Chapter 18 New York-Wuhan-Beijing Air Battle

Andalas turned off the auto pilot mode. His worries were confirmed. The Organizations was flexing its muscle by deploying jet fighters from God knows where.

Andalas opened the secret panel that Luigi showed. He handed the combat mode manual to Lian Xi.

"Get ready! We are in critical danger. Look for anything useful in that book." Lian Xi quickly opened the small manual.

The special panel showed several buttons that said chaff, flare, Irish-T, Amraam, Maverick. And one more button that almost made Andalas jump with joy, Stealth Mode.

The sidewinder drew closer. Andalas made a sharp maneuver to the left as well as dived a few degrees while increasing the speed of the aircraft. The sidewinder chasing the hot trail from the plane's engine continued to chase. Andalas pressed the chaff button and then again made a sharp maneuver. This time he went right and climbed a few degrees.

One of the Sidewinders hit the chaff shards and exploded in midair. It was quite far behind the Gulfstream which was still being chased by another missile. Andalas pressed the flare to leave a trail of heat on either side of the plane, then made a sharp descent that nearly knocked Akiko and Cecilia out of their seats although they were wearing safety belts.

The second explosion was close enough to shock the Gulfstream. Andalas leveled the plane again while checking the radar. Two dots appeared on the screen. The radar panel turned out to be so sophisticated that it could instantly identify enemy aircraft. F-14 Tomcat! Good grief! The Organization never played around in their actions.

After observing the panel carefully, Andalas was beaming with joy. This is crazy too! The modifications made to this plane were also not kidding.

"Find a command for reverse attack!" Andalas shouted to Lian Xi while piloting the plane to dive a few degrees to increase thrust and speed.

Lian Xi looked around for the reverse attack command. Yes! Found it! She typed the commands on the plane's monitor screen.

The belly of the plane opened. A rear facing Irish-T missile mechanism came out. Andalas stabilized and locked the position of one enemy aircraft and then pressed the Irish-T button.

The air-to-air missile which had the same capability as the Sidewinder was launched. The distance between the Gulfstream and the jet fighter was more than 10 km. It took less than 2 minutes for Irish-T to meet the target and exploded in the clear sky. Fortunately, the pilot of the plane had ejected himself into the air.

One more! Andalas again tried to target the remaining jet fighter. But its pilot had extraordinary skills by making such maneuver to avoid being locked by Gulfstream weapon's radar.

A dog fight chase was on. Gulfstream was a slower than the F-14 Tomcat. But Andalas apparently had some experience in a dog fight. If he couldn't launch a missile, then he would play chicken with the fighter pilot.

Andalas maneuvered by making sharp turns and dived to face the jet fighter, which was trying to lock the Gulfstream. Lian Xi knew what Andalas was doing and typed in dog fight command. The missiles under the plane were automatically retracted. Instead, two M2 Browning machine guns appeared from the wings of the plane.

The fighter pilot didn't expect Andalas's bold tactic. On the radar he only saw Gulfstream moving closer. But he didn't expect he was head-to-head with a civilian plane that capable of firing air-to-air missiles.

The surprise didn't last long. A series of M2 Browning split the wings of the Tomcat. Reluctantly amid his shock, the pilot ejected his seat to witness his jet went spiral down like a dragonfly that has lost its wings.

Andalas sighed. He really didn't want to kill anyone who was just carrying out orders. Therefore, when he saw the pilot thrown with his ejection seat, he felt relieved.

Lian Xi clapped her hands unable to contain her admiration. This man by profession as an assassin was truly amazing!

Cecilia and Akiko in the rear cabin were also relieved. Only then they could gather their hearts, which had felt like they were drooping because of Andalas's dangerous maneuvers earlier, had returned to their place. It was time for a cup of hot coffee.

But Andalas' screams from the cockpit stopped Akiko from brewing the coffee.

"Buckle up! Two more fighter planes coming. This time F-16 Fighting Falcon!"

Akiko grumbled as she sat down and fastened her seatbelt, Cecilia sat limply in her chair. Oh my gosh! When would this horror end?