CHAPTER 25- A... special test? Part 5.

CHAPTER 25- A... special test? Part 5.

(Pov- Saik.)

"Come on, go down on the left! I'm alone, they're going to kill me!"

"I have to take care of the special zombie, I can't help you!"

"I got some ammunition."

... Ah...

I know anyone else would say it's nice to have company at home, but... How can say? It is annoying

I prefer loneliness. Yuki is adorable and is the only person I can consider a friend, so it's nice when I'm with her, but being with more people is very annoying.

I prefer loneliness.

But I can't tell them to leave, I need the trust of these guys to get through the special test.

If only they were adorable... Ah.

Naok is a muscle brain, but at least he's smarter than Sylphie.

Bell's an idiot too.

At least Ludius is average and less annoying.

"Hey, Saik, I'm hungry. Can you give me a slice of cake? I'll eat it in your room."

Sure, Yuki.

"I want cake."

I stopped playing and went into the kitchen.

... Oh … Sylphie with apron... At least she's adorable.

And it smells delicious. Is she making soup?

Hot soup for a boy with a fever... Is that normal?

I mean.. Well... I've never been sick and my fever goes away in a matter of hours.

I haven't even had a cold, so I don't know.

But at least the soup smells good.

"Smells delicious, Sylphie."

"T-thank you, Saik."

I opened the refrigerator and took out the cake I made.

"By the way, Sylphie, did you like the cake?"

"I loved it! It was delicious!"

She nodded quickly… And her face is a little red... I think she was embarrassed to be seen wearing an apron.

Ah... Many consider shy girls adorable, but not me... Those kinds of girls I don't consider adorable. Why would a girl with self-esteem problems give me tenderness?

She is shy because of her social anxiety and because in the past she has suffered from bullying.

I can't consider Sylphie adorable for being shy... I just can't.

"I am glad to hear it. I tried so hard."

"I-it was very delicious... Can I ask you a question?"


"W-what is your favorite flavor?"

"Mmm... If I had to choose, I'd say it's the strawberry flavor. I like it and I hate it... Amor y odio. Love and hate... Rare, but delicious combination."

"Do you hate it? Why?"

—... "A friend of my mother's had a bakery and every week my mother and I went for a slice of cake. The daughter of that lady, friend of my mother, bothered me a lot... She was very annoying... The strawberry taste reminds me of that hateful girl."


"The bakery had a very popular strawberry cake and my favorite. And the red color of that girl's hair reminded me of strawberries... I think that's why the strawberry flavor reminds me of her... Fortunately I stopped seeing her when I moved to this city."


That girl was very annoying.

She wouldn't let me enjoy my loneliness. Always making fun of me and hitting me... Well, small and weak hits. I think she knew I would fight back if she hit me harder. As she gave me small hits that I hardly felt, I never defended myself. I ignored her insults, so I didn't care what she said.

"You want a slice of cake, Sylphie?"

"No... Eating a lot of bread and candy will make me fat..."

Oh … It's true, women care a lot about their weight... Now that I realize it, Sylphie has a body that is very... enviable and hot? I don't know how to describe it.

I feel lucky to be a weirdo with a body just as weirdo.

I will never get fat if I stick to my exercise routine.

"I see... Well, more for me."

—... "Saik ... I've seen you eat a lot of sweets, and you even bring two lunches to school... You eat a lot, but your body is... H-how can I say it...? It's... thin."


I lifted my shirt and looked at my body.

Mmm... No... I'm a little thin, but I have a lot of muscle... A strong thin... I'm not that thin... Should I do more exercise?

"Am I thin...? I guess I'll have to improve my routine."

... Wow... Sylphie is very red and she keeps shaking.

What's wrong with her?

"N-no, that's not what I meant!"- She said moving her hands in a strange way.

Did seeing my body make her nervous...? How strange.


I pulled my shirt down.

"What did you mean?"

"Y-your body doesn't look like the body of a boy who eats a lot... W-What do you do to have that body and keep eating so much? To be honest, I'm envious of you."

"Mmm... I don't know... Exercise? I don't know... My exercise routine is nothing special... I think my body is just weird... Just like me."

I took the cake.

