CHAPTER 26- A... special test? Part 6.

CHAPTER 26- A... special test? Part 6.

(Pov- ?)

"Son, you should eat something."

"Brother, you're going to faint if you don't eat!"

Why do they look at me worried? Do they care about me now? I don't need anything from you.

"Yes... You are right."

"Will you eat with us?"


I took a banana from the fridge.

"This is all I need."

I left home without saying goodbye to them... That's not polite, but I don't care.

No matter what I try. I swear I really try, but... I just can't trust my own family.

I can only trust my grandmother and my father... I can't trust my younger sister and my mother... I just can't.


... Another nuisance.

"Do you go to school? Let me accompany you."

... She disgusts me.

"I don't like repeating things. Get away from me."

"But... Kaeyko, I know you're angry, but that happened a long time ago... Can't you forgive me?"

"You had the whole elementary school to apologize to me or deny the rumors, but you didn't do it. Don't come any closer to me..."

... What was her name?

I already forgot about it.

I know her as a "soulless bitch", but I can't call her that in public.

—... "I forgot your name, but it's already clear that I don't want you near me."

I put on my headphones and went on my way.

I left the store with instant food.

I will not be filled with a simple banana.

"Look, the pervert from school."

"What? Have you already forgotten us?"

"Aren't you the losers who always ended up crying when you tried to hit me?"

"Fufu. But we're not the same anymore."

"Did you become more stupid? I thought it was impossible."

Do they think that because they have 3 more guys behind them I will be afraid?

"That's the boy I told you about. The boy who likes to touch little girls' butts."

Ah... When I was 8 years old, I tripped in the schoolyard while playing with... With the girl whose name I don't remember.

I accidentally fell on her and we fell to the ground.

My face fell on her ass and she called me a pervert.

The others started calling me that and I tried to explain that it was an accident.

No one believed me, as she said that I had also touched her ass with my hands.

A lie she told because she liked the attention she was getting.

The women walked away from me and the men took the opportunity to hit me and take advantage of me.

And years later, they also created a rumor that I had tried to steal a kiss from a very beautiful girl, whose name I don't remember. Because she was a very popular girl and had many friends, the harassment I received got worse. Every day they insulted me, beat me, humiliated me... And my family didn't do anything? I could never trust them. My mother never believed me when I told her I wasn't a pervert. Why? Because she knew the girl who said I touched her ass. My mother considered that girl sweet and kind, which is why she believed her and not me.

The same case goes for my younger sister, who teased me for years, calling me "pervert brother", "disgusting", "useless pervert"... Insults that I will never be able to get out of my head, and not because those insults are hurtful, but because I heard the same insults for years, every damn day.

I put up with it all, until I got tired of it.

I started training and exercising, so I could defend myself, and when I was ready, I started hitting everyone who tried to hit me, regardless of the consequences.

I earned a lot of trouble, but I didn't care.

Nothing mattered to me anymore. Nor the insults or what they say about me... I don't care about anything.

"I see... Since you guys can't beat me, you brought in more people... Wow... You really are cowards."

"I'll wipe that smile off your face...!"

Someone hit him in the face... Huh? It's the first time anyone's defended me.

"There are no security cameras and there are few people early in the morning. Perfect."

That boy fell to the ground, while blood was coming out of his nose.

The others tried to attack us, but they only have muscles, they have no speed or reflexes.

We managed to dodge all their blows and hit them.

A massacre, we defeated those 5 guys.

I admit it was nice to have help.

"Thank you... Do you attend the same school? What class are you in?"

"I am group 1-B."

"I'm in the 1-D... Thank you very much... Can I know your name?"


"I'm Kaeyko."

—... "Wow... It's hard to pronounce."

We both started walking together.

I recognize Saik's name. He became quite popular at the school due to the fact that he managed to expel a third-year student on Monday.

And he was also the highest scorer in the entrance exam.

He is quite strong... This guy is too cool.

"You have good reflexes, Kaeyko. Do you practice any fighting techniques?"

"No, I'm just mimicking the self-defense videos I watch on the internet."

"Oh... I see."

"And you?"

"You could say I just dodge and hit."

"I see."

