CHAPTER 29- Birthday Party. Part 2.

CHAPTER 29- Birthday Party. Part 2.

(Pov- ?)

Fufu... Saik, Saik, Saik. Mmm. I think Shadow fits you better. I love your story. The poor crazy little boy that no one loved and his only friends were ghosts. The little boy, the disappointment of his parents. Anyone with your life would go crazy or evil, Saik, but you... But you...

Hahahahahaha! I'm sorry, I can't help it. You, Saik... You... You turned into an expressionless fucking weirdo! So cliché!

Hahahahahaha! I mean, I just... Hahahahahaha! You had everything you needed to become someone cooler or something better, but you became a slacker who always wants to sleep and eat! You're handsome, but that personality of yours ruins it!

Or so I'd say, but I love you! Not romantically, disgusting, you're not my type, but I definitely love you! I wish I could see you cry and suffer. I would love to see you on your knees. I would love so much to make you suffer! Make you mine completely! But I also want you by my side.

Just imagine the following, Saik. You and me, controlling the souls of all the humans in this world. You're not my type, I prefer shy guys, but as long as I have you by my side as a partner, I'm willing to fall in love with you!

We would be the Gods of this world! Everyone would be obliged to pray to us. We would be the supreme authority of this world! The question is: will you help me?

"If only I could get out of this place now."

When I get out, I'll get the answer to that question.

And I really want it to be a yes, because if the answer is a no... Shadow, if the answer is no...

"You will regret having me as your enemy."

And the taste of your blood will be the taste with which I will celebrate my victory, when I kill you and take away the legendary ghosts.

"Just wait for me, cutie. The Goddess of ghosts will soon return."

(Pov- Saik.)

Really all I wanted to do when I woke up was shower, eat breakfast and go to school like any normal day.

But this... This ruins my plans.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday! Happy birthday to the expressionless boy! Happy Birthday to the Slacker! And a big happy birthday to you, Saik!"

Yuki hugged me and started screaming that right at the moment I opened my beautiful eyes. Ah, I hate this situation, but I must admit I like it too. Who doesn't like to wake up and have a cute little girl congratulate you on your birthday? Ah, yeah, it's true, that sounded weird and disgusting. I'll change my words. Who does not like to be congratulated on their birthday?

Today I grew older, and every day I get closer to my death.

"Thank you, Yuki, but you could congratulate me more quietly."

"Nope! I must congratulate you almost screaming so you don't ignore me!"

Smart girl, huh? She guessed what I was going to do.

"Let's go eat cake."

"Cake? We eat it every day, it no longer has that nice meaning as it is a birthday. We must celebrate with something else!"

"Alcohol? No, you're too little, and I don't like alcohol either."

I only drank it once out of curiosity and didn't like the taste.

"I am not a little girl!"

"You literally look like a 10 year old, you're a little girl in appearance."

"I'm not to blame for dying with this body! And we're going to celebrate your birthday by doing what friends do! We're going to the cinema and we're going to watch a horror movie! Then we will go to an amusement park. And finally, we will celebrate with homemade food made by the beautiful and sensual Yuki!"

—... "That sensual thing sounds disgusting coming out of your mouth. Change that to adorable. And let me guess, I'll pay for all that?"

"Don't complain, I'm a ghost, I don't have any money! Fufu. I can pay you back with kisses, Saik."

I patted her head.

"I prefer to caress your head. You are adorable."

"H-huh?! It's not fair, you're supposed to be nervous, not me!"

"Let's go to breakfast. After school we go to the cinema."


Well, I guess today won't be a quiet day like the ones I like.

"I hope you like it!"

Eggs... Sausages... Mmm. A basic breakfast. It would be delicious, but Yuki's egg was burnt.

But it's a breakfast made with love (I hope), so I must be grateful.

"Thank you very much, Yuki."

I started eating. I don't like the taste, but I don't dislike it either. It's edible at least.

Yuki is eating cake, how unfair. But that's okay, it's edible at least.

I finished eating as fast as I could and grabbed my backpack.

I left home. Same old way to school, no change. I have my candy in my backpack and Yuki is floating next to me. Yes, a normal day, without any change. The only thing different is that today is my birthday, but that would be it.

Today will be a normal day... I hope so.

Ah, having a normal day was too optimistic of me.

"23,327 points?"

Everyone's eyes are on me.

First place, with 23,327 positive points.

Ram's team, second, with 438 points.

Saoto's team, third place, with 384 points.

Danna's team, fourth place, with 351 points.

"T-teacher, this is impossible! It must be impossible!"

