CHAPTER 30- Enemy number 1. Part 1.

CHAPTER 30- Enemy number 1. Part 1.

My name is Saik and I am a common student in a common school with common students... Well, I guess it's not that common, considering that the school expels any student just by failing a single exam and the students are just as weird as the school.

At least I'm an ordinary guy like any other... Well, yes, I can see ghosts, I control legendary ghosts and I saved the world in the past, but I consider myself an ordinary person.

Since the death of my parents, all I have wanted is to have a normal school life and be the best student to make my mother's memory proud. It's all I want and it interests me. I'm not interested in having friends or wasting time "having fun" with them. All I want to do is sleep, eat and study. Having a quiet, trouble-free school life... But there are some people who don't let me enjoy my school life.

Saoto, the class president, doesn't like the way I score points, and I don't doubt he'll try something to keep me from doing it.

Ram doesn't bother me as much as Saoto, because I think she already realized that I'm not the kind of person who obeys others. She just wants to outdo me, but she's better than me. I only surpass her because I cheated on the entrance exam.

And the student council. I didn't take the student council seriously, I thought they were just people organizing events and running clubs, but I found out that they control second- and third-year students. Because I expelled a third-year student and humiliated their vice president, they have me as their enemy. I have a theory that second and third year students obey the student council because they guarantee them that they won't be expelled or move down a group, but by that I mean only the A and B groups, the best ones. I still need to investigate more about that.

And right now, I'm about to send a message to the student council and show them what I'm capable of.

"B-by the way, Saik, w-would you like to get something to eat? I-it's my turn to pay you for the food you bought me! A-and we can eat some cake to celebrate your birthday."

I had planned to go to the cinema with Yuki. I will check with her later.

"Accept, Saik! Make an advance with her!"

Well, Yuki agrees.

"I was planning to go to the cinema to see a movie. Would you like to accompany me, Sylphie?"

"O-of course!"

That way, Yuki will not feel sad because she will accompany us. After all, she's a ghost, she doesn't need to pay.

"I have to wash my hands, wait for me, Sylphie."


I went into the men's bathroom... And Yuki followed me.

"Yuki, come out, I'm going to pee."

"A-ah! S-sure!"

Yuki came out and sighed. Well... There's only one person in the bathroom, but he's doing the bathroom. How brave of you to do that at school.

Anyway, we'll make this quick.

I wrote the number 4 in the palm of my hand.

"Ghost number four. Ghost of bad luck. Come here."

The little ghost appeared beside me and began to laugh.

"Fufu. Who should I kill now?"

"I want you to do the following."

After I told her what to do, I came out of the bathroom.

"Thank you for waiting."

"Oh, no problem."

I talked to Sylphie a bit as we walked towards our target.

It's nice to talk to her. She's adorable and cute. At least she's not a headache. I like to talk to her, but not as much as I enjoy sleeping and being alone.

"Okay, we're here."

Group 3-A. I have the perfect guy.

Those in 3-A are smart, the best in the third year. Classes are over, but I don't doubt that student is still here.

"A-are you sure, Saik?"

"I already did a preliminary investigation, don't worry... By the way, Sylphie, would you do me a favor?"


I have to make sure he pays me.

I walked into the classroom with Sylphie.

Sylphie is too attached to me, but I guess she's nervous.

Yes, there are about 5 students here. The vice president's talking to two girls. The president is here, reading, but she stopped reading when she saw me come in. Wow, wow. She is smiling. Did she suspect I would do this?

Well, it doesn't matter. I'm here for the fifth student in this place. That huge boy with strong arms.

Yuki asked me to defend some students who were being beaten by that boy, but I refused, I didn't want to get into unnecessary trouble, but now I am interested.

Yuki told me what she knew about him, as she investigated him for me to defeat him, but I refused, although thanks to that I discovered his weakness.

I approached the vice president and his furious eyes saw me.

"Hey, Vice President, it's me, the guy who scored you five goals and you couldn't score me one. I earned you 5,803 points. Ah, and I'm also the one who'll cause your expulsion."

He came up to me and Sylphie hid behind me.

"Are you here to expel me, Saik? How do you plan to do it?"

"For now, I just came to make fun of you in front of those two girls. Ah, and I'm here to talk to someone more interesting than you."

I approached that boy, who is looking at his muscles in a small mirror. A boy proud of his strength and body.

I sat down on his table and stroked his head.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Get out of here, you idiot."