After walking for a few minutes, we got to school... And an annoying girl approaches me.

"Good morning, Kaeyko!"

—... "Hello?"

"Have you thought about what I told you?! Would you agree to go with me to see a movie?!"

... Many girls ask me to go out with them, but I always reject them.

And if they're too insistent, I tell them I'll think about it and leave, so they can stop bothering me.

This girl didn't understand the hint.

—... "I'm sorry, I don't want to have friends or anything like that... Please stop talking to me."

I ignored her and went on my way.

"A handsome and popular guy... Have you ever fallen in love?"

"No, never. Why?"

"I am doing research on these topics, that's why I am asking... I can tell you don't trust anyone. Let me guess... A sad past?"

—... "I guess you could say yes."

"Mmm... You don't trust people... You're handsome, but you're not interested in having friends or girlfriends... Mmm... You've suffered some kind of betrayal in your past and that's why you don't trust anyone?"

"Yes... Something like that."

"Mmm... Did your girlfriend cheat on you or did you suffer from bullying?"

"The second thing."

"I see... The person you considered your friend betrayed you, right?"

"Yes... I've put all that behind me, though..."


... Is he a friend of that girl?

"Are you feeling better now?! Doesn't your head hurt?"

Ah... This girl... The girl who never denied the rumors about me and the supposed kiss I tried to steal from her.

—... "Who are you?"

"Eh?" Y-you don't know who I am?"

"No... Ah... Yes... I recognize your face, but I don't know your name."

"I am... Danna."

"I see... Yes, I feel good."

I don't want to be near her, so I'd better go.

"Do you want me to pass on yesterday's homework? Don't worry, that's what friends are for, I'll pass it on to you."

"Hey... No offense, but I don't consider you a friend... I didn't even know your name... And I don't want to be your friend either."



I stopped and turned to see him.

Tell that to a girl... Wow... It's cruel... But satisfactory.

"I already did my homework."

Saik approached me.

"From your reaction and look of disgust, I could tell that she is the person who betrayed you. Thank you for the information, it will be useful."- He said whispering.


He walked away without another word... Well, she was one of the people who created the rumor that I tried to kiss her, but we were never friends.

Could it be considered a betrayal? I don't know... And I don't care either.

I'd better go to my classroom.

(Pov- Saik.)

Well... Fine...

Sylphie and Danna are ruled out.

None of them could interest me.

Danna could betray me and Sylphie is a very shy girl.

Mmm... Although Danna was too beautiful and popular for me, I still wouldn't have had a chance with her.

But considering that I got an older woman to fall in love with me, it's not impossible to think that a popular and beautiful girl will also fall in love with me.

It's all in knowing the girl and her personality.

But I won't even try to be friends with her, that girl might betray me. I'll stay away from her and never talk to her.

"I am sleepy."

Considering I only slept two hours, that's justified. I stayed up until 11 p.m. awake, talking to Iris about different topics of interest. She laughed a lot, though I wasn't trying to be funny... Is my personality funny even if I don't try to be funny? I don't know.

But the important thing is that she considers me a friend.

After accompanying her home, I did my evening exercises for 2 hours, studied 3 hours and slept 2 hours.

But it doesn't matter, because I will recover hours of sleep sleeping here, in the classroom.

I walked into my classroom, sat in my seat, and yawned.

"I'm hungry..."

It's true, I haven't had breakfast... What will I have for breakfast?


... What a lovely pout Yuki is making. She looks so adorably angry.

Is she really still angry? I thought she was over her anger.

"Are you still angry, Yuki?"

"Of course!! You're so cruel! You ate a whole pizza all by yourself and didn't give me any slices!"

"It's your punishment, I told you I don't want her to be interested in me."


Ah... She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, while pouting... I can't take her anger seriously when she looks so adorable.

... Only two students have arrived in the classroom... Mmm... I think I have time.

They're talking to each other, I don't think they'll see me.

I pulled my chair back a little and took Yuki's arm.


I sat her on my legs and moved the table towards me.

"Wh-What are you doing?!"

Oh, she turned red with embarrassment. How adorable.

I opened my backpack and took out a lunch.

"I bought you the most expensive pizza on the menu, so I think it's the most delicious."