I agree, random girl I don't know. It must be impossible for me not to have my normal day.

"There's no mistake. According to the information, Saik fairly earned those points."

"That's right, Saik bet with the captain of the basketball club and won!"

"He also bet with the captain of the soccer club."

I'm tired of the looks. I go to sleep. Good night.


I tried to sleep, but Saoto's voice interrupted my beautiful sleep.

"Saik, did you expel another student?!"

It does not seem so, but I feel anger in his tone of voice, but his expression is of concern.

I see. He's the kind of justice guy who always wants to help everyone. Pathetic.

I looked up and looked into his eyes. Eyes full of frustration. It's not hard to guess his thoughts. "Do you really enjoy ruining other people's lives? Do you think it's fun to ruin all the effort they made to stay in school?" He probably thinks so right now.

"No, I didn't expel anyone, but I really wanted to. If I had more time, I definitely would have expelled someone. It could be said that they were lucky that I didn't want to stay in school any longer."

The truth is that I didn't want to attract more attention, that's why I didn't.

"And don't look at me like I'm doing something wrong. I only did it to earn points."

"But you must not expel anyone!"


"Because it's wrong!"

"Is that your argument? Ah, you're a crybaby. I better keep sleeping."

I ignored what others were muttering about me and fell asleep.

Ah, it was a good dream. I must admit that I feel very relaxed. The muscle aches disappeared. I feel quite relaxed.

"Saik, we must talk."

I looked up and looked at the two people trying to ruin my quiet day. Ram and Saoto.

"I will not stop betting. I will not give away points. I won't change classes, don't worry. Is that all?"

"Your actions endanger our group."

"Calling too much attention is dangerous."

Ah, I really don't want to talk to them anymore. They won't ruin my quiet life.

"I see... But I don't like being ordered around."

I got up from my seat and walked away.

"It's not an order, it's a favor."

"Then I don't want to do you that favor."

I left the classroom and Yuki sat on my shoulders. I hope she doesn't start to... Ah, she's already started to smell my hair.

"Yuki, I'm suspecting that you developed a fetish with my hair."

"I'm sorry, but it smells delicious! Changing the subject, I think you've made more enemies."

"I don't really care."

I sat under a tree. The location is perfect, away from everyone. Here I can eat quietly with Yuki. I made sure to get away in time from Sylphie and the others. Today I want to eat without others around me. Only Yuki.

I opened my lunch and Yuki opened hers. We can eat without worry.

"It's been a while since we last ate together like this."

"Well, not much time really. But considering you're a freak who likes to get away from people, it's been a long time for you."

"Hi, Saik!"

Ah... Should I be surprised? I was so quiet that I didn't feel her presence. I really wanted this moment alone with Yuki.

This girl is... the Tomboy.

"Hello, girl who won't stop bothering me. Do you love me? I'm sorry, I'm not interested in having a romantic relationship at this time. And I'm not interested in having friends either... Not even with someone like you, who I suspect is spying on me."

"Fufu. I only followed you to brag about this."

She showed me the screen of her smartphone. Wow, she really got a lot of points. 10,083 points.

"Fufu. Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

"Poor girl, I told you your body is more valuable than just a few simple points."

"I-I didn't sell my body, idiot!"

"I know, but you look prettier angry."

I pulled a lollipop out of my pocket and offered it to her.


She smiled and puffed out her chest with pride.

"Hmmh. Thank you."

She took the lollipop and sat down next to me.


She took Yuki's lunch from her which she put down on the ground.

"Will you join my group?"

"Saik, don't let her eat my food!"

"I don't know. Would you join the group of a girl who steals your food?"

"You must keep that nice body of yours in perfect shape. You must not eat so much or you will gain weight."

"My body never gets fat, don't worry... How many students did you expel?"

"Only a second-year student, but he had a lot of points. If you want to know how I convinced him to bet, join my group."

"I don't need to join to know that. You found out something about him, an embarrassing secret, or you have proof that he did something wrong. You threatened to show that to others if he didn't bet."

"Fufu. That's why I like you, Saik. Smart, mysterious and cool. You are the complete package."

"That's something I would do if I wanted to expel someone... I'm sorry, but I won't change groups... Not for now. Maybe later. My classmates are becoming a pain in the ass for me, especially the class president. He doesn't like my way of earning points."

"Join my group, Saik. We will…"

"No. Not for now, I told you."

She got up.

"I'll be waiting for you, Saik."

With a smile on her face, she said goodbye to me and left.

"She ate the sausages! Damn it!"

"Take mine, Yuki."