"It has to do with a cute little girl named Anna. She's in the hospital because someone hit her."

Hearing that paralyzed him for a few seconds. Just what I was hoping for.


He stopped seeing himself in the mirror and looked at me. He keeps that face calm, but he's nervous and furious inside.

"What do you want to ask me?"

"First listen to this."

I approached his ear and whispered the following.

"Please stop, I won't try to steal from you again. I just wanted a lollipop."

"H-how do you know that?"

"Beating up a little girl just because she stole a lollipop from you. Lollipop you left on a bench. You did it on purpose to hit the person who steals that lollipop, didn't you? You threatened the girl with killing her parents if she did not accompany you, took her to an alley and beat her brutally until she was unconscious. How do I know it? Because I was there and I recorded what you did."

I stepped away from him and pulled out my smartphone.

"Well, the question is: do you want to bet with me? The only condition is that we will bet until one of us loses all our points. If you do not want me to post the video on the internet, you will accept. I hear your answer."

"Fine, I'll do it! But if I beat you, you'll erase that damn video!"

"Of course, but I won't mention it in the recording, you know, to keep them from investigating the video."

"Tsk. Okay, I accept."

I started recording an audio.

"I, Saik, student of group 1-B, agree to bet all my points in a card game. The rules are as follows. Each player will have 9 cards. The winner is the one who gets all their cards down and has 10 cards at the end of the game. We'll play with thirds and ladders."

"I, Kirimo, student of group 3-A, agree to bet my points with Saik and accept the rules of the game."

I stopped the recording and took the cards out of my pocket.

"Fufu. Seriously? Do you think I will allow you to bet?"

The president approached us. I don't worry, I've got this guy in the palm of my hand.

"Well, Kirimo, the president stopped us. You missed your chance."

"Shut up, that bitch is not my boss! Deal the damn cards and let's play!"

I looked the president in the eye.

"You can't stop us, and you know it."

"Wow, wow. Interesting. I want to see the result."- She said smiling.

I offered the cards to Kirimo.

"You can check them out and hand them out, so you make sure I don't cheat."


He took them and I sat in a chair in front of him.

Oh, I can feel Sylphie's concern.

I turned to see her.

"Don't worry, I'll win... I suppose."


"Don't worry and trust me."

The vice president approached Kirimo and whispered in his ear. In response, he stood up and grabbed him by the neck.

Oh, how aggressive.

"I won't stop! You're not my bosses! I'll do what I want!"

He pushed the vice president and I looked at him. He looked at me furiously and I just nodded.

"I have 23,225 points. I bet all my points."

"I accept the bet."

"S-Saik, why don't you start with half?!"

"That wouldn't be fun, right, Kirimo?"

"Hehe. You're a nuisance, but I admit you have guts, Saik. Let's start!"

He dealt the cards. 9 cards each.

"I guess you know the game, right?"

"I am not an idiot."

He pulled down a card and I did the same.

"I guess so."

We exchanged cards.

I have a third, and thanks to that card, I have a full ladder.

Sylphie and the president were surprised, I can feel that feeling in them.

The vice president is behind Kirimo, watching his game, smiling.

I think he has a good game too.

I looked at the palm of my right hand, which has the number 83 drawn.

Legendary ghost number 83. Good luck ghost. You didn't fail me.

"You can start."

He pulled out a card and laid it on the table.

"I don't need it."

A four of hearts.

"I need it. I won."


I left all my cards on the table. A third of two, and a ladder of hearts. I won.


"I didn't cheat, you were the one who dealt and scrambled the cards. I was just lucky. Pay up."

"This can't be happening! Damn!!!"

He threw down the table and grabbed me by the neck, trying to threaten me.


"You cheated!"

I sighed and hit him in the stomach. I took the air out of him and kicked his legs, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Violence is not necessary. Please pay me and let's keep playing. We'll play until we run out of points."

"This can't be happening! I refuse to accept it!!"

"You want me to post the video?"

"Ahhhhh!! You will regret this!! You'll regret it!!"

Yes, I have him in the palm of my hand.

"Final third. I won."

"This... c-couldn't be happening."

"Pay up."

Well, this was his second and last chance, but he didn't win it. I won.

"I refuse."

"You can't refuse. You bet."

"I won't pay! I said I'd bet my points, but not all of them! You can't prove that I agreed to bet all my points!"

"Ah... I'd say I have witnesses, but the president and vice president will probably support you. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Let's go, Sylphie."