"Ah... Oh, I forgot to turn off my computer."

I left the kitchen and started to climb the stairs.

Good excuse to bring the cake into my room without looking suspicious.

I went into my room... And Yuki is going through my internet search history.

"S-Saik, this is not what it looks like."

I approached her.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but be curious!"

I sat on the bed and tasted the cake with my finger.

"Delicious... Won't you eat, Yuki?"

"W-Will you do nothing to me?"

"Yuki, believe me, if I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it by now. Come, trust me."

She hesitated for a few seconds and slowly approaches me.

How adorable, she looks like a street puppy approaching a person who wants to pet her.

She is looking at me with fear, but finally decides to trust and sat down next to me.

"Here, here it is. I brought you a spoon. I'll be downstairs if you need me."

I patted her head.

"I don't see pornography or anything like that. You'll never find anything weird in my internet history, so I don't worry about it."

I got out of bed.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"No, thanks, I'm fine. - She said smiling.

... How adorable.


I left the room.

Well... To keep pretending that I consider my friends people I barely know.

Something sad, but realistic. I can't consider my friends people I barely know. That's illogical.

The food is ready and we all gather to eat.

But I have a doubt. Why did Sylphie sit next to me?

She is too close... Well, I guess she's less uncomfortable by my side.

The table is large, 8 people fit perfectly.

Bell, Naok and Ludius are sitting together and they're always... Well, Naok and Bell are always talking to each other, I don't think they bother Sylphie much.

And Sylphie sat next to me... Well, I'd better not make a big deal out of it.

Wait… I think I like sitting next to her. Her perfume smells delicious.

"The points of the work are very few. The school gives us 5 points for every 3 pounds of trash we pick up and 20 points for every hour of study time with a high school or elementary school student. These are the only available works we could find. I think we were lucky that Saik got so many points."

I see... It is very difficult to get many points in a normal way. More points are earned through tests and bets.

They are almost forcing students to bet with others and cause expulsions.

A cruel method... Interesting.

Special tests and exams are the methods to get more points, the extra tasks on the board are only for students to fight not to be expelled at the end of the semester.

"Do you think anyone in our group is trying what Saik did?"

"I don't know, they'd risk too much. Not everyone is as brave as Saik."

—... "Although what I did can't be considered brave, but risky and stupid. I admit I got a little angry because the student I managed to expel tried to hit me... It was satisfying to see him cry in anger when he lost all his points."

He even begged me not to tell anyone that he lost all his points and for me to give him at least one point.

I was laughing to see him like this.

"For now, we will focus on soccer and basketball clubs. You're the only ones who can get points from now on. I doubt anyone would want to bet with me again. Sylphie, I'll help you pick up trash on the street and on the beach."

I'll take advantage and swim, I haven't been to the beach in a long time. It's a waste to live so close to the beach and not visit it.

It's only a half-hour bus ride.

"O-on the beach?"

"Sí (Yes). The school has a garbage collection center on the beach and in the center of the city. We can steal the garbage from the... Ah... Surely others thought of using the same technique... Mmm... Maybe… Mmm... Sylphie, would your boss give you permission to take the trash from the coffee shop?"

"Yes... I guess yes."

"Perfect. We just need 40 points, trust me... Sylphie, I really need you to trust me, okay?"

—... "Yes... I trust you."

Well, I just have to wait for the weekend.

"What are you planning to do, Saik?"

"I'll get Sylphie a protection point, and we'll sell it to a second or third year at half price."

"W-What?! You want to expel another student?!"

"Well… Yes. What's wrong with that?"

—... "Saik, you will make enemies."

"That's right, you're getting too much attention."

"And we still don't know what kind of special tests there will be in the future, maybe you are in danger."

"I think expelling another student would be detrimental to you."

Mmm... I guess they are right.

What if there is a special test of voting for expelling someone from another group?

I have to keep a low profile.

"Yes... You are right... Sylphie, there will be a exam before the special test is over... I guess... We have two weeks... If I am correct, the exams will be of great value... While Ludius and Naok train, Bell and Sylphie will study with me. We must ensure that you do not fail and I will get a perfect score, don't worry, I will earn more points."

"I-I feel bad for not doing anything else."