"That's why I love you, Saik!"

She took my sausages without hesitation.

Ram and Saoto are getting a headache. If this continues, I'll end up accepting that girl's offer and taking Sylphie with me. Sylphie is the only reason I'm still in that group.

I went back to my classroom and everyone turned to see me... Literally everyone.

Wow, I got famous.


Sylphie said my name is low voice, no one could be able to hear her, just me. That worried tone. What's going on?

Ignoring whatever is going on, I was willing to sit down, but someone avoided it.

"Saik, you must accompany us."

Students, probably third-year students. The captain of the soccer club is among them.

"Officer, you must show me an arrest warrant."

"Don't be funny and come."

"I don't want to. I've read the school rules, you don't have the authority to force me. With your permission, I'll sleep for a while."

The captain of the soccer club came up to me and looked me in the eye. Eyes full of fury.

"Come with us."

"Are you seriously still mad because I'm better than you at soccer? Come on, Mr. Captain, there will always be someone better than you in the world. No one is the best at anything."

He grabbed my shirt and raised his fist.

"That's enough, Akito."

With elegant steps, a girl approached us. A long red hair... Red eyes full of life. Wow... This girl gives off a sense of... danger and authority. I like that.

"Saik, we want to talk to you about something important. Come with us."

"Ah... What laziness."

I looked Ram in the eye.

"Ram, if I disappear and the police find me dead, report this girl."

"Fufu. You're funny, kid. Let's go."

I left the classroom with them and sighed.

5 people. 3 men and 2 women. The student council. They don't have the power to do this, but they control the third and second groups. At least that's what Yuki told me. I guess since I expelled someone from the third year and humiliated one of their members, they have me as an enemy.

We entered the student council room and I sat down in front of the president's desk.

"Well? What do you want from...?"

One of them tried to hit me and I stopped his fist with my left hand.

"Ah, I see, you are trying to hit me to teach me a lesson."

I got up from my seat and punched that boy in the crotch.

I kicked his legs and he fell to the floor.

This guy, without exaggeration, is huge. I think he's about one meter and 90 centimeters tall. A bloody freak... Well, I'm not fit to tell other people freaks.

"All against one?"

"Fufu. The rumors are true, you're weird, Saik."

"I know, I know."

I looked the president in the eye... Wow, no wonder I felt danger.

"Can you see me? I want to be seen... I want to be seen."

The ghost of a woman with long black hair is on her shoulders. Evil... Love... So many emotions within that ghost. Who really is the president?

"So I'm just here to get hit? I warn you that I am an egalitarian. I'll hit both men and women."

"I heard that you are strong, smart and amazing. Perfect grades, you managed to beat the captains of the soccer and basketball clubs, and you managed to earn a great amount of points. Simply amazing."

"Ah... I see... So? What do you want from me? I want to go to sleep."

"We'll just give you a warning and a chance. The warning is simple, just don't mess with anyone in the third year or any member of the student council. And your chance is next. Return the points you earned from Akito or you will regret it."

"Saik, Saik, don't do it, don't do it!"

Of course I won't, Yuki.

"Can I say something?"

"Sure, we hear you."

I approached her and they tried to stop me.


"No, Akito, don't stop him."

She got up from her seat and I stood in front of her. I looked into her eyes and that ghost began to tremble.

"You! You are not normal!"

Shut up, ghost, I don't have time.

"When I was a little boy, I had imaginary friends."

"Imaginary friends?"

"I spent all my time talking to myself, and people even told me I was crazy. That's one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, but I don't mind everyone finding out about it. After all, I think it's normal for a little kid to have imaginary friends."

"What are you trying to say by that?"

"I think I know what's going on. You feel humiliated because I, a first year student, in his first days of school, became a danger to the third year students and humiliated one of your members. And not just any member, I humiliated their vice president. Maybe you are people with money. People who feel superior to others by having this position. I don't know, maybe you feel like the leader of a mafia, but instead of managing a criminal organization, you control the students of a school. That sounds ridiculous, but it's pretty convincing when it comes to a school that guarantees students a full scholarship and study at any university they want. Rich or not, the opportunity to study at any university you want is a great advantage and opportunity. Now, should I be afraid? Should I respect and obey you? No, and there is nothing you can do about it either. Threaten my family? No matter how rich you are, you cannot threaten me with harm to my family, because all my relatives are dead, I am alone. Threatening my friends? I don't care either. Threatening me? Believe me, if you mess with me, you'll end up very badly. You're telling me to give him back the points I earned him, but I won't do it. You want me not to mess with third-year students? I don't care, I'll keep doing it, and if I get a chance to expel one of them, I will. By the way..."

