CHAPTER 31 - Enemy Number 1. Part 2.

CHAPTER 31 - Enemy Number 1. Part 2.

(Pov - Saik.)

Mmm... How can I say this? I don't know much about movies, I prefer reading to watching, but... Ah... I don't know... Maybe it's because I'm a man, or because I'm weird, I don't know. But why are Yuki and Sylphie crying? Is the movie sad? Why? That man cheated on the protagonist with another girl. Why are they crying over his death?

And one more thing, do you guys really like the movie? It's pretty slow and the supporting characters are useless, they only serve as comedy relief. This movie doesn't make sense. Or am I the weird one who doesn't find any sense in it?

Well, the important thing is that Yuki and Sylphie liked the movie... I guess.

I lowered my gaze a bit to see Yuki, who is sitting on my lap, eating my popcorn.

We eat slowly so that Sylphie doesn't notice that my food is disappearing without me eating it.

Her eyes are glued to the screen. She's crying... Seriously... Ah, I don't understand women.

I suppose I'm just insensitive and don't understand love. But the protagonist forgave the infidelity just because her "true love" is dying. If I were her, I would stay away from him forever... Well, I would kill him, but that's not important.

Ah... I'd better keep pretending that I like the movie. Huh?

Something touched my hand.

"I-I'm sorry!"

Why did Sylphie get nervous...? Oh, I see, our hands touched. This is cliché in some novels I've read.

I'd better change the subject, I prefer to avoid that.

"You're really enjoying the movie, aren't you?"

"Y-yes. Its story is very touching."

... Touching? Really?

I don't understand anything. That's why I prefer senseless comedy, I don't have to make an effort to understand the plot or look for logic in anything.

Oh, now that I realize it, Yuki's hair is very soft... Yeah, I'm definitely bored, I started thinking about other things instead of watching the movie.

I hope it's over soon. I want to eat more and sleep.

Oh, I almost forgot. After this, I have to take Yuki to an amusement park.

Why is it hard for me to say no to Yuki? Well, it's not hard, but I prefer to see her smile than to see her sad.

And an amusement park seems to be the perfect place to have fun... I guess.

But I won't be there for long, maybe one or two hours. I'll eat and eat, while Yuki rides the mechanical games. After all, she's a ghost, she doesn't need to wait in line, but she has to make sure to get on an empty seat and not one that's already being used.

Wow, the protagonist wants to commit suicide. I bet someone will come and stop her right before she does it.

"Don't do it!"

Yes, I knew it, her best friend arrived to save her. I can't stand this.

Finally, the movie ended and we left the cinema. It was pretty boring, but Yuki and Sylphie seemed to like it a lot.

And now, there's no need to keep my hair neat. I messed it up as soon as we left the cinema.

"That was so cute! Much better than a scary horror movie, Saik! Don't you agree?" Yuki wanted to see that movie, and I couldn't say no to her. I wanted to watch a horror movie, but I couldn't say no to Yuki. I'll watch a horror movie at home, hoping it will at least make me feel something.

"Did you like the movie, Sylphie?"

"Y-Yes, I liked it a lot. Th-thank you for watching it with me."

Well... I'm hungry.

"Saik, it's almost 7 pm. We have 20 minutes left. I think it's better to go to the amusement park on Saturday."

Yes, I agree, Yuki. I didn't think the movie would be so long. Iris might worry about Sylphie. I'm her friend, but I'm still a guy. It's dangerous for Sylphie to be with me for so long, it could be misinterpreted.

"Hey, Sylphie, it's getting late. I was thinking of going to the amusement park, but I think I'll go on Saturday. Would you like to come with me?"

I need to make sure she doesn't misunderstand my words.

"I'll invite the others too."

"Ah... Y-Yes, of course. Thank you very much for the invitation, Saik."

I feel some disappointment in her words. I'm sorry, Sylphie, I really don't want to have that kind of relationship with you.

"So... Do you want to eat something with me? I'm going to have a hamburger."

"S-sure! Let's go."

Her cute smile returned to her face... No, I don't feel any love... I think.

I'm a weird guy, but I don't know why. I've met people with the power to see ghosts naturally, but they had personalities and felt love. One of them even had a wife... Shit. I promised myself not to think about that again... Well, never mind.