I got up from my seat and exchanged glances with the president.

"You were lucky this time."

"You 're weird, you know that?"

"Yes, I know."

Sylphie and I left the classroom and she gave a long sigh.

"T-that was close. M-my performance was good?"

"Yeah, I don't think they suspect. Thank you very much for your help, Sylphie."

She pulled her smartphone out from between her sashed blouse and skirt. She kept her smartphone there for a reason.

"I managed to record everything, Saik. It was a good idea to hide my smartphone in my skirt."

"This was likely to happen. Mmm... Would it be a good idea to get another protection point or do we pick the points for the class?"

"It's your decision... Although... Now that you have the student council as enemies, I think it would be better to have that point of protection."

"Yes... You're right. Thank you, Sylphie."

We went to the teachers' room and walked in. Our teacher is talking to another woman. I hope I'm not interrupting something.

We approached her.

"Excuse me, teacher, we want to talk to you about something important."


"We want you to see something."

Sylphie and I walked away from school together. We did it.

"73,622 points. No wonder that boy was in the A group. He had a lot of points. But now they're mine."

"W-we will definitely win first place. W-what you did is impossible to achieve again, Saik!"

"Only an idiot would mess with someone from Group 3-A… And I was that idiot. But what sets me apart from other idiots is that I know perfectly well how to avoid losing to them... Well, let's go to the cinema."

"L-let's go!"

(Pov- Ram.)

I decided to stay a little longer in school and think with my team how we will get points. We try to think of other options, but to be realistic, the only option we have to beat Saik is betting with other students. But I'm not an idiot to do that. There is no guarantee that we will win, and in the worst case scenario, we will lose points and drop from our second position.

This option is ruled out.

"Shall we settle for second place?"

"That would be the best idea. We must be content with what we have. We can't risk it. Saik's results, although I don't like to state it, are incredible. Saik is... just a freak... I'm going home."

I got up from my seat, ready to go.

"Saik!!! You lying son of a bitch!!! I'll find you and kill you!!!"

... No wonder someone wants to kill him. What is going on?

The screams come from outside.

I looked out the window. Police are arresting a student. It's more serious than I thought.

"Now what trouble did that idiot get himself into?"

"That "idiot" helped them arrest a psychopath."


The teacher entered the classroom and approached us.

"Saik heard that boy bragging about what he did to a little girl. He used that information to force him to bet and expel him."

"Did he expel him?"

"And he managed to triple the total points he had."

I sighed. Yeah, it's definitely impossible to outdo him.

"Thanks to what he heard, the principal called the police. The girl awoke from the coma a few minutes ago and described her assailant, and coincides with him."

"Disgusting pedophile."

"He didn't rape her. He beat her until he put her in a coma... Well, both are equally twisted."

Saik helped capture him, but took advantage of the situation to earn points and expel a student before the school did when they found out what he did. Should I consider him to be good or evil? I guess neutral.

I would have done the same thing if I were in his situation.

"Saik is the first student in years that I find interesting. I wonder how far he'll go in this school."

"Yes... I wonder the same thing."

Will I ever live up to him? I don't know. But that doesn't mean I'll give up so easily. I will strive to reach him and be his equal.

"By the way, did Saik choose the point of protection again?"


Well, I don't blame him, from what I heard, the student council has him set up as an enemy. He cares about his safety.

Student Council vs Saik. Considering Saik's situation and personality, I would say he has a 40% chance of winning. If the rumors about the president are true, it's hard for me to imagine Saik defeating the president.

But don't worry, Saik, I'll be supporting you. After all, I still want to see you accomplish more in this school.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

W-well... Here we are, in the cinema... A-along with Saik. My heart is too racing, I feel like it's going to explode.

Just him and me. Together. In the cinema... A boy and a girl... M-may I regard this as a date? I-I guess so. After all, it meets the requirements... No! Sylphie, you're here to celebrate your friend's birthday! Don't take advantage of the situation!

"W-which movie do you want to see, Saik?"

"Mmm... There are only two films that have good reviews. A horror one and a romantic one, huh? Mmm... No, the horror one seems too cliché. Do you like romantic movies, Sylphie?"

I love them! B-but I don't want to influence his decision too much.

"Y-yes, I like them. I like both genres equally."

"I see... Well, I don't know much about romance and stuff. I have never had a girlfriend and would walk away when my parents showed their love for each other. I haven't read any romance novels or movies either... I think I will give it a chance. Would you like to see that romance movie?"