"Ah... Me too, but what can we do? I'm not smart enough to teach high school or elementary school kids to study, I don't have the patience. And collecting garbage will give us very few points... Saik, are you sure it's okay that we don't do anything else? I feel like a profiteer."

"Don't worry, Bell, I don't care. Sylphie's a friend, that's why I'm helping her. I don't know you, but you can pay me back later."


"With your body."

Hearing that made him pale.

"Kya! I didn't know you had those tastes, Saik!"

—... "I meant give me your help when I need it. I don't want your body in a sexual way. I don't like men... And I don't like women either... To be honest, I've never been interested in anyone... Mmm... I must change my way of thinking."

I recently discovered that wanting to have a girlfriend is normal in guys my age.

If I want to be normal, I must try to be interested in some girl... Or boy... Any would be fine with me.

"Have you never been interested in sex, Saik?"- Ludius said.


"So you're a virgin?"

"Like everyone here. Hands up those who are not virgins!"- Naok said.

No one raised their hand.

I prefer to avoid weird questions. I'm not a virgin because I used my virginity to capture 31.

It was an interesting experience, but I didn't take it seriously. I was very focused on how to satisfy her and leave her without energy, that I didn't have time to... enjoy it? I got tired too, but not as tired as she did.

"The only girlfriend I've ever had broke up with me because she fell in love with another guy. I couldn't even give her a kiss!"

Oh … Bell already had a girlfriend... Should I ask him how it feels?

"At least you've had it. I've been rejected three times!"- Naok said.

"I've never fallen in love with someone, so I don't know anything about that subject."- Ludius said.

"I-I... I-I... No... I-I've never fallen in love with someone."

Why do I get the feeling that she is lying?

It must be my imagination.


Why is everyone watching me?

Will I have something on my face?

"Why are you looking at me?"

"It's your turn, you must tell us about some romantic experience you've had."- Bell said.

Mmm... The closest thing I've had to an romance was with number 31, because I had sex with her. Sex is something you do with the person you love... Or so I understand.

She loves me, but I don't love her.

I don't love her, but she's the closest thing to romance I've ever experienced.

But I can't tell them that.

"Mmm... Well... No... I have no experience with these issues. I have never fallen in love with anyone and neither has anyone fallen in love with me. I'm the typical guy with no friends who's gonna die alone."

I recently decided to commit suicide by finishing high school, so I don't need friends or a girlfriend... Although I want to experience a normal school life before I die.

"Eh? Isn't Sylphie your girlfriend?"- Ludius said.

"We barely know each other."

"I-it's true!"

"Oh... I see."

I kept eating the soup, I don't want it to get cold.

"Is the soup good, Saik?"

Ah, Yuki. Will she want soup?

I must admit, it's delicious.

"If it's delicious, you must tell Sylphie that she cooks very well and will make a great wife."

Huh? Why?

I don't understand... Well, Yuki's a woman, she must know something I don't.

Maybe women like to hear that phrase... Although this is the first time I've heard it.

"It's delicious. Sylphie, you cook very good, you'd make a great wife."

Everyone stared at me and Sylphie turned completely red.

Ah... Will that phrase make double sense? I don't think Yuki's making that kind of joke.

"T-thank you, Saik!"

"Fufu. Flirting in front of us, Saik?"

"Bastard. At least wait until we leave."

"Excuse the boy, he's still young."

... Flirting?

"Ah... I think I was misunderstood... My mother taught me to say that phrase to single girls and to cook very well. It's the first time I've ever used that phrase with a girl. Is that a way to flirt? I'm sorry to bother you, Sylphie, I didn't know."

"D-don't worry, Saik! I-I'm glad you l-liked the food."

Yuki started laughing... Ah... I think I'll punish her.

It is now 7:00 p.m. and everyone has gone home.

The boys and Yuki forced me to accompany Sylphie home.

Fortunately, her house is 20 minutes from mine.

I suppose accompanying her is a good idea, there are many crazy and dangerous people in the world... And I say that from my own experience.

Even I'm one of those dangerous guys.


Sylphie is looking at the ground as she walks... Why?

"Is something wrong, Sylphie?"

"N-no. Why?"