My ability to see ghosts has nothing to do with my strange personality without feelings.

No, I do have feelings. I think I just haven't found that special person for me yet, and that's why I don't feel love... I guess that's it.

I'm interested in falling in love, but I haven't found that special person for me yet.

We arrived at a burger joint and ordered our food. I ordered a double patty burger and three more burgers to take home and share with Yuki. Sylphie ordered a plain burger and a diet soda. Well, she's a girl, she cares about her body and all that.

I can eat a lot without gaining weight because my body is just as weird as I am.

We sat down at a table to eat.

"Tomorrow the soccer and basketball teams will have an official game. If they win, our points will go up."

"Although I don't think it matters if they don't win. With the amount of points you earned, we'll get first place."

"We must not let our guard down. We should never be too confident."

"Yes, you're right... By the way, Saik, you're an only child, right?"

"Yes. My parents tried to have another baby, but my mother couldn't have children anymore. I never knew why."

"And you don't have any other relatives?"

"They're all dead. If I die, the bloodline of my family will die with me. I'm the only one who's alive... That sounded like I belong to an important family. And you, Sylphie?"

"I don't have any siblings and my mother is the only family I have left."

"At least you have a mother. Value what you have and don't make the same mistakes I did."

I took a bite of my burger. I miss my mother's cooking, but it's better not to dwell on it.

"And... don't you feel lonely, Saik? Your house is huge. Don't you feel lonely?"

I have Yuki, but I can't tell her that I live with a ghost.

I swallowed what I had in my mouth.

"I guess so, sometimes. But I have video games, novels, books... I have many ways to not think about it and just waste time doing something. It's sad that my family is no longer with me, but I can't be sad all the time. I have to move on with my life and not live in the past."

"I guess so."

"Do you want to make use of our time and study?"


(Pov- Kaeyko.)

I finished paying for my purchases and left the store. I have everything. Drinks, chips, batteries for my controller... Well, I didn't forget anything.

I finished my homework and earned some points helping to clean an elementary school. 30 points. It's not much, but it's progress. I finally understand why many gamble in school. Earning points is too complicated.

I arrived home and the first annoyance approached me.

"Welcome home, brother!"

I ignored my younger sister and walked away from her.

"Dinner will be ready soon, son."

"I already bought my food."


I ignored my mother and entered my room. I locked the door and sat in front of my computer.

Today I'll play all night... Oh, my phone is vibrating.

I took out my phone and looked at the notifications.

[Kaeyko, we moved up to third place. Thanks for your help today.]

A message from a girl on my team. "Dulce." A word in Spanish, huh? I must admit it's a nice name.

She's not pretty, but she's not ugly either. An average girl who doesn't stand out.

Small breasts, overweight, wears glasses... I consider her pretty, but I guess it's just my own personal taste.

[You're welcome. I'll continue picking up trash on the streets tomorrow.]

I'd rather do that than stay at home with my shitty family.

And speaking of shitty, the class president managed to expel a second-year student. She's a girl with an annoying attitude, but I must admit she knows what she's doing. Thanks to her, we all received 1,000 points. Unlike Saik, she cared about her classmates. I know she only did it so everyone would consider her their leader, but I refuse to accept her as a leader. There's something about her that gives me a bad feeling, I can't trust her. But I appreciate the 1,000 points, they'll come in handy in the future.

I've researched this school with other students. There was a test on an island in the first year of those currently in their third year. There was a test in the mountains in the first year of those currently in their second year. And in those tests, they had to survive for three weeks without phones or outside help. They had to use their own points to buy things, like food, tents, drinking water, a bathroom, among other things. There are always different tests every year. Knowing how to use our points will help us pass those tests.

But there was one that interested me more than those.

"The special knowledge exam."

A test that consists of competing students to test their knowledge on different subjects, but there's something that worries me.

"The captain must choose the expelled student."

The captain of the losing group must choose the student who will be expelled. That test was conducted by the second and third-year groups in their first year, so we'll probably have to do it too.

It's not hard to imagine that the captain will be the class president. If I don't want to be expelled, I have to prove that I'm useful to the class.