W-watch a romance movie with you?! Of course I want to!

"S-sure! They say that movie makes people cry."

"Cry, huh? I guess it's sad. Let's go."

Each one bought their own ticket. He wanted to pay for mine, but I refused. I can't keep accepting things for free.

"Would you like to order the combo couple?"

C-couple?! Does she think we're a couple?!

... D-do we look like that?

No, Sylphie, remember your mother's advice, you must know him more! It's impossible to fall in love with someone so fast!

"Yes, please."

Did he buy it?!

The employee walked away to prepare our order and Saik turned to look at me.

"We saved some money with that combo. I hope I didn't bother you."

I immediately denied it by moving my head.

I-I didn't feel bothered, on the contrary, it made me happy... Don't you ever learn, Sylphie?!!!! You must know him more!!

"D-don't worry."

He looked around and looked down.

"Is something wrong?"

He started combing his hair. H-he's combing his hair.



He looked up and my heart sped up more than it already was.

"Sorry, Sylphie, I was probably bothering you. Many people stare at me because of my hair and I don't want to embarrass you."

"I-I'm not embarrassed! Y-you look great with disheveled hair."

After all, his disheveled hair is part of his charm. But the Saik with combed hair doesn't disgust me! He's so cute! As a woman, I consider him handsome! His arms are so strong, I wish I was hugged by those strong arms! May he caress my chin and bring his lips close to mine...! No!! Sylphie, don't let your teenage hormones get out of control!

Sylphie, you have to control yourself! You will make him uncomfortable!

Besides, you like Saik for his personality, not for his appearance... You don't like him, Sylphie, you hardly know him!!!!

Ahhhhh! I don't even know how I feel!

"Here's your... c-combo."

Even the employee knows Saik is cute, she doesn't take her eyes off him.

"Thank you very much, Miss."

He paid and we took the food.

"I'll pay you in the cafeteria."

"Sure, that's fine. Ah, I don't like to be combed. Since I have long hair, I must comb my hair to prevent my eyes from being covered again. At least I can see the movie perfectly."

We walked into the movie theater and sat in our seats, t-together.

I'm so close to Saik. And-and he smells really good. Sylphie, you're acting like a pervert! Don't smell him! Ah, I can't help it, his smell is coming in through my nose! What do you want?! Stop breathing?!

"Hey, Sylphie, I'll give you 10,000 points."

—... "Huh?"

"And a point of protection. It is to prevent you from being expelled."

"I-I can't accept them!"

"It's not a gift, it's a payment. If you accept them, you'll help me when I need it. You know, when I need some advice from a woman or help to expel someone."

Saik thinks I won't help him in the future? That would be impossible!

"W-we are friends! Friends help each other! You don't need to give me points to convince me to help you."

"Please accept the points. You have the fewest points in the class. And I don't want you expelled. You're a big help to me. A great friend... And my first friend. Please accept the points."

I'm... his first friend. He trusts me a lot, even though he hardly knows me... I must correspond to his confidence!

"Y-Yes... O-okay! T-thank you very much, Saik."

We both pulled out our smartphones and I received the points.

"You went from being the one with the fewest points, to being the second with the most points. Wow. Being my friend has its advantages, right, Sylphie?"

"T-thank you very much for the points and the point of protection. I promise to be very helpful!"

"Thank you, Sylphie."

I looked Saik in the eye. His face is still expressionless, but he's still cute.

Cute, cool, friendly, smart and gentlemanly. The complete package.

I, on the other hand... I'm just a shy girl. I'm not smart, I'm not that pretty... I'm nothing.

We are so different... Different... That makes me sad. I feel as if my chances of developing more than friendship with him diminish. There are girls better than me at school.

"I really appreciate having someone as reliable as you, Sylphie. It's hard for me to trust other people, but I feel like I can trust you. Thank you for considering me your friend."

I... have his confidence? Does he really trust me that much?

"But... you barely know me. Why would you trust me so much?"

"It doesn't take long to get to know a person. I know you're a kind person with a good heart, Sylphie. That's why I trust you."

—... "T-thank you, Saik."

"Ah, the movie's already started. I hope it's good."

"Yes... I expect that too."

It doesn't take long to get to know a person, huh?

Yes... l guess you are right.

It's still too early to call it a falling in love, but I can already confirm what I feel.

I like Saik... I like him very much.