"Well… How to say...? You look sad."

"I-I'm not sad, don't worry."

"And why are you looking at the ground?"

"I... I-I... I-I'm sorry... I-I'm not very used to seeing you in those clothes... I-It looks very good on you."

I feel comfortable in tight clothes. I feel like all the exercise I've done was worth it. It makes me feel safe and stronger.

But I think it has another effect on girls... How strange.

"Ah... Do I make you nervous? Sorry, I will get further away."

"I-I don't say it for that! I-I don't mind walking with you... I-It's just... I-I 'm sorry, I don't know how to explain it."

"I see..."

I offered her a lollipop.

"Never look at the ground, always look straight ahead."

I took her by the hand and pulled her towards me.


"You almost hit that light pole."

"Eh? Ah... I-it's true... T-thank you."

I let go of her hand and stroked her head.

"Looking at the ground won't let you see the dangers in front of you. Always look ahead."


I kept walking... That phrase... A few simple words can have different meanings for people.

Words that impact in different ways.

I hope the meaning Sylphie finds in it is what I want it to be.

Sylphie started walking beside me, looking ahead... Her cheeks look red... How adorable.

... Normal boys my age want to have girlfriends... And I think I have a chance with Sylphie.

If I asked her for a date right now, I think she would accept... But...

—... "Sylphie."


—... "No... Nothing, I just wanted to know if you're okay."

"Y-yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

She started smiling while looking at the ground... A nice smile... She got nervous again.

... She gets nervous very easily... She's too shy.

I wanted to ask her for a date, but Sylphie is too shy... I don't want to have such a shy girlfriend.

I had never been interested in having a girlfriend, but if I want to experience a normal school life, I must have a girlfriend... Or at least try.

If I'm going to experience romance, I want to experience it with some girl I'm really interested in.

The girls that interest me are girls with strong personalities. Girls who don't betray me... Girls I can trust.

Sylphie is a trusted girl, but she's too shy. I want to have a strong girl as a girlfriend, who will not be intimidated... And Sylphie's not that kind of girl.

I could never be interested in someone like Sylphie.

Well, we've arrived at her house.

I have done what they asked me to do, I can go home now.

"T-thank you for walking me home, Saik."

"It was nothing. Thanks for helping me with my fever. See you tomorrow."

"Y-yes. S-See you tomorrow, Saik."

She came into her house and I started walking.

I was left hungry. I usually eat the trilpe of what I ate today. I had to control myself so they wouldn't suspect me. My legendary ghosts drain the energy from my body. I think I'll buy a pizza and eat it at home.

Two pizzas, one whole for me and one for me too, only that one I'll eat in front of Yuki as punishment.

As I turned a corner, I almost collided with a woman.

Ah... She's Sylphie's mother.

"Hi, Iris."

"H-hello, Saik."

Ah... Same personality. It's like seeing Sylphie, but older.

"Wh-What are you doing here?"

"Her daughter came to visit me along with other classmates and they forced me to accompany her home."

"Yeah, I heard something... Feeling better now?"

"Sí (Yes). My fever is gone."

—... "Sylphie told me that thanks to your help, she now has a better understanding of various school subjects that she had difficulty with before... Thank you so much for helping my daughter."

"You're welcome... Although I think it's normal. According to my investigation, helping friends to study is normal."


"Yes, I had to investigate what friends do. I've never had friends, so I didn't know what they do."

"I see... You've never really had friends? I thought you were popular."

"Popular? No, I'm the lonely boy in my class... Why did you think that?"

"W-well ... Your body... And you have a cute face... I think you have what it takes to be popular."

"Ah... By the appearance... Well, I don't think... Do you think I'm cute? Why? My hair covers my eyes."

—... "Well..."

She lifted my hair with her hands and smiled.

"If they look closely at you, anyone might notice that you have beautiful eyes."

"Oh... I see... Well, I've never cared about looks, so I didn't know... I will go for dinner, would you like to accompany me? I would invite Sylphie too, but she already ate at my house."

"Well… I shouldn't, but... Sure, let's go."

I must earn more of her trust and improve her self-esteem. Ah... It's like helping an older Sylphie.

Two people with the same self-esteem problem... How problematic.