On the other hand, our group has very intelligent students. As long as we don't have to face Saik's group, we can win. Saik is a dangerous enemy, but it's not just him, there's also Ram and Saoto. Ram was the representative of the first-year students, and her intelligence is almost on par with Saik's. And Saoto has become quite popular lately, mainly with the girls. He is sociable and intelligent. That group has incredible students, but our group is not far behind. We have athletic, intelligent, sociable, and talented students to lead, like our president. I'm not sociable or athletic, but I don't consider myself a hindrance, I have what it takes to help my class.

While I was thinking about that, more messages came to me.

[If you want, I can help you. I have free time tomorrow.]

[Connect and help me defeat that Dragon, you know I can't use bows!]

A message from Dulce and a message from Serick, a friend I met in a video game.

Wow, I'm becoming popular... Although Dulce will only help me to get points, and I don't know Serick in person. At least he's a good friend.

[Thank you very much, I would really appreciate your help.]

[I'm already logging into the game, wait.]

I sent those messages and turned on my computer.

"I hope they don't keep bothering me."

(Pov- Yuki.)

Fufu. I should call myself "the ghost of love".

Saik, you should be grateful to me! Thanks to me, you made great progress with Sylphie! Maybe in a few months she will become your girlfriend. I will support you, Saik...! Huh? Why do I feel weird saying that... Nah, it's just my imagination.

"Fufu. So, Saik, how do you plan on asking her to be your girlfriend?"

After leaving Sylphie at her house, Saik went to a park to rest on a bench for a bit.

It's somewhat empty. Well, it's already night, it's dangerous for kids to play at this time in this place.

It brings back memories. My mother and I used to visit this park together. And she played with me a lot because it was difficult for me to talk to other people. Ah, that's right, I was somewhat shy in the past. Being a ghost has changed me.

Well, it doesn't matter! The important thing now is to get information out of Saik!


That was a deep sigh, Saik. Did I say something wrong?

"Yuki, if you were a man, would you take advantage of a woman who is drunk, drugged, or asleep?"

"Of course not! That's rape! It's a crime! I would never do that!"

"Then don't expect me to take advantage of Sylphie's situation."

"Huh? I don't understand."

"She has very low self-esteem. She has problems with her self-esteem. She's shy. She can't socialize with people because she's afraid they'll take advantage of her. She trusts me because I helped her. She confuses friendship with love because she has no friends. She doesn't know what she feels. She's like a drunk woman who doesn't know what she's doing. She'll accept the love of the first person who gives her a little affection. Let's say I ask her to be my girlfriend and she accepts. Do you think that's love? Consider that we barely know each other. Sylphie is confusing friendship with love. If she continues to love me even when she gets friends and her self-esteem improves, then it is love. Yuki, don't insist that Sylphie go out with me, because that would only take advantage of the trust she has in me. Do you understand?"

Saik... He considered Sylphie's feelings in a deep way and thought about her feelings and problems.

Wow... Saik... I thought you were a cold guy, but you're kinder than I thought.

"Yes... I understand. Sorry for bothering you."

Saik started to stroke my head and, for some strange reason, his hand feels nicer than usual.

My heart raced a little and I looked into Saik's eyes, barely visible, but they're there, looking at me too.

"You're not a bother, Yuki, but you need to think more about other people's feelings. I know you care about me and want me not to be alone, but I don't feel alone, I don't need more friends, I don't need a girlfriend, having you by my side is enough for me. You're the only person I consider a true friend, Yuki, and that's all I need. Thank you for caring about someone like me."


"Let's go home and enjoy the burgers."

"L-let's go!"

He stood up and started walking.


I jumped on his back and hugged him with all my strength.

"I got hungry from talking so much. Are you hungry, Yuki?"

"Yes... I'm hungry."

Saik... I don't really know what to think of you. You're a cold guy, but you're so kind to me. You're definitely the weirdest person I've ever met, but...

"I love you, Saik."

"Wow... Thank you, Yuki. And why so much affection all of a sudden?"

"I just wanted to tell you."

"I see... I love you too, Yuki. You're a great friend."

I closed my eyes as I continued to hug Saik.

Saik gave me a new life. Thanks to him, I can enjoy food, baths, a comfortable bed... Thanks to him, I'm alive again.

I will be forever grateful to him. Thank you for everything, Saik... Please, never leave my life. I want to be by your side forever... Yes... Forever.

(Pov- ¿?)