I opened the lunch and the delicious smell of the slices of pizza made her salivate.

"Sorry about yesterday, but I had to punish you."

"You are forgiven!"

I took a slice and took it to Yuki's mouth.

She took a bite out of it.


And I pretended to take a bite, so no one would suspect that a piece of pizza disappeared.

"Thanks, Saik! I knew you wouldn't be able to starve me, you're not so cruel!"

Yuki began to move her legs while enjoying the food in her mouth... Wow... I feel like a father with his daughter.

"Are you really eating pizza this early?"

Oh … I think her name is Naima.

I like this girl, but I don't know why.

"I'm not eating myself, I'm feeding a ghost."

"Tsk. If you're gonna tell a joke, try to make it funny, weird."

She sat in her seat and ignored me.

... It wasn't a joke.

"Hahahaha! I love it when you tell the truth and no one believes you, Saik."

It's hard for ordinary people to believe that ghosts exist.

(Pov- Kaeyko.)

I walked into my classroom and sat in my seat, in seat number 20.

Ah... I really wanted to sit by a window, but I was unlucky.

... Everyone is meeting with their teams, discussing the points they gathered.

I took out my smartphone and checked the number of points I have.

Ah... Only 108 positive points.

I did well on the entrance exam and with the garbage collection, but that won't be enough.

The works available on the board are very boring and give very few positive points.

Helping high school and elementary school students to study has long-term benefits, because if a student improves their grades, they give us a bonus for good work, but I don't have time for that.

I don't have the capacity to teach someone.

I have to work hard on the homework and the exam we'll do next week.

I don't think it's a good idea to bet my points on someone.

For now, I'll just make sure I'm not the worst student in my group.

"Then… Will you really ask Saik to go out with you? Really?"

Oh … That name...

I turned to my left... That group of girls mentioned Saik.

Is it the same?

"If Saik agrees to date Ninkia, the odds increase that he will agree to join our group."

Ah... I understand the situation.

Tanya, the supposed leader of the class, is using Ninkia to get Saik to join our group.

Well... Mmm... To be honest, Saik seems like a nice guy. He doesn't hesitate to hit someone and I like his style.

He is smart and takes risks, it would be very beneficial to have him on our side.

But the methods Tanya's using are disgusting.

"He's a weirdo who doesn't comb his hair, but his body is great. I'd like to touch those muscles. I will only date him for a while, and if he doesn't agree to join, I will end my relationship with him."

"I see..."

Should I warn him?

... No... I barely know him, that shouldn't matter to me.

And it benefits me if he joins... I'll let it go.

(Pov- Saik.)

Ah... Having Yuki on my lap prevents me from sleeping.

Why doesn't she get off my lap? She has finished eating.

"Yuki, if you're done, get down."

"I don't want to! It's very comfortable to be sitting here! Let me stay here a little longer, please!"

... I can't say no to those lovely eyes.

"Ah... Ok."

It doesn't bother me that much, but I don't like it either.

I'm not a pervert who enjoys having a little girl sit on his lap, so Yuki is safe from dirty thoughts.

"Everyone, please be seated."

The teacher entered the classroom and everyone welcomed her, except for me, who can't get up because I have Yuki on my lap.

"Now that everyone is seated, I will show you the results so far."


She plugged her computer into the board and a graph appeared.

"Please note that these are the results so far, results may change."

Saik team... It doesn't sound so good, but I think it has my name on it because I'm the one with the most points.

First place, with 5,908 positive points.

Ram team, second place, with 405 points.

Saoto team, third place, with 365 points.

Danna's team, fourth place, 336 points.

"Really... there's a big difference."- Ram said.

I could feel the looks on me, but I ignored them, as I ate a piece of pizza.

"So far, the team formed by Saik, Sylphie, Naok, Bell and Ludius, is in first place... To be honest, this is the first time in the history of this school that a first-year student has scored so many points. The number of points Saik earned this week is the average number of points a smart student earns in a semester with a lot of hard work and effort. Many congratulations."

I raised my hand.

"Did I win a prize?"

—... "No."

"Ah... I see..."

I continued eating and pulled out my smartphone.

I hope the chest is open, so I can continue with the mission.

