Chapter 18: Evil Intentions Towards The Crown

Xander's POV

I look at Lucas from head to toe "What's with the new look?" I raise a brow maintaining a small smile. "Well there are perks to being the dragon king. This is what my people call smoke screen, it allows us to hide our identity and scent" I look at him closely "Why are you using it now when you're with me? And why the hell did you come through the wall?" I said with a frown on my face "Is this the touching reunion I was expecting from you? Well it definitely isn't. Anyway I came early to take your family by surprise. Your pop's hiding something and I want to find out what it is, you know with the sudden truce and all" I process what he is saying "Wait, aren't you the one who proposed this truce?" I tilt my head to the side "Nope, your old man just brought this truce to my palace and gave me a thousand and one reason why I shouldn't refuse" he chuckles a bit at the end. "You haven't still answered my question, why the hell did you come through the wall?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Because I'm trying to figure something out, if your people are still the way they were then they are going to come through that door any second and when they do we are going to make it seem like I was having a fight with you. If your old man has evil intentions toward my throne  he would instantly ask for me to be taken to the dungeon or would threaten me" if father does that we would gain control over their kingdom until he appoints someone he trusts to oversee their affairs, smart but dumb "That still doesn't give you the right to come bursting through my wall, you could have hurt my mate!" I start getting annoyed, what if the debris fell on her I glare at him and he gives me a sheepish smile. He suddenly attacks me with fire and I am taken by surprise "What the hell man?" I ask looking at my burnt clothes, it hurt but the wounds closed up almost immediately "They are coming, have you forgotten about our act?" He tilts his head to the side with narrowed eyes before pouncing on me making me fall backward, the warriors barge into the room and apprehend Lucas. "Well, let's go see how things are going to unfold" i say to Ash and started walking out the room but I stop when I see the hole in the wall "Ava, can you hear me?" I speak through the mind link trying to get through to Ava "Yes, but I can't come out for some reason" I move towards Diana and carry her gently and walk out the broken door. "Can you use your powers?" I turn left and open the door to the nearest guest room "Yes but not to the fullest" I feel Ava grimace through the mind link but Diana's features does not change. "I can see what you see" I lay her on the bed under the comforter "How are you doing that?" I ask surprised "Mind link is like a hallway between the doors to people's minds. The bond between mates strengthens that link, I am able to stand in that hallway, that leads to your memories both from the past and present. So it is just like watching a movie through your mind's eye" I look at my mate's body which was looking lifeless like before making it seem like her waking up this morning was my imagination. With a hurt expression I walk out the room and lock the door to prevents others from getting in "My prince the king has requested your audience" Mary rushes towards me bowing her head, I just nod and head in the direction of the throne room. "You called father?" I say through gritted teeth "Xander, did he hurt you?" Concern flashes in his eyes but it's gone just as soon as it came "Well, he tried to" I ignore what I saw and look at Lucas with a small smile to which he returns with a curt nod. I turn back to face father before anyone could notice our little exchange and his eyes have an evil glint in them "How dare you try to harm a member of the royal family in my palace?!" Father yelled and I fight the urge to roll my eyes, does he really think anyone would believe that. "Lucas, you proposed a truce to which I agreed and this is how you thank me for wanting peace. You are charged with treason and after the weeding is over you will hand your kingdom over to me" I watch with wide eyes as my father said those words out of his filthy mouth "Your majesty, I would like to call off this truce" Lucas' lips break into a mischievous grin as he utters those words "Do you think you have the right to speak? You have committed an offence" my father said with a serious tone "Tell him Xander, have I committed a crime?" I look back at my father "No, I don't think you have done anything punishable by the crown" my father's jaws tick in annoyance "What do you mean, Alexander?" I huffed before managing a small smile threatening to grow bigger"We were just playing father, he attacked before I said we could start and that's why I was burnt" I frown a little "He barged into my room and broke down the wall, he was so close to hurting my mate but it was a mistake. I think I am going to punish you specially" I turn to Lucas with a devilish smile, he gasps "Is this how you treat your best friend? I am hurt and here I thought you took me as your brother" he says with a hurt expression. I chuckle before moving towards him, glaring at the guards as they release him and move back slowly. Pulling him into a brotherly hug, I pat his back with enough force to hear a crack. "What do you think you are doing, Xander?"