Fufu. Well, well. Saik, that little ghost girl has a big smile on her face, and she's hugging you tightly. How cute. If someone destroyed that ghost girl, what would be your reaction? Would you get angry? Would you cry? Would you not care?

"Why don't we find out?"

I'll take him by surprise! I'll attack from behind!

I landed on the ground behind him and jumped onto him, ready to destroy that ghost girl.




I stopped and immediately backed away.

A ghost came out of Saik's body. Legendary ghost number 74, the protection ghost.

A stupid ghost girl.

"You tried to attack my master, and that's paid with death!"

"Fufu. Brat, you're just the protection ghost. You're no match for..."

A shield came out of the ground in front of me.


Three more shields came out of the ground and black chains trapped me. I-impossible. Why are they so resistant?! I can't escape! How is this possible?! Where did those chains come from?!

[Fufu. I told you not to attack him, you idiot. You're no use to me. Goodbye.]

"No, wait, great Ghost Goddess, don't destroy me! I'm sorry for disobeying you!"

M-my body began to turn into dust! No!

"Have mercy!!"

(Pov- Saik.)

Ah, the ghost that tried to attack me from behind was destroyed by someone else, probably that girl, the Goddess of Ghosts.

"I'm sorry, master, I couldn't capture it alive."

"Don't worry, you did a good job."

She disappeared.

Yuki can't see the legendary ghosts because I don't want her to, so she won't know anything about this.

I wanted to capture that ghost and interrogate it, but the Goddess of Ghosts destroyed it to prevent information from leaking. Her control is simply perfect. Damn it, I just hope my school life isn't affected. I don't need any more problems in my life. I already have the student council after me.

At least I confirmed that the ghosts she controls are incompetent, or so I hope. I won't generalize or let my guard down. I'll face all of her ghosts as if they were legendary ghosts.

I won't allow them to ruin the peaceful life I have. I said goodbye to fights a long time ago. I want to live peacefully, without problems. I mean, I'll die when I graduate, so at least let me live peacefully until I commit suicide.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

"Daughter... Daughter... Sylphie!"

"Uh? Oh... W-what's up, mother?"

"Why are you staring at the food? You're very distracted."

"Ah, y-yeah, sorry. I'm a bit nervous."

I can't stop thinking about how much fun I had with Saik. He doesn't stare at me in a creepy way, he doesn't try to win me over, he treats me like a real friend... It's very nice of him.

I always felt uncomfortable with the looks from men, but with Saik I don't feel uncomfortable at all.

And today was very nice. I really had a good time with him. I didn't get bored at any moment. I want to do it again someday.

"Oh... Fufu. Is it about a boy, daughter?"

"W-what?! No... It's not what it looks like!"

"Fufu. That denial confirms my suspicions, daughter. What's he like?"

"N-no... I..."

My mother knows me very well! After all, we're quite alike. I can't hide it.

"Y-yeah... He's a classmate... B-but I barely know him! I don't like him, he's just my friend!"

"Oh. Well, well. Is he a kind person?"

"Y-yeah... He is... B-but he's just my friend!"

"Sure, sure. If you have the same taste as me, I'm sure that boy is a kind and good person. You're pretty, Sylphie, so you don't need me to wish you luck."

"T-thank you... I don't like him!"

My mother's laughter confirms that I ruined it. Is it really that obvious that I like Saik?! I hope not. It's very strange to like a guy you barely know!

After dinner, I went into the bathroom, took off my clothes, and got into the bathtub.

So hot... The water is hot. I feel relaxed.


Despite having known him for a short time, I can't get him out of my head. He's a reliable friend... I know he only considers me a friend, and I made the mistake of falling in love.

Why is my heart so easy to fall in love with...? No, it's not my heart. Many guys have tried to flirt with me, but I never had an interest in them. Saik was the only one who, without trying, managed to make me fall in love.

... In love... Is that the right word?

No... No... I barely know him. It's not love, I just like him.

"Yes... I just like him... That's all."

But if this feeling stays in my heart for any longer, I can definitely call it love.

He's so kind to me. He helps me study and gives me advice. Being with him is fun and I have a great time. I don't know if we're compatible, but I feel so good around him. I don't want to ever drift away from Saik.

"Saik... Saik... I hope we can continue to be friends.

Please don't drift away from me.