I opened the game and Yuki sighed.

"Saik, sometimes I forget what an idiot you are."


I didn't understand.

... Ah... Naima is smelling the smell of my pizza... And her stomach growled.

Thanks to my weird ear, I could hear it.

"As you know, to advance and climb in groups, you need to get points and..."

Blah, blah, blah. I know that.


I touched Naima's shoulder.

"What do you want, weirdo?"

"Do you want a slice of pizza? I'm already full."

"Are you giving her some of my food, Saik?!"

Don't be angry, Yuki.

—... "Ok. Thank you."

She took a slice and I started playing my game, while I ignore what the teacher is saying.

"Saik, she hates you, why are you being nice to her?"

I have my reasons, Yuki.

Very personal reasons, Yuki.

(Pov- Number 31.)

I'm tired of being here, watching these people. And I don't have enough evidence to kill anyone.

I'm bored... Boring!!!

"Ah... I'm bored... I want to masturbate watching Shadow take a bath."

—... "How is it possible for Shadow to endure your presence?"

Being next to this woman is boring. Since Saik defeated and captured all the legendary ghosts, the ghost hunters of this organization only capture weak ghosts.

It's boring!

Being next to Saik is more entertaining. I can see him bathing, watching him exercise, studying, sleeping... There's so much material that makes me horny! I can't help but masturbate while I watch it!

For being the only legendary ghost who always helped him and for being the most faithful, Saik allows me to be free every so often. And I use my free time to sexually harass him! We even have dates. Fufu... Even though Saik only considers me a friend... He doesn't even consider me a sexual friend! He only considers me a friend, friend! The most I have achieved of progress with Saik, is getting Saik to fondle my breasts... And he only did it because I told him I'd teach him how to cook a delicious strawberry cake!

At least I felt an orgasm just feeling his hands... I miss him so much!

But I have to settle for giving him little kisses on the cheeks.

... Fufu. I'll take the opportunity to annoy this woman. What was her name? 90? Whatever.

"And how does it feel to be defeated by a little 8-year-old boy?"

"What are you saying?"

"Shadow, at only 8 years old, defeated the legendary ghost number 100, the most powerful legendary ghost, capable of conquering the world. If Shadow had not defeated him, everyone in the world would already be dead and doomed to be zombies."

"Tsk. Don't forget that he was the one who provoked it in the first place."

"Fufu. Do you really believe that?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Shadow gave up when he discovered that it was impossible to find the legendary ghost number 100 without endangering the world. When he discovered that the world could be in danger if that legendary ghost were to awaken, he decided not to awaken him and settled for having 99 legendary ghosts in his possession."


"If you hadn't entered the place where he rested, the legendary ghost number 100 wouldn't have woken up."


Fufu. She's getting nervous and scared. That was one of the saddest and most painful experiences of her life. I love to see her like this.

"Why do you think Shadow was not at that place when you arrived? Shadow told all of you many times that he was not bad, but not good either. If you had any brains, you would have realized that Shadow wouldn't dare attack number 100 because that would endanger the world."

She's crying. Fufu. She already feels guilty.

"You yourselves caused the deaths of more than 1,970 members of the world organization. I think your husband died too, right?"

"Shut up!"

She tried to hit me, but I'm a ghost, and I'm also a legendary ghost. Even though she has the power to destroy ghosts, she is far from causing any harm to a legendary ghost.

Her fist simply went through my body and did nothing to me.

"You hate Shadow because you think he was the culprit, but he wasn't even involved with the awakening of number 100, you idiots."

I'd better take a bath, I'm bored.

I disappeared from that place and appeared in the bathroom of Saik's house.

"She was crying. Hahahaha! Idiot."

That was funny... Well, now I'm gonna take a bath and... W-wait... I-is that...?

"Saik's underwear?!"

S-Saik is very lazy, he probably took off his clothes and forgot to pick up his clothes when he finished bathing.

H-his dirty clothes... The clothes he wore when he exercised... His sweat... His smells...

"Thank you, god!"

I took it and started smelling it.

"It smells delicious!"

As number 31 masturbated smelling Saik's underwear, he felt a chill and sighed.

"Why do I feel desecrated?"