I turned to see Akito.

"Hey, crybaby, are you still mad because I'm better at soccer than you? Tell me, how does it feel to be outclassed by me, a guy who has never played soccer? You must feel like a failure. So much time training, for someone without experience to come and surpass you."

"Shut up!"

"Akito, calm down. Saik, you don't know what you're saying."

"Ah... Akito, maybe you feel you are the best in school because of your position as vice president, as captain of the soccer club and being a popular student. You had many girlfriends? Are you no longer a virgin? Do you have sex with many women? I don't care. Sex, friends, fun... Those concepts don't matter to me in the least, I just want to study and graduate, I'm not here to waste my time on that. I'll say it just one more time. If you mess with me, you will regret it. Just you try just one thing, and I will make sure that you, the students in group 3-A, come down and be group 3-B... Or maybe 3-C. Even 3-D."

"It is one thing to be smart, and quite a different thing to be stupid. You could never do that."- Said the second girl in this place.

"If you want to check it out, just say the following words: "Saik, we will keep bothering you". Just say that and you'll see what I'm capable of."

"Fufu. Hahaha! You're more interesting than I imagined. Tell me, Saik, aren't you interested in joining the student council?"

"President, are you crazy?! I won't let...!"

"Shut up, Akito."


"Well? What do you say, Saik?"

Ah... This situation has already gone on too long.

"No, but I appreciate the offer. I'm leaving... I don't have secrets that I'm ashamed of or try to hide, you can't use that against me, but if you want to reveal my secrets, do it, I don't care. You threatened me first, so I'll do the same. I'll give you a warning and a chance too. The warning will be this: If you try to mess with me again, you will regret it. And the chance is this: If you apologize to me for wasting my time, I will not have Akito expelled."

"Expel me? Big words for an idiot."

"Wow. Does that mean an idiot managed to earn you so many points? You're more pathetic than I thought. Are you really the vice president?"

"Silence, both. Saik, you can go."

"That means that you did not take advantage of the chance. Well... Fine... Akito, take advantage of the time you have left."

"As if you could expel me."

"It's not a possibility, it's a reality. You'll be leaving school soon."

I left the student council room and started walking next to Yuki.

"You looked great, Saik! Well done, you didn't let those idiots threaten you! But are you sure you can expel that boy? He is the vice president and captain of an important club. He has awards and soccer trophies. He is very important to the school. Someone like him must have a lot of points, and I don't think he wants to bet them."

"Everyone has secrets, Yuki. And discovering them weakens people."

I can expel him, and I will.

I walked into my classroom.

"May I come in, teacher?"

"They explained the situation to me. Come in."

I sat down in my seat and took out my materials to take the class.

Ah, I really wanted to sleep, but I earned annoying enemies. I have to humiliate them so they stop bothering me.

School was over and I was ready to go home... But no, I can't leave, I have something important to do first.

I got up from my seat and grabbed my backpack.

"Did they scold you for sleeping in class or why didn't you sleep this time?"- Ram said.

"I just wasn't sleepy."

"And what did they tell you?"

"Sorry, I don't have time. I have a pending matter."

Ignoring Ram, I left the classroom. I must expel that person.


Sylphie started walking beside me.

"Are you alright? They didn't tell you nothing?"

"I earned annoying enemies. They're angry because I humiliated the vice president and expelled a third-year student. But don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I-I see ... B-By the way, here, I said it once, but I'll repeat it. H-happy birthday!"

Sylphie gave me a book. Oh, a light novel. I don't have this novel.

"Thank you. What is it about? Is it comedy?"

"It's fantasy and comedy. I realized you really liked that genre."

I prefer mystery, but I also like comedy.

"Wow... Thank you very much, Sylphie. That's a nice gesture on your part. When's your birthday? I would like to give you a gift too."

"I'm glad you liked it! M-my birthday is December 8th."

"I'll have a present prepared for you... Well, I'm gonna go expel a third-year student. See you tomorrow, Sylphie."

"See you tomorrow, Saik... Huh?"

Well, I have the perfect student for what I will be doing. I hope it won't give me too much trouble.

"W-wait, Saik!"

Sylphie took my arm and turned to see her.

"What's wrong?"

"A-are you seriously going to expel another student?!"

"The student council declared war on me, I must send them a message. If I want to maintain my school life, I must."

—... "I will go with you... I-I'll help you!"

"I don't need help, but you can come with me if you want. Thanks for the support, Sylphie."

Well, it's time to show what I'm capable of.