" he voice sounded convincing but I knew better than to believe a fucking word he says because he doesn't mean it. Everything he says is a lie, always has been and always will be, sometimes I ask myself if I am really their son because they don't treat my brothers the way they treat me. But then again, I was the one the witch cursed, I was the one responsible for Kiara's death, I was the one who got blamed whenever Ezekiel or Xavier would cause trouble and when I would deny it the punishment would always double. What did I do to these people? Why did he want me to come back and participate in this stupid competition for the crown?

Closing my eyes I let a lone tear fall, maybe the curse wasn't entirely broken. I hear the sound of the whip hitting the ground but I don't flinch, I don't try to resist, I wait for whatever degree of punishment he has for me now. "What are you trying to do to my mate?" I hear Diana voice but I keep my eyes closed letting the tears fall as I cry silently. Missing my mate so much is making me hear things, I can't smell anything because of the silver they injected me with but its not like she is here any. When I try to open my eyes to see what was going on everywhere gets dark and I black out.

Diana's POV

I fell asleep in Xander's arms my body still feeling weak from the stress. I feel like I am have entered into a coma because I know I am asleep but I can still hear everything going on around me and I can see what Xander sees thanks to Ava.

  My heart sank when I could feel Xander's sadness, his pain, his anguish, depression. He's vision was getting blurry as if he was tearing up and that made whatever it was keeping me in my subconscious snap, opening my eyes I let Ava lead me to where our mate is with her extraordinary speed. Anger is all I feel when I see Xander's condition, he isn't hurt physically but all his pent up emotions are rolling off gum like waves, he looks mentally exhausted. A tear drops and I want nothing more than to teach this bastard I would soon call my father-in-law a lesson "What do you think you are doing to my mate?" I ask him my body shaking with annoyance. Xander's eyes are closed and he drops letting the chains hold him up. "You will pay for what you have done to him" he takes a few steps back with fear written all over his face, I'm sure my eyes are red by now, that's what happens when you anger a gifted wolf. My vines surround almost like they came out of my body and I stretch one hand towards Xander, the vines move and break the chains holding him before placing him on the floor softly. Turning back to my dear father-in-law, I see his eyes glassy "Your people can't help you now, not after angering me. What do you take me for?" I laugh at his expression, he is shaking like a leaf "I was chosen by the moon goddess herself to get rid of people like you and do you really think I would forget this opportunity?" I take threatening steps towards him and he takes a few back "Let me show you what happens when you mess with us" I fist my hands and the vines turn spiky, I make a grabbing motion with my right hand and the thorny vines wraps itself around his neck lifting off the floor. The pressure I make the vines apply is enough to allow the thorns puncture his skin but not suffocate him. "You would insult him, scold him, hurt him and punish him for things your other children would do. If you don't mind me asking for what really? He is nice, helpful, loving, caring, sweet, selfless and a much better ruler than you. So why in the name of the moon would you and your fucked up family try to hurt him?!" My breathing becomes heavy, my senses heightened. I hear hurried steps heading this way and without looking I use my vines to cover the exit "Xander is mine, no one has the right to do anything to him or even touch him. HE IS MINE!" I yell at him and he opens his filthy mouth to talk "Who are you? What are you?" I scoff at his question, I might as well tell him my true identity "I am Diana Ava Decrov, daughter of the king of hell, Lucifer Dimitri Decrov"